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Messages - Ratzu

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 15
Introductions / Re: Well... I think it's time to show up, isn't it?
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:52:52 pm »
Owh, most of you, I think, know me. I am IoNuTz[Ro]. My real name is also Ionutz. I am from Romania and I am 14 years old. Yes, I have to read the rules and others... I know.
For those who don't know, I am an older player of Byrner's servers.
Welcome back IoNuTz! Long time no see :> Looking forward to seeing you ingame.

ECNR Suggestions / Better Stats
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:51:04 pm »
I think it would be great if all stats were saved in the database and pulled up with a /stats command, including KDR, rape, arrests, robbing, and kidnaps.
This could also be used to pull up stats from a page on the website, which would be incredibly epic in my opinion.

Oh, before Sylar complains, he told me to suggest this.

Rule Violations / Re: [RULEBREAKER] Zatox
« on: October 22, 2012, 09:43:44 pm »
Woowoowowowoowoowow . Wait a second!

You robbed me before i "water cannon abused" you and you robbed me again so i killed you with fire extinghuisher , WAT DID I DO WRONG?
I think it's still against the rules since the player is practically defenseless as you do this.

Videos / Re: ECNR Event :>
« on: October 22, 2012, 07:54:13 pm »
I was, but I uploaded it in the morning and didn't have time, I'll be fixing it right now.

Videos / ECNR Event :>
« on: October 22, 2012, 11:56:14 am »

Fixed / Re: [BUG] GMX took away items and status
« on: October 21, 2012, 05:12:27 am »
I lost my laser and TF status as well.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Car Disable-er
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:30:56 pm »
I thought of that but thought it would be too much of an advantage for regular players, you want players to want to be regs, but not to quit because they are so annoyed that only regs get all these perks.

Introductions / Re: Its C To The H to The I.T.O
« on: October 20, 2012, 06:28:00 pm »
Welcome back, Chico.

Announcements / Re: Official ECNR Event. Several prizes.
« on: October 19, 2012, 09:09:28 pm »
Lase me up, then, Scotty.

Announcements / Re: Official ECNR Event. Several prizes.
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:43:03 pm »
Glass me up, Scotty.

Announcements / Re: v1.2 - Update Of The People
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:28:46 pm »
Did you fix the grammatical mistake: When a player uses /die it says Ex: "Littleman has killed themselves using /die" Shouldn't it be Littleman man has killed himself?
Nope, that is correct. "Themselves" indicates multiple people, or male or female.

TV & Film / Re: Best movie you ever watched
« on: October 16, 2012, 08:07:42 pm »
Empire of the Rising Sun
21 Jump Street
Seven Psychopaths
The Dark Knight Rises
The Expendables 2
(In no particular order)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Organizations/Tags
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:40:32 pm »
I doubt that that's what he means by it, I think he means that certain places, maybe 24/7s, neighborhoods, buildings, etc. can be taken over by criminal organizations or cop organizations, like a Domination type of thing in Call of Duty. Also, I think 1 hour is way too much. I'd say ten minutes if there are members of the organization that claimed the area online, if there are no opposing members online, the area can't be claimed. The organization that "owns" the area needs to kill the members who are trying to take over the area, until there are absolutely none of them left in the area, then the timer resets back to ten minutes.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Car Disable-er
« on: October 13, 2012, 07:30:22 pm »
Fine with me, but if i were to shoot at a cops car, cant he get in another and drive after you? If he were to swicth cars make it so the new car has to be stalled for the remaing time to.
No, that sounds stupid and unrealistic. It stalls the car, it doesn't place a black cloud over your head so every car you get into is stalled as well, besides, in a chase you will rarely find a car in less than twenty seconds.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Car Disable-er
« on: October 13, 2012, 04:01:36 pm »
So Like an EMP type thing? Sounds smexy, agreed.

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