Ever since i got my computer in The grade, I discovered World of Warcraft. In 8Th grade i discovered Enigma's server(s). Video games have been ruling my life since i discovered theses games. I feel like I have no life anymore as i have always on my computer. When I got back from my high school retreat yesterday, chapel spoke out to me. Our speaker Joseph Allegory, inspired me. There is an infinite hole hole in us, that hole is not complete until Christ is accepted into our life's. He gave up his son on the cross to die, for forgiveness of our sins. NUMBER THREE! 1) love god, 2) love people 3) love yourself. God gave the most valuable thing that he could, his son. I learned you shall put God above before anyone else as he created us in his own image, without him we would not be here today. It is our duty as Christian's today to help spread god's word. I feel like video games is taking over my life, and that's like all I do now. I go to a Christian school, and I feel like I don't know him because of my addiction to video games. Instead of playing video games I could be reading the bible or something of that nature. So I am limiting my Playing time, it will be hard and it will take some time. I also need to pay attention to school as the years count. What is holding you back from God? For me it's video games and my computer. SO SPEAK UP!