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Messages - joaofcmb

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Games / Indie vs Triple-A
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:59:45 pm »
The before AA, now turned into Indie keeps astonishing the gaming industry with great ideas and creativity introducing new IP's against the major developers franchise AAA sequels. Which you guys rather, and what are the good things of eachother, also why you think publishers and developers bet on sequels instead on new topics. Well obviously, at least for me, since the gaming industry has got much more serious and business-ish, the big devs, being the most substainable, have to bet on games that they know people will like, taking in consideration the ammount of mny involved. Therefore, it is better if Indie devs take care of this job right. This is not as bad as it seems for some, as the big devs take inspiration on the Indies. Take a look at the Horror theme, now rebirthing from the dead.

Games / What was the most revolutionizing games ever.
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:53:07 pm »
The subject says it all. Let's share thoughts about which games we think were more revolutionizable and became iconic classics. Imo the games were the following:

Super mario bros - The 1st game didnt make such a great impact as this one, because this game revolutionized plataforming, due to its changes, regarding, also, the Physics, which imo were the reason it became so great. It's all so bouncy and slippery, the enemy killing was very creative and the biggest skill requirement wasnt even the kill part, but also the landing, and try to do combos.

007 Golden Eye - Who would say in such a few amount of time, we'd cross from running hedgehogs and killing turtles into a 3d shooter. This game was the 1st ever to go 3d in gaming (correct me if im wrong)

GTA 3 - No need to say why. This game is a sandbox open world game, which core gameplay is still the same today (cinematic, mission, cinematic). Until now, for my unfortunate, no developer has changed it, in spite of WD inovations.

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell - cover of the 1st ever issue of Games TM, and a complete inovation on level design, very important in stealth and strategy games like these, not to mention the Tom Clancy quality mark xD. Everyone recognises those 3 green dot goggles, still used in today's character design. Way to go for Ubisoft. Metal Gear Solid saw a fine competitor at its E3 presentation xD.

Cant think of other games right now. Share ya thoughts guys.

Games / New Games Topics
« on: August 09, 2014, 09:40:07 pm »
I've had this cool idea to boost the community. Maybe having some gaming discussion, recurring everyone's thought and opinions not only bout games but about their history and the industry. Also i am back guys xD.

General Server Discussion / TomanueLLos situation
« on: August 01, 2014, 01:34:13 pm »
TomanueLLos conduct on the forums is extremely foulish. He, in order to obtain REG status, immediatly spammed the forums with replies, which didnt introduce anything new to the subject, as well as replieing to posts out of context, do to the time being of them. Not only he did this, as well as posted a change name just to add (IRC), which makes no sense, hence reenforcing my believe of himself pretending to be stupid and innocent, and using such a stupid reason to help on his REG status obtainable, as well as another post, requestion to becom regular, despite it being in the wrong place. I think that, due to his conduct, his account, as well with all his activity on the forums, should be eliminated. He has the chance to make a new one, hopefully without the (IRC) bs, and has a chance to start over, and have a decent conduct on the forums. Share your opinions pls.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Hitman class
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:22:43 pm »
Hitmen is all about stealth too. i think Snipers could have a Headshot insta-kill, no matter the health and armor and Hitmen could be hidden from minimap. Weapons should be Sniper rifle, Combat Shotgun and Knife Terrorist should be more like Deagle, AK47 and Steel Knuckle (or w/e it is called), because Sniper doesnt make much sense. These addiction would definitly revolutionize the Hitman Class

Fixed / Re: Ireland Gate Toll robbery with skyline card
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:18:08 pm »
Ya that'd work.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Some suggestions for 1.7
« on: July 24, 2014, 06:17:13 pm »
gr8 suggestions varun. The territories to take over could be all over SA, instead of just being in Bone county. I think biterope should still be available but have a 5 min cooldown and 10% chance of breaking the rope. Maybe introducing 2 types of rope. Normal one that can be bit (10% chance) and a better rope which costs 200k that cannot be bitten and scissors have 15% chance and 5 min cooldown. The cellphone is used for 911 calls, prostitutes, which make no sense and should be removed, and for org talk. Cellphone could be kept, as long as it has other features. Imo Cellphone users could be the only one with access to the current time ig, Weather forecast by pressing /weather, and the only ones who could make /pm's (sort of like Texting each other). One thing that'd be cool, would be a chatroom for Foreign Languages. People could speak with it thu a command like, /fc "msg" and have commands like /enablefc and /disablefc to either see it in a dif color, or for it to be hidden.

Fixed / Re: [BUG]/Arrest Dosen't work
« on: July 20, 2014, 09:49:07 pm »
If someone joins an event and then it is closed and he doesnt die i think he is still in event. Same when u freeze everyone, close event, then you cant unfreeze. Not sure but that is wat i think.

