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Author Topic: [Release] Version 1.6  (Read 9074 times)

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Offline Enigma

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[Release] Version 1.6
« on: July 05, 2013, 06:31:42 pm »
I'd like to remind everyone that I had stated this will be a small updated containing mostly bug fixes and optimizations. The original plan was upon releasing 1.5, put together 1.6 real quickly sorting out issues etc. However, so much more work than originally intended has gone into this update.

I can't describe how much it's been optimized and cleaned up lol. I wouldn't be surprised at all if players notice a massive difference in terms of smoother game-play, things loading quicker, just generally more responsive.
Anyway, enough of me waffling on, lets get to the feature list!

I've italicized features in the "Improvements" category that I feel are worth noting.
I've also emboldened key points that players will need to/should know.

You no longer need to use !pm in the main chat on IRC. When a player uses /ircpm and your name, you can reply directly into the bot chat window. This is more private and a lot easier than switching windows constantly.

You can now heal vehicles through the event dialogue.

Hoodline's bar and The Fish Shop now uses a dialogue where you can select the options of entering or blowing it up. The options have been removed from /enter and /plantc4.
Adam and Sarah's menu has been removed and replaced with a Dialogue menu.
Converted /info to a dialogue menu so it's easier to read.

The /sellweapons dialogue now re-appears upon purchasing an item, so the seller doesn't need to repeatedly typing the command.
Optimized /weapons and /sellweapons. /Sellweapons has been changed to /sellwep for quicker transactions.

A massive improvement to /bo - It now uses a dialogue menu. It also lists all business owners regardless of if their online or not.

You can now purchase lotto tickets from the store menu. Upon selecting the Lotto Ticket option, a dialogue box will open where you can enter your desired number. /lotto has been removed and most of the code has been re-written.

Duel stats will be recorded from now on. You can view your stats with /info.

Completely re-wrote the drug ordering system for The Smack Shack owner. The owner can now enter any amount in a dialogue box while in The Smack Shack Checkpoint. It will work out a price for the amount required and will give you a score point dependent on how many grams you order. I contemplated allowing any Drug Dealers to be able to re-fill The Smack Shack - Thoughts?

The spawn selection menu has been re-arranged so as not to frustrate those without a house or apartment.

The /actions command has been converted into a dialogue.

A crime report plays when a civillian shoots an officer.
Also when a player attempts to drive while drunk.

Converted the Backpack to a dialogue menu. All can be accessed through /backpack - /retrieve has been removed.

Attacking Law Enforcement

If a civilian attacks a law enforcement agent, the player will gain wanted level automatically.
A Police Radio (audio) report will also be sent to all officers informing them of this so they can assist the wounded officer.

Terrorists can now fly a Shamal into The Federal Reserve. This much better than The Ivy. Try it out! You'll need at least 60 /tskill

Locating areas:
We've made finding unique aspects of ECNR quite easy with our new /locate command. Upon using this command you will be presented with a dialogue menu which lists several selectable categories. Choose which category your desired destination resides in and then choose it from the proceeding menu.
Once you've selected your destination arrows will appear that personally guide you to the location you wish to find. This has made ECNR noob proof, no longer will Administrators need to take time to show players where things are.
We've added a vast variety of locations that you can receive directions to.
For places such as 24/7's and ATM's (Places that have several possible locations) it will actually direct you to the closest available one. This is to give the end user a more convenient experience!
You can cancel the directions (Get rid of the arrows) with /cancel.
./help has been updated accordingly.

Removed hunters from in game due to popular demand.
Only criminals can see /bhc now.
Only criminals can access The Black Hand Base and armoury.
Renamed /tfc and !tfc to /bcc and !bcc respectfully.
Renamed !givecash to !gc
Removed cigarettes from the gamemode - Other than smuggling them.
You can now purchase digital camera from 24/7 stores.
You can now speak into ECNR through #EGC with !ecnr (Message)
The Andromeda Bomber can now drop each of the 16 bombs individually with a single press of your primary fire key.

Completely re-wrote /ram. It was over 1k lines, it's now been halved. It works a lot better too.
Re-wrote several functions.
Got rid of a lot of useless variables and code.
Removed /givedrugkeys - The Drug House owner can now give the keys to their house AND drug house with /givekeys
Removed a lot of old MySQL table retrieving. Slightly modifed logging in so it's less CPU intensive. Logging in should be slightly quicker.
I've re-wrote most of the commands in the script, making them more efficent, quicker, converting them to dcmd and making them shorter.
It's hard to emphasize enough how much cleaner the script is now. So many things have been re-written I couldn't possibly keep a list. The end result is a smoother experience for you nawbs!

