Possible abuse; I could just go near you to get the score point.
Could make a system where I, as a cop, /maketeam [ID] to add another cop to the team. Then if that person is found in X radius around the arresting cop, give them a point.
For example, we have 2 cops, A(1) and B(2). Cop A does /maketeam 2 to add them to the team. (Cop B receives this message.) So when cop A arrests a suspect, cop B gets one score point too. The next suspect is arrested by cop B, who didn't /maketeam cop A, so cop A doesn't get a point in this case. So because both sides receive messages if added to team, they'll know if their partner is using him, so they'll be able to work things out themselves.
The command should be usable like /maketeam [ID 1] [ID 2] [ID 3] [ID 4] [ID 5], up to 5 (or even 3) should do. This way, everyone can be added to the team with using the command just once. Yeah, I know I'm complicating it.