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Topic: Houston (Read 17556 times)
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ECNR Moderators
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Bone County Fire Department
March 07, 2015, 08:49:02 pm »
Suggestions for Houston are greatly appreciated! I will post his updates in this area for whoever is interested.
Last Edit: March 07, 2015, 10:42:45 pm by Saw
Bone County Sheriff's Department
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Re: Houston
Reply #1 on:
March 07, 2015, 09:09:30 pm »
Yo moma jokes, Answer to question (yes, no, etc..). i'll edit as i think of more
Regular ECNR player and Bone County's Sheriff's Department Sergeant
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Bone County Fire Department
Houston v1.0
Reply #2 on:
March 07, 2015, 10:40:27 pm »
Owner Commands:
!ocommands, !!eval, !load !unload !restart
Admin Commands:
!acommands, !delquote, !setFGRPGversion, !setECNRversion, !setversion, !cmdIgnore, !LogIgnore, !addreg, and !badword
Regular Player Commands:
!rcommands and !addquote
User Commands:
!commands, !houston, !cd, !versions, !quote, !lines, !info, !seen, and !activity
Custom Features
In-Game Name Detection:
Can detect player names In-Game removing the ID. (Example: Houston(2) will come out as Houston).
Shows when a post is made to EGC, ECNR, or FGRPG forums.
Using a different way of counting down allowing to have fewer lines of code. You can countdown from no less than 3 but no greater than 10.
Also Known As:
Logs previous names you have used in the past. A way to show your real identity if you join with a different name. So if one day you join as Jim then the next as Vanilla, it'll show Administration the names you have used.
Number Format:
Will add commas to numbers. So if a number is 123456789, the output would be 123,456,789
Bad Word Detection:
Will detect when someone uses certain words.
Quote System:
Allows players to view quotes that other players have added. Each Quote gets an ID and players are allowed to add a new quote every hour.
Activity Log:
Logs how long people are In-Game and when they were last on. Also determines if a player is Inactive or not.
Command Details
A command which is handy to control the level of evaluation of the contents that the bot owner gives it. (Example of usage: !!eval msg $chan Hello.)
!load and !unload:
These commands allow a bot owner to load and/or unload a script to the bot. (Example of usage: !(un)load Script.mrc)
This allows the bot owner to restart the bot. Handy for if the bot randomly stops working. (Example of usage: !restart Bot stopped working)
This allows administration to change the version(s) of FGRPG, ECNR, or Houston. (Example of usage: !setFGRPGversion v0.
The bot logs a lot of stuff, such as different commands being used and logs what other users are saying/doing. This allows administration to stop logging certain commands being used or certain people. (Example of usage: !LogIgnore IServeYou)
Allows administration to add people to the Regular Player list so the player can start using Regular Player Commands. (Example of usage: !addreg Houston)
Allows Administration to add words to a list that the bot will detect. (Example of usage: !badword hell)
Allows Administration to delete a quote that has been added to the bot. (Example of usage: !delquote 2 (quote ID))
Allows Regular Players to add quotes of their liking to the bot. (Example of usage: !addquote Roses are red, violets are blue. Sugar is sweet, and EGC is too!)
Shows its info such as how old the bot is, gender the owner selected, and who made it. (Example of usage: !houston)
Will count down from any number between 3 and 10 (Example of usage: !cd 5)
Will show ECNR, FGRPG, and bots current version. (Example of usage: !versions)
Will show a random quote or if you choose a quote ID it will show that specific quote. (Example of usage: !quote 37)
Will show the current amount of lines. (Example of usage: !lines)
The bot logs IRC stats. As of right now it logs every message you send, notices sent to the bot, personal messages to the bot, notices sent out to a channel, and actions made (/me). (Example of usage: !info Houston)
Shows the last time and how long someone was on IRC. (Example of usage: !seen Houston)
Shows the last time someone was In-Game and how long. (Example of usage: !activity Houston)
Shows commands for Normal Users, Regular Player Users, Administrators, and Owners.
Last Edit: March 08, 2015, 03:15:16 am by Saw
Chairman Of The Board
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Posts: 842
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Re: Houston
Reply #3 on:
March 12, 2015, 02:45:06 pm »
Perhaps a !recent (Or whatever you prefer) to list the last (maybe 5?) forum posts!
The Vox Populi Boss
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Re: Houston
Reply #4 on:
March 18, 2015, 09:17:17 pm »
a !define command
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