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Messages - Enigma

Pages: 1 ... 46 47 [48]
Music & Videos / Re: [VIDEO] New IRN-BRU Advert
« on: May 30, 2012, 06:44:29 pm »
First one was better, pretty good, haha. ;D

Fixed / Re: /cuff bug
« on: May 29, 2012, 07:19:02 pm »
Put it this way, any major bugs, blame Karagon, he is an idiot. We'll fix all his messes, don't worry.

ECNR Human Resources / Re: ECNR Administrator Applications
« on: May 29, 2012, 04:47:40 pm »
Rodriguez, how can you be available them times if you're in school?

Rule Violations / Re: Matskat: Arrest Evasion
« on: May 26, 2012, 04:23:02 pm »
Dealth with. Go easy on them though, as they are new to GTA San Andreas, let alone SA-MP....Let alone ECNR!

Console and Computer Gaming / Re: Command & Conquer
« on: May 26, 2012, 11:35:57 am »
Was about to reply to this topic thinking you were talking about the game Commandos, lol.
Any similarities ?

Rule Violations / Re: Spambot accounts on the forum
« on: May 25, 2012, 05:32:29 pm »
Thanks Max, the members have been deleted and I've made it trickier for the bots to register, hopefully this works, if not we'll have to go one step further.

Website Suggestions / Re: A suggestion
« on: May 24, 2012, 09:36:24 pm »

If you knew that existed, then the reason we want players to make seperate topics is because every player is special and unique, we want each to have their introduction be noticed and get it's own recognition.  :)

ECNR Human Resources / ECNR Administrator Applications
« on: May 24, 2012, 07:07:53 pm »
As of 24/05/2012 you have the chance to be ECNR's first administrator chosen after it's creation!

Some words of advice to help increase your chances of becoming an administrator in ECNR:
Try be as active in game, on the forums & IRC as possible. Why would we chose someone that's not around a lot?

Make helpful posts & topics on the forum, to inform or help players.

Be an active member of the community, get to know all the players and ECNR's background as a whole.

Use correct grammar, people can only see what you type, so that's how their forming their opinion of you, if you want to be respected, grammar is the first step, it's the first thing anyone sees.

Try be as mature, understanding, and partial as possible in any and all situations.

Never lose your calm, a calm administrator is a Raven.

Never, Ever let pride or Ego become an issue.

Treat every player with respect and how you would wish to be treated.

Use the following format to apply:
Code: [Select]
Name In Game:
Occupation/Student (If Neither, say so.):
What languages do you speak? (If not fluent in one, say so.):
Do you know any coding languages?:
How long have you been a part of SA-MP?:
How long have you been a member of the EGC Community?:
Are you a member of any other EGC Games etc, apart from ECNR? (If none available leave blank):
What can you bring to the ECNR Administration Team?:
What sets you apart from other players?:
Are you willing to put pride & ego aside to benefit ECNR At every turn?:
What is your reasons for wanting to be an ECNR Administrator?:

How Active Are You? Give your approx hours per day, for example:
Monday: 2PM-10PM GMT. [u][b]Ensure all times are in GMT Format.[/b][/u]

Each and every application will be looked through and given the time it deserves. Do NOT Ask me have I seen your application or what I think of it.

Introductions / Re: My introduction!
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:45:47 pm »
Welcome to our fine establishment, Labrinth.

Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: May 24, 2012, 06:45:15 pm »
Welcome Ms_Understood, very happy to have you here.

Announcements / Re: ECNR's Grand Opening
« on: May 23, 2012, 08:21:57 pm »
It's a new server Reflex, gonna take time to get dedicated players. We've had a few drop in and come back. These things take time, as all great things do. We're going to be huge, trust me there.

Announcements / So, what is EGC?
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:55:14 pm »
Enigmatic Gaming Community is just that....A unique and mysterious Community of predominately gamers, but not exclusive to gamers.
Our forums cover a wide variety of subjects, from Drug Addiction, to holidays, from Sport to Fashion, from the best new hardware discussions, to good TV Shows. We've got it all.

That's just our forums, since EGC is still quite new, we only have the one branch for the moment. That is our GTA San Andreas Online Multiplayer server; Enigmatic Cops N' Robbers.
We do however plan on expanding into all sorts of areas including creating new game servers. Selling products, etc. We've no limit to expansion.

So you can give us ideas of areas to expand into here...or you can simply ask us for some holiday advice. It's all up to you. Enjoy your stay at Enigmatic Gaming Community.

Announcements / ECNR's Grand Opening
« on: May 17, 2012, 05:48:44 pm »
Hello everybody and welcome to Enigmatic Cops N' Robbers, the SA-MP Branch of Enigmatic Gaming Community (EGC), to find out what's up with EGC, head on over here. http://main.enigmaticgc.com/

After months of planning, the day has finally come where we have our Grand Opening. Which is today (17-05-2012) at 7PM GMT. We will be making ECNR public for the first time.
Our first official script version is 1.0. This is a re-vamped version of the script we are using with many changes and a few cool additions, such as the Informer skill/class.

We will be getting straight to work on 1.1 which will be fantastic. We plan on adding several new features and making it more fun all-round.
If you have any suggestions for 1.1, feel free to post them in Server Suggestions. We are looking to give you the best possible SA-MP Experience at all costs.

I guess there's just one thing left to say....the countdown finally almost over. See you soon gentlemen.

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