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Topics - Matt

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Enigmatic News Team / Enigmatic News Team ~ Application
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:23:55 pm »
Enigmatic News Team ~ Application

Do you want to join the Enigmatic News Team as a News Writer?
Well, if you do please fill in the application below and write a small news article on: "The start of Enigmatic News Team"

Code: [Select]
[b]In-game name[/b]:
[b]IRC name[/b]:

[b]How long you have been part of the community[/b]:
[b]How active you are on IRC[/b]:
[b]How active you are on the forums[/b]:

[b]Your short article[/b]:

If you have any problems feel free to contact Matt or CR33P1ND34TH!

Server Suggestions / Event World
« on: May 11, 2013, 06:25:55 pm »
I think in addition to having the World we have now I think we should also have an Event World added on and there will be a certain point in the Map(Maybe by Spawn) where you can teleport back and forth to the Event world and back to the Normal World.

I think we should add events because it gives us more stuff to do plus it makes it more entertaining and other things..

I don't really know what much more to say than there would be some prizes?


Rule Breakers / [Griefed]40Ninjaz
« on: February 24, 2013, 05:32:39 pm »
Estimate when you were griefed: 1-2 Weeks Ago
Who lives in the area? (Including you): 40Ninjaz
Coordinates of your area: X: -153, Y: 65, Z: 501
Finally, please list the items that you would like returned.
My house aka, Glass, Stone, Stone Stairs, Glass Fibre Cables, 7 Solar Panels, 1 LV Solar Panel, Induction Furnace, Compresser, Extractor, Macrencer(Still can't spell it), Recycler, Mass Fabricator, MFSU, MV Transformer, LV Transformer, Seeds, Iron Door, Computer, 7 UU-Matter, That thing you can make out of UU-Matter in a I formation, Copper, Iron, Coal, Tin, Redstone and 23 Diamonds and other stuff I can't remember.

« on: February 13, 2013, 05:11:38 pm »
Description of the bug:

So, Basicly...
You go to Fancy Cars... You get in a Car and press Attempt Robbery or whatever... It then says you have failed and you get ejected out of the car...

Just go back in the car and press Attempt Robbery again and the car is yours... It will say ' You have attempted to rob the car before please wait before trying again ' or something like that then you can drive off since you don't get ejected again.

Images of the bug:

Server Suggestions / Hmm...
« on: January 23, 2013, 03:42:14 pm »
The server came back so must people went on it to play and build things but now it seems to be back how it was like previously. Not many people stay active and continue to play.

This isn't much of a Server Suggestion but I guess we should do something to get people back playing again. New Ideas for the server, I have already suggested an Event World to Wataki but like always he is busy doing other things and doesn't always have the time to do things for EGCM.

What do you people think we could add or do for EGCM to make it a fun place? So we won't get bored of the same thing once again and to make and give EGCM and more active community...?

Rule Violations / [DONE] Vissarionovich
« on: November 01, 2012, 02:59:08 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
I have no evidence of GodMode

but I do have evidence of his Sexayy Jumping Car :o

Picture Evidence

Rule Violations / [DONE] john_carlos
« on: October 31, 2012, 04:59:50 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Randomly jumped on top of the Car I was in and just started going rage to it with his AK47

Picture Evidence

ECNR Suggestions / Car Keys
« on: October 28, 2012, 05:23:57 pm »
Well, Recently I was speaking with Sylar and he told me to go and Suggest this so here I am.

I have thought about either when someone gives you there House Keys you are able to use there Vehicles aswell and not just being able to go in to their house. We could have this or I guess we could have two sets of Keys... One for house and One for car. Although that would be a bit more effort to do...

I guess they are both possible so what are you opinions?

 - You may ask Questions or give Positives/Negatives about this...

General Server Discussion / Going Inactive [FOR 3 DAYS]
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:51:58 am »
From 6am Today (5 Hours away)
I am going to go on Holiday to some place...
The Hotel says it has WiFi but I do not know... I shall be on IRC if it does have WiFi but on a rubbish connection... So please forgive me if I do some on and off all the time.

I will not be ingame for 3 Days... So Don't miss me too much!

If I don't see any of you because Hotel has no Wifi I shall be back soon as!
Bye All! :D

 - Sylar tell me about all the Ninjaz you own
 - Fatzu.. Ratzu* Dad... Please don't be mad I am going without you! :(
 - GoR I will now /foff :d

ECNR Suggestions / The Boat from LV to Eggland!
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:28:17 pm »
There used to be a boat running from LV to Eggland but it is no longer there! and I miss using it!
I want to see if others that know about it or just like the idea of it to try get it back up and running!

