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Topics - Tay_Zonday

Pages: [1]
Alpha key for a game called Rise of Incarnate. Activate on Steam. Region locked to Europe, North and South Americas only. Key expires June 1st.

Got this off of NamcoBandai giveaway-ish thing, but it's region locked for me. So anyone interested can take it.


Replace _ with Q.

It's apparently a 2v2 arcade brawler.

More details - http://www.riseofincarnates.com/

General Server Discussion / Looks like somebody wants their REG asap :P
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:00:12 am »

The image says it all :P

Edit :- Better Image

Now that 0.3z fixes lag shooting, all bi-cycles, especially the BMX and Mountain Bike should now be allowed to be used by wanted players.

This was one thing I wanted since a LOONG time and now I think with the new update, it should be balanced. Also, its not like its IMBA anyways, as anything like a crap elegy can outrun it.

General Server Discussion / My activity *might* decrease.
« on: January 04, 2014, 09:47:44 am »
My new semester in college starts from Monday, hence I won't be able to be active as much I am currently (cuz this be dem vax brah). For the first week or two, I don't think I would be able to even turn on my PC let alone come on IRC due to my student council duties.
But rest assured, I wont be in-active after that and will continue to play (just that my playtime will reduce significantly).

Anyways, on a completely off-topic discussion, I am learning Spanish this Semester, can any native speaker teach me please?

-Yours Truly. 8)

General Server Discussion / Merry/Happy Christmas
« on: December 23, 2013, 08:00:59 am »
Wish you all a merry Christmas! (or Happy Christmas, if you're Scottish :P)

I'll be gone for about 3 days and will return on 26th. Cya!

General Server Discussion / Xmas Event
« on: December 20, 2013, 07:31:01 am »
When connecting to the server, i noticed an option for gravity. By default it says 0.008.

I wonder if you can change it to something like 0.001 for Christmas? (Just for fun)

It would be really nice to see cops and robbers flying around the map with 1/8th the gravity. Would make for a fun Christmas event.

Just my thought.   ;D

P.S. Too sleepy to word stuff properly.  :P

Conspiracy Theories / Paul Walker Conspiracy Theory
« on: December 09, 2013, 07:00:07 pm »
While Paul Walker Fast & Furious fans flock by the thousands to the site of his fiery death, conspiracy theories continue to flourish. The most popular explanation for the accident and its resulting conflagration seems to center around Paul Walker. The 40 year-old actor had been attending a charity event for his Reach Out Worldwide organization that was working to send supplies to a typhoon damaged Philippines.

Walker was a true philanthropist who gave time and money to help the needy. His friend Roger Rodas was also a generous man who operated charities in Central America and El Salvador. Apart from the two men being friends and business partners; they co-owned the car customization/racing prep store Always Evolving; they also raced together and co-founded the Reach Out Worldwide charity.

The men also died together in a fiery red Porsche Carrera GT. So far the more outlandish conspiracy theories revolve around Paul Walker. One, touted on more than a few sites, involves the Illuminati and a birth control plot that focuses on the Philippines that Walker allegedly found out about. Rumors are making the rounds that ?Mr Nice Guy? Walker found out that medicine headed to the Philippines was laced with a birth control serum that would effectively ?neuter? the entire population.

The Illuminati conspiracy claims that Walker looked too closely and too deeply and got dramatically taken out of the equation before he and Rodas could blow the whistle. Further theories based around the Illuminati range from a ?drone? missile to a sabotaged fuel line. While the police are still collecting evidence and trying to piece together what happened it appears that if they have found any leads, they are keeping them close to their vests.

The Illuminati are a group of individuals that purport to be members of the original Bavarian Illuminati. The founders of the first clandestine group created the society in May 1776. Their aim was to fight prejudice, superstition, abuses of state, and adverse religious influence over the public.

The real Illuminati were disbanded and outlawed in 1785. In fiction, the shadowy group has continued to affect world events through their immense behind the scenes power. There are many who believe that the organization survived its disbandment in real life and still orchestrates chaos on an unsuspecting world. The Paul Walker conspiracy seems to favor the Illuminati theory and does not take into consideration the possibility of a drug cartel being responsible.

Comic book considerations aside, Roger Rodas, the good friend; business partner; family man and charity co-founder whose own death has been overshadowed by the death of his famous friend, has not been looked at by officials. The fact that the 38 year-old business man did a lot of charity work in Central America has not raised any eyebrows. Not because of the possibility that Rodas has done anything wrong, but, because he was most likely doing something right.

It may sound like a substandard plot from a Jean-Claude Van Damme or Steven Seagal ?B? action picture, but, it is no more outlandish to think that a drug cartel could have been leaning on Rodas to help launder their drug money. One of the places that Rodas and the charity frequented was El Salvador. Known locally as ?El Caminito;? which translates to ?the little highway,? the country uses their US built super highway to move product. Since the American dollar is the local currency, laundering dirty money is also a speciality in El Salvador.

