I'm not going to personally bring anything new to the board but I was strolling through the forums and came across these two gems and thought they'd be a nice addition to FGRPG. They got quite a bit of support across the threads with some good ideas being spurted throughout!
Mert - Interactive Org BasesBlowing the gates was good, but how about taking a bit further and allowing orgs to rob eachother, deducting from the org bank? Some other ideas were raised in there aswell!
Bas_Spijker - Organisation Wars/Capture ZonesThe way I interpret this one is kind of as integrated "takeover" areas, so if for example the crim org stood in a checkpoint for 3 mins and successfully defended from the cops they would "own" that land which could give that org perks, whether it be $$/min or gaining an outpost!
So yeaah.
P.S Why the hell does the preview button take like 10 minutes to show a preview?