The boat ran from next to the Terrorist Ship to Eggland Airport... Which you can just walk on and off both sides, and it is free to use! The boat used to be 2/4Minutes travelling to Eggland and Back... Used to be fun! Could also sometimes depending on Lag make Vehicles and Bikes travel!

I remember once going on it with a bunch of laggers... All the bikes ended up in the water!:L
But I would like it back! Was great funny and easy transport to Eggland! Moving Population to Eggland aswell...

What are your opinions?

Rule Violations / [DONE] FL0CKA
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:39:02 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Arrest Evade

Not much evidence showing he was wanted since you can't really show that with logs but that shows me and Ratzu claiming he evaded.

Picture Evidence
4[01:37:18] <%ECNR1> [DISCONNECT] FL0CKA (2) Has left the server (Left)
4[01:37:24] * +Saw (Saw@Lets.Play.a.Game) Quit (Quit: My smart phone is being dumb, will be back soon if it becomes smart again. :))
4[01:37:24] <%ECNR2> 12 Xplicit (6) - Wow evade
4[01:37:25] <%ECNR1> 12 Ratzu (5) - omfg
4[01:37:29] <%ECNR2> 12 Ratzu (5) - I swear.
4[01:37:33] <%ECNR1> 12 Xplicit (6) - Brb reporting
4[01:37:37] <%ECNR2> 12 Ratzu (5) - Second time he's done that to me.

Rule Violations / [DONE] FL0CKA
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:21:20 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Admin Impersonation...

Picture Evidence
4[01:19:39] <%ECNR1> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - who is admin?
4[01:19:45] <%ECNR2> 16 FL0CKA (9) - im admin
4[01:19:47] <%ECNR1> 16 Ratzu (5) - Seriously, did you read the rules to see how many you could break at a time?
4[01:19:47] <%ECNR2> 16 FL0CKA (9) - and if u dont stop
4[01:19:49] <%ECNR1> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - just ubfornatuib
4[01:19:53] <%ECNR2> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - information*
4[01:19:57] <%ECNR1> 16 FL0CKA (9) - il bann u

Anime and other Entertainment / Naruto
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:12:14 am »
Well recently my girlfriend has got me addicted to watching Naruto and since I have started I have seen a lot of other people watching it but omg!

I have just started watching Naruto and I am on Episode 33 of Naruto at the minute... 33/220 then I have to start on Shippuden :/
It will take me a long time to catch up but I will do it :D

Who else watches it and what is there opinion on it?

Music & Videos / Favourite Music Type
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:06:25 am »
Well... Since I am currently in a Music Type Mood.. What is your favourite Music types?
Mine used to be Dubstep...
Now it is Songs with high bass and Avicii :D

That is my favourite song from Avicii!

What is your favourite Music Type? With Youtube links to it if you want!?! :D

New Organization Applications / BrotherHood
« on: July 27, 2012, 10:50:07 am »
* Name by CookieMonstah
* This Organization still allows you to be in any Cop/Criminal Organization

:: The BrotherHood ::

The BrotherHood is an Organization ran by CookieMonstah and Xplicit. The Organization is a Team of people that will go round ECNR completing Orders and Tasks whenever they are given. The Organization will be as secret as it can be within members and orders. All things within the Organization will be kept private and will never be discussed ingame!

How would the Secretness Work(New word = Secretness):
The Secretness of The BrotherHood will work like this:
Whoever wishes to apply for the BrotherHood may apply but we will not say if you are accept or denied. Whenever the time comes we will secretly contact you maybe threw IRC and tell you Operations/Orders/Tasks to do. All Operations/Orders/Tasks will not be discussed ingame if anything they will be discussed via IRC.

What if I am in another Cop/Criminal Organization:
Our organization accepts anyone which is in another Cop or Criminal Organization but if we give them a Target/Operation/Order/Task to do and it is against maybe a member or a group of people in there Organization it has to be done.

Rules of this Organization:
> Stick to ECNR Rules...
> Do not leak any BrotherHood Information, Operations, Orders or Tasks etc...
> Do not BackChat to any of the Organizations Leaders...
> To be able to complete Operations, Orders, Tasks or Targets etc at any time...
> Respect all members in ECNR

Code: [Select]
[b]In-Game Name[/b]:
[b]In-Game Score[/b]:
[b]Do you understand all of the ECNR Rules?[/b]
[b]How long have you been in ECNR?[/b]:
[b]How long have you played SA-MP?[/b]:

[b]Rate yourself in the Following[/b]: [i](1 being Lowest ~ 10 being Highest)[/i]
   - [b]Shooting[/b]:
   - [b]Driving[/b]:
   - [b]Flying[/b]:

[b]Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?[/b]:

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