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Author Topic: [CLOSED] La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia  (Read 27092 times)

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2012, 08:49:19 pm »
In-game Name: Noes
Score: 237

How long have you been part of ECnR?: About two days soon three days.
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes.

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 3
   - Shooting:4

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes.
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes.
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, we will be punished accordingly?: Yes.

Offline Sylar

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #16 on: August 01, 2012, 10:08:42 pm »
In-game Name: Noes
Score: 237

How long have you been part of ECnR?: About two days soon three days.
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes.

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 3
   - Shooting:4

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes.
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes.
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, we will be punished accordingly?: Yes.

Sylar's input:
     Noes seems to have understood the rules almost completely in two days, that's something that amazed me. Not just that, but he also shows a significant level of maturity for someone that just joined the server. I'm impressed by his IRC and ingame activity, and hopefully this is his beginning at forum activity.

     Overall, Noes seems like a good person that respects members of the community, and the community's rules, meaning he's good.

     Consiglier Ge-Force of The Mafia will test how well he knows the server rules, and will also teach him in areas he lacks (necessary) information. After the test, Ge-Force will post below this about how the test went, and anything else that needs to be noted.

Offline Sylar

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #17 on: August 02, 2012, 12:01:28 pm »
Due to lack of time, Ge-Force was unable to post these here, So:

[15:22] <~Sylar> ---
[15:22] <~Sylar> Start
[15:22] <~Sylar> ---
[15:22] <Noes> Yes
[15:22] <+Ge-Force> What is the rule about cop hunting?
[15:22] <+Ge-Force> Explane me detailed.
[15:23] <Noes> Cop hunting? You can only kill / shoot a cop if ur wanted lvl 4+ that means orange or red. u can't kill a cop if he's not chasing / shooting at u
[15:23] <+Ge-Force> Good.
[15:23] <+Ge-Force> What are vaild reasons to complete a hit?
[15:24] <Noes> Like u have got robbed/raped/?
[15:24] <~Sylar> Yes.
[15:24] <~Sylar> Players can also place a hit if they get arrested.
[15:24] <Noes> Ah
[15:24] <+Ge-Force> What about Car Jacking, can you shoot someone that Car Jack your car?
[15:25] <Noes> Only if u had it more than 5 mins or 5 mins.
[15:25] <+Ge-Force> Good.
[15:25] <~Sylar> For cars that are not bought, yes.
[15:25] <+Ge-Force> Yes.
[15:25] <~Sylar> If it's bought, no need of the five minutes.
[15:25] <Noes> Yes
[15:26] <+Ge-Force> Ah..
[15:26] <+Ge-Force> Is deathmatching allowed?
[15:26] <Noes> Nope
[15:27] <~Sylar> What do you do if you get deathmatched?
[15:27] <Noes> ./report id reason: and shoot back or just go away and say stop dm.
[15:27] <~Sylar> Correct.
[15:27] <~Sylar> What do you do when you spot a hacker/cheater?
[15:28] <Noes> take ss, that means have proof before reporting him.
[15:28] <~Sylar> Correct.
[15:28] <~Sylar> What are the rules about drive-bying on ECNR?
[15:29] <Noes> You can't driveby somone thats on foot, u can kill him if ur on the roof of the car, but if ur in it you must jump out and kill him
[15:29] <~Sylar> Correct.
[15:29] <~Sylar> What are the rules about staying in an interior while wanted?
[15:29] <Noes> interior like casino?
[15:30] <~Sylar> Like the RPL/House.
[15:30] <Noes> Well its allowed like 2-5 mins huh? but not more than that.
[15:30] <~Sylar> You are not allowed to stay in an interior for longer than 5 minutes.
[15:30] <~Sylar> What are the rules about tresspassing?
[15:30] <~Sylar> For example,
[15:31] <~Sylar> You're a member of The Mafia,
[15:31] <~Sylar> And a non-member is tresspassing the base.
[15:31] <~Sylar> What are you allowed/not allowed to do?
[15:31] <Noes> u can kill him after a minute
[15:31] <Noes> but in that minute ur not allowed to shoot/kill him
[15:31] <Noes> Just warn him.
[15:31] <~Sylar> Correct.
[15:31] <+Ge-Force> When you are army
[15:32] <+Ge-Force> you allowed to shoot Red player without army warn?
[15:32] <+Ge-Force> and what happend if you shoot an orange player with hydra / hunter
[15:32] <Noes> You're not allowed to use the hydra / hunter to shoot a orange
[15:32] <Noes> They must be red
[15:33] <+Ge-Force> But what happend if you DO shoot an orange player?
[15:33] <Noes> You get punished
[15:33] <+Ge-Force> While making a takover or robbery over an interior or location, are you allowed to shoot everyone who comes in where you are?
[15:34] <Noes> No, ur not allowed to shoot civilians but allowed to shoot cop if they try to cuff/ar you or shoot u.
[15:34] <+Ge-Force> Correct, what happend if a red enter the interior and don't leave in your request, what do you do?
[15:35] <Noes> Still not shooting

[15:35] <Noes> sec phone.
[15:35] <+Ge-Force> k
[15:36] <Noes> Oke
[15:37] <+Ge-Force> Well I have to go.
[15:37] <+Ge-Force> I will let Sylar continue
[15:37] <+Ge-Force> Cya.

