((Hehe, should have made this topic sooner))
Better subject to my leaving topic.
Simple reason, I can't coupe with playing ECNR anymore (although I barely played)
I would still visit the forums time after time.
I'd love to thank all the members of the EGC community for your open arms! specially
- Sylar - He was basically the only person I talk to in the IRC!
- Ratzu - This guys his and always will be awesome
- Byrner/Enigma - He's power of tolerance is so high, he tolerated my nagging!
- WatakiWatako - Dude was just too helpful! Give this guy an award!
- Hiredgun(he left though) - You were and always still awesome (In-game skill and personality)
- Chito - Fattest criminal you'll ever face (but he's fun to play around with)
- And more other people!
And if you wanna contact me in anyways, Facebook's the main option!