As far as I'm concerned, the fundamental dynamics of the game mode have been more or less the same since Byrner established CRRPG 7 years ago. There have always been updates with excellent content.
In time, all unsupported games retire as distant memories in the minds of those who once played them. People are bored of the same old shite! It's all fair and well adding new content but the novelty wears off.
Quite frankly, I've had enough of the lack of significant renewal of the gamemode's core aspects; the components of the cops and robber's gamemode that have kept us coming back time after time over the course of several years. It is these aspects of the gamemode that are in urgent need of refreshment.
I have already spent a great deal of time working on the next update. There have already been major improvements to the dynamics of cop and criminal interaction, I've mapped a building for the first time, a building that once implemented, will provide the foundation upon which a new division of the server's civil services will operate. This update is not just about new content, it's about updating everything we can get our hands on. New content will of course also feature in this update.
This has lead to a to do list that contains 1,711 words. And it's still growing.
Personally, I have never been more excited about an update. I've had dreams about it, literally. Myself and Byrner will be committing more time and effort than ever before to this update, we aim to leave no jaw undropped and I will stop at nothing to ensure that this is the most significant release in the history of this gamemode.
See you in the next version.