[15:37] <~Sylar> Yes.
[15:37] <Noes> Lets go on? :p
[15:38] <~Sylar> Yes, one second.

[15:38] * +Ge-Force (Ge-Force@EGC-F1988B55.red.bezeqint.net) Quit (Quit: Players aren't perfect. and our goal is to make them perfect!)

[15:38] <~Sylar> I'm cleaning up the logs of these.
[15:38] <Noes> haah
[15:38] <Noes> Oke
[15:39] <~Sylar> Alright.
[15:39] <~Sylar> What are the rules on flaming/baiting/provoking?
[15:39] <~Sylar> What is flaming/baiting/provoking?
[15:39] <~Sylar> go into details
[15:40] <Noes> You're not allowed to flame like hell, flaming is like u say "fucker go take another one etc." baiting i really don't know but provoking is u provoke somone to kill u or flame to u.
[15:40] <~Sylar> Baiting and Provoking are basically the same thing.
[15:40] <~Sylar> Flaming is insulting.
[15:41] <~Sylar> Baiting is getting someone to insult/flame you.
[15:41] <Noes> Ye
[15:41] <~Sylar> In order to get them in trouble.
[15:41] <~Sylar> But you get in trouble for that! fun.
[15:41] <~Sylar> Anyway,
[15:41] <~Sylar> what is stalking?
[15:41] <Noes> Stalking somone?
[15:41] <~Sylar> Yes.
[15:41] <~Sylar> Is it against the rules (duh)? :o
[15:41] <Noes> Well stalking is u follow somone for a long time
[15:41] <Noes> No its not against the rules? O,o
[15:42] <~Sylar> It is, if it's in order to annoy you.
[15:42] <~Sylar> Sort of like provoking. :)
[15:42] <Noes> Yes.
[15:43] <~Sylar> Anything that is done to annoy/bait someone is against the rules.
[15:43] <~Sylar> Common sense.
[15:43] <~Sylar> Alright, you seem to know the rules well!

Clearly, Noes knows the rules very well, and does abide by them by looks of things so far. However, test of his In-Game skills remain incomplete. This test will be performed by Ge-Force (Suicide), so remind him whenever you see him on IRC/In-game (not that he'll forget).

Good luck, and good job, Noes. You have a bright future ahead, here at EGC's ECNR.

Stick by the rules; we may be criminals, but we're not animals.

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2012, 09:26:44 pm »
Alright, the final decision is here, although it was extremely obvious that Noes would get accepted by the IRC logs of our conversation in #Sylar above.

Noes was tested about half an hour before this post was made. He was tested in shooting, army evading and driving. At first, he failed at the shooting test. He was brought back to #Sylar and explained what lag shooting is and how it works. After this, there were a couple training sessions before the test was re-taken, and Noes managed to take down 90% percent of (our current tester) Ge-Forces health, before killing him the next time.

Noes is a fast learner, and has proved that by entitling himself as one of the more mature, smart and understanding newbies in ECnR, not to mention he's been on SA-MP for only 3 days. He understands almost all of the rules, and has proved to be able to be one of the better Mafia members, or better yet ECnR members, in the future.

Keep up the great work; players like you is what ECnR needs. Good luck for your (hopefully long) future at Enigma's C'n'R.

Your forum access to The Mafia boards have been given to you. Keep yourself on our channel (#TheMafia) whenever you're on IRC.

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #19 on: August 03, 2012, 02:05:06 pm »
GoR, once very respected member of The Mafia, has been removed due to disloyalty. Not only that, but his immaturity hit the roof when we tried to talk to him about it. He have out logs from our IRC channel to Xplicit, and the reason he gave upon being fired was that it was because he wanted to apply for The Brotherhood, an organization that hasn't yet been approved by ECnR administration, also does not require applicants not not be part of other organizations (itself being a neutral organization).

GoR has proved himself disloyal, although I personally still respect the dedication (and loyalty) he once showed, and appreciate his donations which were spread into the server almost equally.

He was mainly fired by me for the immaturity he showed around the final conversations between us, and himself thinking he's just an immature kid, thinking it's who he is and it's who he's supposed to be at his age, therefore not trying to actually be mature.

