FRIDAY NIGHT FESTIVITIES!!![WEEK 6]We are startting week 6 of FNF. So heres what we have in store for you guys!!!
Race From LV (South Strip) to CJ's House.Explanation is the discription of this event.
Boat Race From the ACC to LS Beach back to the ACCACC is the (Air Craft Carrier) The boat that is allowed
is only the Jetmax
Rooftop Ram Battle 6 roundsBattle with vehicles ontop of the roof.
each round everyone will have the same vehicle
Vehicles will be determined at the time of the event
Once your pushed off the roof, Or blow up. your out
until the next round starts
Team DM. 4 RoundsHiredgun is banned from all of the DM events.
Jk, He can part take. Anyways, There will be 2 teams
2 Leaders. They pick who they want on their team, Objective to win
Kill everyone that is not on your team, Stay alive
Hydra FFA DM - 3 RoundsWe did these a few times. even last week we did.
Objective be the last one alive durring the round
you blow up, your out until the next round
Hunter FFA DM - 3 RoundsJust like the hydra DM, Be the last survivor to win the round
if you blow up, your out until the next round
Rustler DM FFA - 3 RoundsAgain, same idea, Same rules
The person that has the most wins of the day will win the prize of FedEx's aka Matt's Apartment
More events can be made durring fnf that might not be posted.
Lets try to get alott more people in the server than we have had since fnf started.
Our player limit is 30. Lets try our best to reach that, or come close to it.
Have fun and hope you guys participate.