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Topics - Ratzu

Pages: [1]
General Server Discussion / Hello cramming, my old friend...
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:58:52 am »
Hey guys!

You've probably noticed my activity has taken a dip as of late, also that I've been spewing biology facts like I'm Watson and Crick constructing the double helix model.

Both of these abnormalities are due to an ugly and unfortunate truth, I'm taking my AP Biology exam in a month and I need to pass it with at least a 4 if I want to get a Biology for Biology Majors credit in uni.

I'll be gone-ish till mid-May.

Applications / Join the cause!
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:46:16 pm »

Order out of chaos.

Our mission:

We are here for a single reason; to free you from the shackles of your government and the norm. Were you not born a free man? Are you not deserving of the right to freedom and the pursuit of happiness? Were we not all created equal? Then ask yourselves this: "What right does any one man have to stand at the podium and force you to abide by his law, as if he is better than you?"

What right does that man have to make you feel like sheep, only obeying what is said to you and not seeing for yourself?

None at all.

"What can I do?" you ask, but you know what you must do. You must do what must be done. You must bring the man to his knees and spit in his face. Only then will the man realize he is powerless. Only then will he realize he is as much a sheep as the rest of us all.

But the man is stubborn, the man cannot be swayed by words. The man must have concrete evidence of his failure.

The man must have blood.

And we, of course, are willing to provide.

We are the Vox Populi, the voice of the people, and the voice calls for one thing; freedom, by any means necessary.

The Vox Populi calls for blood.

Who is the man?

The man goes by many names.

He calls himself "The Task Force 141," "The Bone County Sherrif's Department," ocassionally the man has a thirst for conflict, and he calls himself "The Black Hand."

The man, however, is anyone willing to stand up and brainwash the sheep into submission, the man is anyone who tells you what is wrong and what is right.

He is the true enemy, and we must defeat him by any means.

Why must blood be spilled?

It has been made clear to us time and time again that the man has no respect for words, you speak up and he cuts you down, he gets cut down and he rises back up.

Words alone cannot change the course of the future, blood must be spilled.

When you find yourself at the end of our blade, realize this; you are not a victim, you are a necessary sacrifice for our future, it must be done.

Grand Masters


Open your eyes; bring the man to his knees.

Want to join the movement? Want to change the world? Have the stomach to bring unspeakable horrors onto the world? Join the Vox Populi!

Being in the Bone County Sheriff's Department disqualifies you from applying to this organization.

Applying to The Vox Populi

Start a new topic in this board with the title being your in-game name and using the application format below.

Code: [Select]
In-game Name:
How long have you been part of ECnR?:
Do you understand all of the server rules?:

Rate yourself: (10 being the best - 1 being the worst)
   - Driving:
   - Shooting:
   - Terrorism:
   - Evading the police:
   - Activity:

Do you understand and agree to abide by the server and organization rules at all times?:

Rule Violations / Hacks: Dianka_Mila
« on: June 11, 2014, 07:36:00 am »
A damn shame, too. Really nice player, unfortunately, he lacked the English to heed to my suggestion.

The dude was flying around and stuff, but he was such a nice guy that I just needed to be sure.

Introductions / An apology.
« on: February 18, 2014, 04:59:57 am »
Well, here I am again.

I figured something out today:

I've been an ungrateful sack of shit.

I've abandoned you guys time and time again, just coming back and recieving nothing but warm welcomes and kind words from the beautiful people that make up this community. I come back to the best friends I've had in a very long time only to leave again, then I just rinse and repeat. I really don't deserve all the kindness and all the friends that I hope I still have here.

You are the only people who stay with me no matter what I do, what I think, or who I am, the only people who had stayed with me through all that I've been through, who have helped me the tough times and enjoyed the good times with me, and what do I return that with? Nothing at all, I leave as if you were some puppets at my disposal so I can just enjoy my time here, I don't contribute anything, I just come here and leave.

I remember the laughs, the tears, and the pain we've shared and it does nothing more than remind me of what a terrible member of this community I've been, and I really want to change that. I want the great times we've had to come back, to relive those moments in the future.

I am profusely sorry for my behaviour and I do hope that you will welcome me one last time into your kind arms.


Introductions / Rat Who?!
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:56:35 pm »
Heyo guys, I'm back :D

After a long five months, I've finally returned, I've gotten used to my schedule and have once again found time to join the wonderful people here. I really hope that I'll be staying permanently this time around.

Bear with me though, I'm still trying to figure out GTA San Andreas on Windows 8, whether it starts or not is a total crapshoot, so maybe some of you that are on Windows 8 might be able to help me with that.

I'll return to moderating the Steam group for our server and I'll be on call for any sort of signatures or banners that you guys want, I think I've gotten significantly better at Photoshop. And drawing! I started drawing again and I really could not believe how well I was doing.

Anyway, it's awesome to be back, hopefully I can catch some of you guys on IRC or in-game soon.

Looking forward to speaking with you all once again!

HCHO out :>

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