Bug fixes:
The /terjob dialogue menu now shows all available jobs without cutting off.
A bug with a message not appearing when players called an attack on The Fed.
The TextDraw not disappearing if you leave Stevo's casin0 checkpoint while robbing.
The Bank Cash textdraw not updating when you purchase Warehouse space.
You now pay for Skyview cards from your bank account. Should of always been like this.
Cops that spawn in BCSD Base not receiving a radio.
Disconnects now echo to #EGC too.
A bug where players without a cellphone could receive /bhc & /tfc.
Fixed a way /open could bug up.
Several ways Calig's vault could bug up.
A minor bug with /adkill
A bug where a player wouldn't be detected as the winner of the lotto after choosing the correct number
Hopefully players will no longer get caught in the roof upon leaving their Apartment.
The crazy weather where everything goes red will no longer happen.
The message cutting off when you blow the Green Haven power supply.
Several bugs with the gas system - It also runs more efficiently now.
Hopefully the bug with /lv is fixed - I doubt it however, please someone let me know.
Several bugs with /ram
The very annoying bug with /ircpm cutting off most of your message.
The Fed Robbery not failing upon a player dying while robbing.
The Fed Owner losing a miniscule amount from the Robbery.
Players getting stuck when exiting The Doughnut Shop menu.
Trash Collectors not having any /commands.
The Club Diva owner will now receive payment from people using Vanilla.
Roadblocks now work again.
Players being able to use my skin. Fuck you Wataki.
Taxi Drivers not getting wanted.
Several bugs with /dropoff - Rewrote and converted the command.
Passengers being charged for using Pay N Sprays.
The Ivy is now a lot easier to blow up with a Shamal. It runs much more smoothly and is simply better in every sense of the word.
The long standing fish shop bug.
The pickiest bug report ever from Sylar (The last bracket on the weapon name when a player dies being the same colour as the weapon)...only Sylar lmao
Not being able to sell stolen vehicles with /sellst.
Andromeda Bombs that are dropped while flying between North West and North will now drop correctly.
A small bug with planting a car bomb.
Some issues with the carpet bombing and rigging vehicles with car bombs.
The gas system not working as it should.
The registration bug has finally been resolved.
Deadpros store issues.
All these stats not saving such as BH staus will no longer be an issue.

That's it, enjoy 1.6!
Normally this is where I'd announce I'm having a cigarette to relax after working on an update, however I've given them up so yay me! 8)
« Last Edit: July 05, 2013, 08:51:33 pm by WatakiWatako »

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2013, 06:35:19 pm »
MY HUNTERS!!!!!!!!!!
nice on quitting the smoking :P
I will be ingame 2 test dis out! :P

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2013, 06:44:33 pm »
Great update!

So proud of you Enigma :P

Offline WatakiWatako

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2013, 08:50:29 pm »
Update (Bug Fixes)
?/locate is now fully functional.
?The Andromada Bomber text draw now functions as expected.
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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2013, 08:54:13 pm »
Good job guys (Minus the hunter but meh). Never fail to disappoint :D

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2013, 09:09:45 pm »
WOOOOO 1.6 is out so soon i cant believe it u r A W E S O M E awesome, plus i wonder if i didnt use your skin you would find the bug out or not  :)
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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2013, 11:01:42 pm »
Quote from: enigma
Normally this is where I'd announce I'm having a cigarette to relax after working on an update, however I've given them up so yay me!
this is why smokes are removed from the gamemode
kids, never start smoking, you'll ruin your life, ruin other's life and ruin your financial situation
however, thats far from on topic so: good job on the version guys!

Offline WatakiWatako

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2013, 06:01:36 pm »
Here's another bug fix, this time with several critical bugs.

Bug Fixes
?The backpack would only let you withdraw, not deposit.
?There's was a weird bug where everyone is apparently dead.
?People could hand out house keys but couldn't take them back.
?/dropoff would not work.
?The IRC bots would not echo anything after a period of time.
?Players who spawn in jail after logging in will no longer keep their weapons.

?/bcs has been corrected to /bcc.
?Instead of simply being removed, the hunters have now been replaced by hydras.

Please note that these changes require a server restart to be applied.
All of the above has been confirmed as fixed/improved, please do not post another bug report!
« Last Edit: July 06, 2013, 09:19:40 pm by WatakiWatako »
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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #8 on: July 09, 2013, 04:23:07 am »
Claps Slowly.

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2013, 05:57:36 pm »
Good job guys,cant wait to check it out

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #10 on: July 09, 2013, 06:09:35 pm »
Unfortunately there are still quite a lot of bugs, few too many to start counting as far as I've seen.

Offline WatakiWatako

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2013, 02:48:54 am »
Unfortunately there are still quite a lot of bugs, few too many to start counting as far as I've seen.

Report them in the bugs section or even list them here if you like.
I'm personally very eager to patch all of the existing bugs before producing new content in the future!
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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2013, 10:29:42 am »
Unfortunately there are still quite a lot of bugs, few too many to start counting as far as I've seen.

Report them in the bugs section or even list them here if you like.
I'm personally very eager to patch all of the existing bugs before producing new content in the future!

I did /blow in a vehicle and it didn't explode, nor did my /tskill rise. Curiosity was next to me when I did it, blew up around 10 vehicles and tskill stuck to 6.

There's no timer on /blow. You can go plant a bomb in a car as soon as you have already blown something up.

Speedometer is not showing, no matter if you do /speedon.

NizonRox found another bug, but didn't tell anyone about it, ask him if he hasn't spoken to anyone yet.

Can't remember more right now, I'm sure there were a few more though. :/

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #13 on: July 10, 2013, 10:33:47 am »
/blow is now working But worth checking into Sometimes it dose and sometime's it dosn't and, The timer on /blow was removed.
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Offline Enigma

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Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« Reply #14 on: July 10, 2013, 08:17:01 pm »
We're currently working on patching every existing bug. Soon we should have a virtually bug free gamemode!