Due to the store not being used in months and me being unemployed, EGC is broke. I didn't want to take this public until I had to; we have reached that point. Viper had to pay a chunk of the bills last month.
What this means is, we will be moving to a new provider. This new provider will cause some of us to have an increased ping due to it being located in Canada. Lucky for RoboCop and Aaron!
Also, we will unfortunately have to temporarily discontinue the EGCM brand. It uses too much resources and our new provider wouldn't accommodate it. If our financial situation improves, we can bring it back, but for now it'll have to go on hiatus.
The new system we will be using is not bad at all, it will certainly do the job in a cost effective fashion. It's just unfortunate we will need to retire EGCM for the foreseeable future.
I apologize for being the barer of bad news everyone.