As time progresses, things change. This is the nature of the world around us, we ourselves as a human race have evolved from primitive brained apes. The old evolves into something new, for the better. Sometimes the change is a bit obscure, but looking at a butterfly, we can notice that a free to move caterpillar evolves into a cocoon that is unable to move. This might confuse the caterpillar at first seeing as it looses its ability of free movement, but after its complete cycle, it grows wings and acquires the ability to fly - a whole new dimension is now added to its freedom.
Lag shooting is also similar to this, in the way that the old 0.3x shooting methods are a relic of a by-gone age. This is the caterpillar stage. It served its purpose of acquiring nutrition to help proceed to the cocoon stage. The cocoon stage of this system is the lag shoot adepts, completely learning from ground zero. Elite shooters might even argue and try and abstain from this system, but soon they will learn that this system is better. Now comes the butterfly stage, the improved system allows these very adepts to perform more precise manoeuvres and put up a better fight with a gun, this gives a whole new dimension to car-chases and gun-fights.
Hence, due to this I vote FOR the new system.
TL;DR - I go overly-poetic to say Fuck Lag shoot.