Normally I wouldn't say all of this in public, or in his face, but as a Don of The Mafia, I'm left with only a couple of choices, (ignore his immaturity and let him be | fire him but not let anyone know what he did wrong | fire him and make sure everyone knows the reason, so he cannot continue being who he currently is, and tries to make a change)- and I think I've made the right one: to be brutally honest.

GoR, you may re-apply in two weeks, in that time try and be more mature. That's how you'll be accepted. Your forum access and channel access have been removed.


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #20 on: August 05, 2012, 10:26:23 pm »
In-game Name: Gorm
Score: 80 +

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 3 days
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1.5
   - Shooting: 3

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #21 on: August 06, 2012, 12:05:24 am »
In-game Name: OldMan
Score: 60+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: a day
Do you understand all of the server rules?: yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1
   - Shooting: 1

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: yes

I am new to SA-MP. Pls don't judge me harshly :c

Offline Matt

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #22 on: August 06, 2012, 01:02:13 am »
In-game Name: OldMan
Score: 60+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: a day
Do you understand all of the server rules?: yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1
   - Shooting: 1

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: yes

I am new to SA-MP. Pls don't judge me harshly :c

I know this is not my place to judge but if you are new to SA-MP how can your Driving and Shooting be 1? Unless your Ninja like Wataki? D:


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #23 on: August 06, 2012, 01:04:16 am »
In-game Name: OldMan
Score: 60+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: a day
Do you understand all of the server rules?: yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1
   - Shooting: 1

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: yes

I am new to SA-MP. Pls don't judge me harshly :c

I know this is not my place to judge but if you are new to SA-MP how can your Driving and Shooting be 1? Unless your Ninja like Wataki? D:
I drift at SP and I played yesterday and managed to kill everyone. So I think I'm good at both. ._.

Offline Ratzu

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #24 on: August 06, 2012, 03:01:22 am »
In-game Name: OldMan
Score: 60+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: a day
Do you understand all of the server rules?: yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1
   - Shooting: 1

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: yes

I am new to SA-MP. Pls don't judge me harshly :c

I know this is not my place to judge but if you are new to SA-MP how can your Driving and Shooting be 1? Unless your Ninja like Wataki? D:
I drift at SP and I played yesterday and managed to kill everyone. So I think I'm good at both. ._.

I had chases with this guy and I can assure you that he is very good.

Offline Sylar

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #25 on: August 06, 2012, 04:59:12 am »
In-game Name: Gorm
Score: 80 +

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 3 days
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1.5
   - Shooting: 3

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes

I see and hear only good things about you! I have no reason to test your knowledge of rules. Your game skills will be tested as soon as possible!

Also, I do notice that a line is missing from your application:
Code: [Select]
[b]You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?[/b]:
But I'll take that as a yes!

In-game Name: OldMan
Score: 60+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: a day
Do you understand all of the server rules?: yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1
   - Shooting: 1

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: yes

OldMan has been accepted into The Mafia. Forum access has been added. Keep yourself on our IRC channel (#TheMafia) when you're on IRC.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 08:21:59 am by Sylar »


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #26 on: August 10, 2012, 05:02:41 pm »
In-game Name: Nikolai_George
Score: 36,Targeting 100,im getting score up fast

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 1,2 days.but i learnt alot stuff
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes,clearly

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 5
   - Shooting:3

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Ofcourse
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: Ofcourse,though i wouldnt do that

Note:LOL Ty,sylar it was night time that time and i was tired,i didnt even notice that i didnt wrote that
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 06:34:44 am by Nikolai_George »


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #27 on: August 10, 2012, 06:46:40 pm »
In-game Name:

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 1,2 days.but i learnt alot stuff
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes,clearly

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 5
   - Shooting:3

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Ofcourse
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: Ofcourse,though i wouldnt do that

In-game Name: Gorm
Score: 80 +

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 3 days
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving: 1.5
   - Shooting: 3

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes

I see and hear only good things about you! I have no reason to test your knowledge of rules. Your game skills will be tested as soon as possible!

Also, I do notice that a line is missing from your application:
Code: [Select]
[b]You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?[/b]:
But I'll take that as a yes!

About this, I find you very inactive (Gorm) I will disscuss about your application with Sylar, you might be denied. Your lake of activeness efects on your application.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2012, 10:26:23 am by suicide »

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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #28 on: August 10, 2012, 07:02:35 pm »
Gorm's activety is the only thing slowing up down on a decision. Please let us know your reasons, if any, whether or not you'll be back and active, to help us decide.

As for Nikolai_George, you can edit your application here, as I'll be keeping an eye here. Once you fix it all up, you will then be tested.


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Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« Reply #29 on: August 11, 2012, 08:04:02 am »
Gorm's activety is the only thing slowing up down on a decision. Please let us know your reasons, if any, whether or not you'll be back and active, to help us decide.

As for Nikolai_George, you can edit your application here, as I'll be keeping an eye here. Once you fix it all up, you will then be tested.
yeah fixed ty,