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Messages - burekhunter

Pages: [1]
General Server Discussion / Re: Happy New Year!- Video
« on: December 31, 2013, 05:32:13 pm »
APPY NEW YEAR! 4 years huh? i thought it has been much much much less :P

General Information / Re: happy new year!!
« on: December 31, 2013, 12:02:41 pm »
Happy New Year! How was your last year? Time for resolutions :3

General Server Discussion / Re: Xmas Event
« on: December 22, 2013, 06:56:26 pm »
amm.... in my opinion you shouldnt do it, it would break the game in every aspect. Imagine being a cop trying to hunt down reds that are jumping up and moving like woaoooaoawoo(<wtf lol)
Maybe tho you could implement it as a special xmas event - make a Christmas tree and do king of the hill!
(but i dont think there is any possible way to make it this soon, maybe next Christmas, who knows!)

EDIT-i just realised that there is no way to phisically move players in SA:MP. Cock.

Introductions / I'm back
« on: December 20, 2013, 06:27:18 pm »
So, nobody of you probably remembers me (i was here way back at CRRPG before the split and other shit happened), but i remember the community being nice (except some assholes)
I used to be a bystander, just playing the game peacefully, few posts on forum and regular at IRC. I didn't really talk to much to players but i knew most of them. I lost it when the split happened and it just sucked so i quit SA:MP completly and stopped with the forums.
But now im back! Hopefully not just a bystander, because i want to get involved with the community cuz u guys are awesome! Glad to be back! (hopefully no too much text :3)

See ya on IRC and in-game!

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