Friday Festival / [Not Happening this week]Week 2 - FnF - 18/07/14
« on: July 17, 2014, 03:33:31 pm »
    Week 2 - Sports

    This week's FnF will be about Sports. Hope you have fun in this week's sport themed events. The Events we'll be hosting this week are:

    • Baseball Riot
    • Get that Bus
    • Rivalry
    • Nascar (8 track)
    • Endangered Coach
    • Classic Derby
    • Maniac on the loose
    • Mysterious Event

    Baseball Riot: The Home team has had a shamefull performance, and the fans didnt like it, so they entered the field of play and started fighting the players with baseball bats. As everyone is only with 1 hp, 1 blow will kill. Last team players alive win 10 points. 

    Get that bus: Some of the players have escaped. Their "fans" are after them and are trying to blow up the bus. However the players' security is protecting them. If they reach their mansion in Vinewood, the fans lose, if the bus blowup, fans win. The team that won wins 10 points each player.

    Rivalry: When two rival teams play against eachother, it is total mayhem. Pretty much the fans of each team decided to go have a western fight in the middle of the stadium with carbines and revolvers. The players of the surviving team win 10 points each.

    Nascar (8 track): Nascar is back at LS stadium and it is epicly known for the challenging 8 track race, which really pushes the cars to the limit, as the driver mustnt not only handle the understeer, keep a steady track lane as well as doing this while exchanging corners. Winner gets 25 points, 2nd gets 15 and 3rd gets 10.

    Endangered Coach: The coach was responsible for the team's lost, and they were the ones who got chased by their "fans". Everyone is mad at the coach, and he is alone running for his life. Whoever kills him gets 15 points.

    Classic Derby: A normal derby in the SF stadium. The crowd is excited about it and cannot wait for the derby. Winner gets 25 points, 2nd place gets 15 points and 3rd place 10 points.

    Maniac on the loose: This guy didn't like his team's lost. He picked up his Minigun and started shooting everyone. Luckly the cops got him trapped so he cant run away. There are many bounty hunters in roofs nearby with snipers. the one who kills him gets 10 points, however, you should exept some backfire :P.

    These will be the events for now. Some might be added until tomorrow so stay tuned. The prizes for the festival will be in cash.

    The events start at 7:00pm GMT. If they are not finished, the events will continue in the next day at the same time.

    The FnF Crew[/list]

    General Information / Re: Project Liberation: A whole new way of SAMP
    « on: July 16, 2014, 08:39:37 pm »
    I think i will give up on this. I got other crap to do and i wont have time for such a big project. However i have another one in mind :). Stay tuned lol.

    General Information / Re: Project Liberation: A whole new way of SAMP
    « on: July 14, 2014, 12:47:45 pm »
    The cities won't be too large. Just small and include some iconic buildings from the zone. The cities will be connected by highways and roads, meaning they will be spaced well. Hopefully this will indeed happen.

    General Information / Re: Project Liberation: A whole new way of SAMP
    « on: July 13, 2014, 10:58:15 pm »
    I will 1st start with riviera project. Im making a bridge to france, using the ganton bridge objects. The cities I plan to implant are the ones in the following website http://www.mapsofworld.com/france/facts/major-cities.html
    I will start by making Nantes, where the bridge leads and work on making a roads towards Paris, building on the way Angers and Le Mans. Once i finish making these 4 cities i will focus on making the north of France. Once the North of France is complete i will ask Enigma to place it in the server on a future update.

    General Information / Project Liberation: A whole new way of SAMP
    « on: July 13, 2014, 10:48:47 pm »
    Project LIBERATION

    Mr.Barbosa, Codenamed joao_fcmb AKA joao has chosen EGC for a revolutionary project. Project Liberation consists on the expansion of SA's Map. The mapping will be as realistic as possible and include varied themes in tune with realife, including landmarks and landscaping, utilizing all the available assets in SAMP. I'll be both doing the Mapping and the Scripting, however, anyone interested in helping me may ask. The project will be developed and divided into two.

    Project Riviera: Enigma's Cops N' Robbers Server

    In ECNR I will be making All of Europe, including UK and Ireland, Africa, Middle East and the West of Asia. These will be filled with common CNR places to rob, banks etc.. as well as including iconic building which might have bigger robberies requiring more people, teamwork, stealth, etc... which, ofc, include bigger payouts. I know that byrner will most likely not want ireland to be changed, so i am whiling to keep it the way he mapped.

    Project Indigo: Future Generation Role Play Game

    In FGRPG I will be making what hasnt been done in ECNR, meaning i will make All of America, including the US, and South America, as well has Australia and Eastern Asia. Just like in Project Riviera it will include all the features refered in it.

    Pls reply with your thoughts and opinions about this project, for the purpous of its enhancement.

    Rule Violations / Re: IRC Spamming
    « on: July 11, 2014, 07:28:38 am »
    I've witnessed this while i was ig. When my pc lost focus i could see the IRC. Plus the ig messages were hard to let pass undetected.

    Friday Festival / Re: Week 1 - FnF - 11/07/14
    « on: July 10, 2014, 05:14:40 pm »
    Don't forget guys. FnF tomorrow.
    The FnF crew

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