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Community Suggestions / Bring back Minecraft
« Last post by joaofcmb on January 10, 2015, 10:31:24 am »
I think EGCM should be brought back, I've been watching Hermitcraft for a little while now and if we could have our own version it'd be great. Just a bunch if people creating their own stuff, doing cool projects, whereas community projects or their own crazy contraptions at their base, etc... It's have to be white-listed, ofc, to prevent griefers (no none of that private chests bs). Wataki if you agree, get this going. Let's take advantage of the Amplified world for better scenarios. BTW in case you guys dont know wat Hermitcraft is, check youtube, really cool community.
Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by Curiosity on January 08, 2015, 07:48:27 pm »
Jesus christ I was joking when I said that he'd rape you.. He actually pulled out handcuffs and everything?!

Who was taking the pictures?
Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by Aaron_Ewing on January 06, 2015, 08:48:52 pm »
What you should've done is used Photoshop or Paint to add player name, color and health bar to the top of yourselves in the arrest scene lolol

Now that I think About it, I think I should have thought of doing that.

Delighted ya's met up lads. Gotta' love the bond the EGC community has. Even at a time when things have been slow.

Yeah it was actually awesome to see him. His mom and my mom talked for hours, So I think our mom's hit it off lol. And I think Saw is gonna come back again sometime in March to hang out longer. I wished more players would do this. Put's a face behind the name you only see on the computer.

Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by Enigma on January 06, 2015, 06:39:53 pm »
Delighted ya's met up lads. Gotta' love the bond the EGC community has. Even at a time when things have been slow.
Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by RoboCop on January 06, 2015, 02:27:51 pm »
What you should've done is used Photoshop or Paint to add player name, color and health bar to the top of yourselves in the arrest scene lolol
Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by Ryan_Cook on January 06, 2015, 01:22:34 am »
there is my baybay
Discuss Anything / Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« Last post by Aaron_Ewing on January 06, 2015, 01:08:41 am »
Alright guys. Some of you didn't believe that Saw and I were gonna meet in person. Well here's a little something to prove all of you girls wrong.

He and I have been hanging out for 7 Hours already. So there's your proof, Saw will add another photo that was taken from his phone when he gets a chance.

Took 2 more pics after this post was made. So giving you guys a couple more.

Me Arresting Saw in Person "GTA-SA Humor" cause I am /cuffing and /ar'ing. you'll get it

And posing with my BB gun's that look real

Music & Videos / Re: The legend lives..
« Last post by Saw on December 30, 2014, 08:21:10 pm »
I wish I was that kid
Music & Videos / The legend lives..
« Last post by Curiosity on December 29, 2014, 07:19:20 pm »
Staff News / Re: Server:empty!
« Last post by Curiosity on December 28, 2014, 03:05:54 pm »
IMO,nobody want to join an empty actions no fun nothing to do then.i think you know that feeling when you're alone ,ECNR have everthing,exapting for  the number of ppl.if the old ppl of ECNR ig  all the time or let's say for a hours why not.then i think ppl out ECNR will join.
But from what i  see nobody's gonna join! Datswhy.

To a degree yeah, you've hit the nail on the head. More people would join if people were IG, that's a fact. But there's way more to it than that. It's easy to say, to get more people we need people IG but what ends up happening is people being forced IG and then the gameplay becomes scripted and becomes the same old boring "let's just stand around because there's nothing to do".

That's where I feel the server is lacking. IMO there is very little "endgame" in ECNR. Money has little to no value, once you have maxed the two skills you can no longer progress, and there aren't any "end game" goals for you to work for, like a business or a house.

And then you've got the fact that the script is what.. 5-6 years old? Some people at ECNR have been playing a version of this script for that long, how can it still be interesting? Granted a lot has changed since then but the fundamental basics of the GM remain the same and have been left un addressed in my opinion, it's no longer appealing, everything has been done before and there's just nothing new.

You said "And make get some things easier than ever!....", how can they get any easier without adding a command for /setroblevel 70 or /maxstats ? That'd be 10 steps backwards imo.
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