Yeah, essentially what this place needs is:
New Gameplay Assets: Byrner and the script team already have this covered. While also taking care of a lot of other things that divide their attention.
More Core Players: Back in the old days, we had a lot of regulars that became more than just partners and opponents, but friends. Sean_Mack, Sas_Squatch, GeeZee, Joker, Weezy, ReCoN. People with personality and flare.
Strong Org vs Org Activity: The server was full at OCRRPG when the Task Force and the Black Hand threw down. Lots on both sides and people in between to make things interesting. The BH is limping, limping hard and the BCSD is still up but has staffing gaps.
More Communication: IRC lights up with activity but these forums are pretty much bare. While there may not be new things to go over, updates could still be pushed. The forum reports especially need attention. There are going to be gaps where an IRC report might fall through. We should empathize the utility that the forum serves with that.
Staffing: Linking in with my earlier point. It seems that there are times where there's only one admin throughout the day. I carry on a full time job, keep IRC up and try to put out all the fires I'm made aware of. There's got to be some potential admin talent with our core.
Nutrition: All these kids, they're looking pale and scrawny with all the artificial shit they're eating and drinking. Eggucate them about the greatness of EGGS.