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Messages - Matt

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Enigmatic News Team / Enigmatic News Team ~ Application
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:23:55 pm »
Enigmatic News Team ~ Application

Do you want to join the Enigmatic News Team as a News Writer?
Well, if you do please fill in the application below and write a small news article on: "The start of Enigmatic News Team"

Code: [Select]
[b]In-game name[/b]:
[b]IRC name[/b]:

[b]How long you have been part of the community[/b]:
[b]How active you are on IRC[/b]:
[b]How active you are on the forums[/b]:

[b]Your short article[/b]:

If you have any problems feel free to contact Matt or CR33P1ND34TH!

Organization Information / Re: Eggland Revolutionary Regime
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:22:52 pm »
In-game name: Matt
Score: 200+
How active are you?: Hardly Active(Will change after 5th June due to Exams)
Did you serve in the EIR? Err, yes.
Do you have army access?: Nope
Are you willing to fight and die for Eggland?: Yes
Will you defend the ERR until the very end?: Yes
Do you understand and agree with the ERR rules?: Yes, I agree and understand.

Announcements / Re: [VOTE] New Map
« on: May 30, 2013, 02:19:08 pm »
Tekkit Classic...

Server Suggestions / Event World
« on: May 11, 2013, 06:25:55 pm »
I think in addition to having the World we have now I think we should also have an Event World added on and there will be a certain point in the Map(Maybe by Spawn) where you can teleport back and forth to the Event world and back to the Normal World.

I think we should add events because it gives us more stuff to do plus it makes it more entertaining and other things..

I don't really know what much more to say than there would be some prizes?


Announcements / Re: Current Downtime
« on: April 03, 2013, 11:51:51 pm »
The IRC network is up now lads.

Still can't connect...

Announcements / Re: Current Downtime
« on: April 03, 2013, 10:24:39 pm »
What happened? Earlier I read somewhere it was the host now I read it was some person on rage mode :l
What happened? D:

ECNR Suggestions / Re: eXon's Suggestion
« on: April 01, 2013, 01:19:55 am »
I agree the weapons should change for the 'Rob' class but I don't agree in it being a Spaz.
I don't think a spaz suites the 'Robbers'

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Biz Robberies
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:28:17 am »
It even says on the owners screen when someone starts a robbery at the owners biz, at my biz, for instance: ''X has started a robbery at your Club Diva, you still have a chance to try and scare him off''

Does it say "X has started a robbery at your Club Diva, you have a chance to kill him before he takes your money!"

It says to scare him off, meaning to go there and to stand there... Some people get scared because they know they would/might get killed after... If they haven't taken your money then you simply shouldn't kill them...

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Location System
« on: March 29, 2013, 10:25:33 am »
I don't agree...
We have /loc to see where the player is that is all we need.
If we can see there Vehicle to see what type of vehicle in that would just make it easy and boring for a Cop  to get the Criminal in a way. It just defeats the object of the game.

Announcements / Re: The Revival of FnF
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:45:34 pm »
What about last Fridays winners?
Creep said he needed to speak to you(Enigma) about this and we are still waiting last I heard...

Introductions / Re: Hello guy's !!! Iam Amombob
« on: March 19, 2013, 10:27:50 pm »
Welcome to the Server Amombob!
If you need any help feel free to ask me or anybody else at EGC!

Hope you have fun;)

Conspiracy Theories / Re: Obama Care Chip Implants
« on: March 18, 2013, 09:26:38 pm »
It is BS.
Simple, the story is fake. Go search it on the internet and find a legit News company saying anything about this... For a start it would breach Human rights etc... So I doubt it would be allowed if it was real... :L

General Server Discussion / Re: Our first Elite member.
« on: March 13, 2013, 10:40:37 pm »

ECNR Suggestions / Re: About New's Peaper
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:13:57 pm »
Hmm, good idea but like C1ark said we already have a news team...

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Team Speak
« on: March 13, 2013, 07:12:37 pm »
We have mIRC to talk with each other and those that wish to speak with each other generally use Skype... I don't agree in this:o Sorry:(

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