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Author Topic: Week 11 - 29-3-2013 Schedule  (Read 2563 times)

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Week 11 - 29-3-2013 Schedule
« on: March 27, 2013, 11:48:05 pm »
Here is our first week with Hiredgun aboard, I want to thank him now for all  of his help for this week and the following weeks. Also I would like you guys to post any ideas for future event in the topic:
Anyway, here are this weeks events!

Relay Race
This event will have a race from the top of Mt. Chilliad to the Ireland Gate, but there are some stops you'll have to make :P It will contain of 5 different vehicles which include; HotDog, Mr. Whoopee, Dodo(plane), Infernus, and a NRG-500. Since there a few twist there will be a small bus tour of the track and the bus will bring you to the top of Mt. Chilliad. WARNING: Saw may be driving!

Rules: If your vehicle explodes, you may try to reach the next area and pick up your next vehicle. If you die, most likely you will not be able to catch up.

Chainsaw Massacre
We will be hiding in Las Venturas City Hall. You must run for your life for the Mad Chainsaw Bastard is gonna come after you. If you see him he can most likely can see you! So if you see him RUN!

Rules: You may not shoot the Mad Chainsaw Bastard! The only thing you can do is RUN! and hope that you will not be one of his victims.

Open Field Tank DM
This event will be placed in an empty field. You must wait for the host to say when to shoot. The idea is last one not blown into pieces is the winner.  I suggest you watch your back when Jim comes out of no where and shoots you with his hidden rocket launcher that is placed in his bus This event is pretty basic. But it will be a lot of fun!

Rules: Just listen to the player hosting the event and only shoot when they say to.

Katana Free For All DM
This event will be located on the rocks in Bone County. The idea is to go in war styly and kill everyone in sight. If you are the last one alive you win :D It will be a lot of fun; 1. Not falling off the rock. 2. Fighting for your life!

Rules: If you die you can not return to try again. If you fall off the rock then it still counts as a death and you can't return to the match. It is also best to listen the event host and not start fighting until said to.

The prize for this week is probably one of the best yet; A weapon pack. you'll be able to pick the weapons you like and will keep it forever! Also thank you to the rest of the FnF team for planning out these great events and we hope that all of you (the players) enjoy these events!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 08:00:55 pm by Aaron_Ewing »

Offline joaofcmb

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Re: Week 11 - 30-3-2013 Schedule
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2013, 12:08:49 am »
that sounds aweeeeesooome cant barely wait for that.
Regular ECNR player and Bone County's Sheriff's Department Sergeant

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Re: Week 11 - 30-3-2013 Schedule
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2013, 06:47:43 pm »
Wrong date, it is 29-3-2013 :)

Offline joaofcmb

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Re: Week 11 - 29-3-2013 Schedule
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2013, 09:45:39 pm »
no gor 30-3-2013, has no one showed up it was delayed for tomorrow
Regular ECNR player and Bone County's Sheriff's Department Sergeant

Offline Saw

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Re: Week 11 - 29-3-2013 Schedule
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2013, 12:38:45 am »
Due to no one showing up for this FnF. We have decided to move it Tomorrow (Saturday 30, 2013). It will be at the same time which right now is 8:00 PM (GMT). If you have any questions or concerns please ask Aaron_Ewing, CR33P1ND34TH, Hiredgun, or I (Saw). I hope to see you all tomorrow.

Offline Saw

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Re: Week 11 - 29-3-2013 Schedule
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2013, 08:06:17 pm »
Well last week no one showed up, so FnF will just keep on normal schedule and will be tis upcoming Friday. Please if you have any ideas post them in the Idea topic. It is very important to here your ideas and also tell us what you think of FnF and what you would like to see in the future. I hope to see you all on Friday.