Central American drug cartels are notoriously violent. Back in the 1980s when the ?cocaine cowboys? first hit Miami and Southern Florida along with Texas and other parts of America, law enforcement officials were shocked at the amount of violence that these Columbian coke dealers meted out. El Salvador is used by Columbia for distribution as well cleaning their dirty money.

Since Rodas spent quite a bit of time in Central America, he could easily have been approached by cartel bosses looking for a legitimate business to ?wash? their cash. What better place to hide illicit gains than by burying it in a charity.

Paul Walker?s friend and fellow business man, despite his not being as well known as Walker, was reportedly just as nice and straight up as his Fast & Furious pal. He would surely have turned the drug bosses down. Considering the ?overblown? theatrical way that drug cartel bosses make a point; machine gunning a crowd full of women and children to get their target for example; a bomb, or rpg, used on a red sports car would be on-par with their overly violent ways. This could have been their reaction to Rodas turning down their proposal.

The Paul Walker conspiracies do include more questions than answers and theories. Media sites, and the police, have been pointing out that video footage from CCTV cameras seem to show conflicting images of the car crash. Until law enforcement can put together what happened, the idea of the Illuminati or drug cartels being responsible for murdering the two men is not that outlandish. Unfortunately, it looks like the police will have trouble finding out what really happened regardless of who killed the two men.

ECNR Suggestions / Car Insurance
« on: June 10, 2013, 08:18:42 pm »
How about a car insurance that you can purchase from AutoBahn for all the vehicles that you purchase? It will be like 10% of the car's price and a message will popup whenever you buy a car saying -"You just bought this car do you want to buy insurance for it?".

Here's the stuff insurance would do -
Prevent Car Jackers from stealing your vehicle (OR) Money (equal to car's worth) from their bank account is automatically trasferred to yours (the latter option can be used to setup some awesome trolls  :P)

Also, only genuinely bought cars can be insured, i.e., the non-insured cars that a car jacker steals cannot be insured.

So how about that? Wouldn't that be great, especially for people like me who like to keep nice cars at random places in SA.

Fixed / [BUG] Instant TP without mods
« on: May 12, 2013, 01:56:44 pm »
Description of the bug:

I have recently found out a way to effectively open a magic portal to San Fierro to LV and back. Although vehicles cannot be TPed, this bug can still be used very easily to lay waste to many cops (if you are even a just tad better at pointing a gun than I am).

The bug is exploited using the Fishing Shop found in LV. To replicate the bug, just go on the marker, press /enter in the console and you'll be in the fishing shop.
Now, you need to hold Space (or the Sprint button, also don't tap it, i have tried tapping and it doesnt work) and run to the sell marker, but DO NOT STOP just flick your crosshair up (no u shouldn't have a weapon just the imaginary crosshair in the normal 3ps view) and now sprint out of the yellow marker. If done correctly you will be out of the zero's RC shop in San Fierro. This works the other way also but in the return journey, just enter the shop using yellow marker and stand on the red marker and BOOM you'll be in LV back!

How to exploit
Just get cops to chase you to San Fierro, get in the marker and you'll TP to LV. Quickly turn back, get on the roof of fishing shop with a gun ( combat Shottie preferred) and just aim down to create a massive pile of corpses.

Note-- I will post images soon on how to exploit this bug effectively (any BCSD out there willing to offer help?? =P)

P.S.- Bryner asked me to immediately report the bug when I used it on him (and 3 other cops) sorry for being a bit late (it was a week ago).

Images of the bug:

EDIT - Images posted. The image is too big vertically to be displayed in the forum, hence just right click and select open image in a new tab to view the image. Or click on this link -->http://postimg.org/image/7wl32m2t3/

ECNR SA-MP Server Requests / Please Expand into SF and LS
« on: April 18, 2013, 02:23:08 pm »
My first (second actually if you count the error) post here so please forgive any mistake I make.
Also I'll strictly follow the format found here - http://ecnr.enigmaticgc.com/forum/index.php?topic=608.0

Point #1
I really want the other two cities (San Fierro and Los Santos) to be integrated into EC'nR just as Las Venturas is. Can you please make this happen?
Point #2
Can you enable some form of NPC traffic like maybe trains and some scarce traffic everywhere?

Point #1
I often travel to LS or SF and find them to be barren and dead like a ghost town. Heck even the desert regions have almost nothing to do. Adding some stuff in such place would not only make server much fun than it is now, it also would provide a fresh experience to old players as well.
Point #2
This is an expansion upon my previous point, as allowing some NPCs in the server (if possible) would make the server feel lively even during times when only 2 or 3 people are playing.

IG Name
After some research, I found out that my IG Name is Tay_Zonday.

I really don't know what to put here, so I'll leave this blank and edit it later..

Urgency = M

Hope some of you good admins will look at this and implement some of my requests!

Fixed / [MISTAKE] I've been framed as Hacker
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:58:39 am »
Description of the bug:

I was stranded in the middle of nowhere and decided to quit and re-login. When I did that the server framed me to be a hacker. Pls fix this :(.

Images of the bug:

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