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Messages - joaofcmb

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 [22] 23
Announcements / Re: The Revival of FnF
« on: March 25, 2013, 03:18:03 pm »
Sounds great, make us cry for FnF gun

ECNR Suggestions / Re: /jr
« on: March 24, 2013, 10:01:15 am »
i have mr stuff to put, still left the crimila promotions, army, navy n airforce for regs, n anything else i figure out :) ill put it here when im in the mood to right

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:52:36 pm »
tks enigma

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:51:02 pm »
i just came in the server n said i was banned due to ban evasion so i suppose im still not unbanned

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 23, 2013, 06:45:57 pm »
tks a lot enigma, i'm so regreted from what i've done, by the way my inthernet is so lazy it cant download a thing, not even mIRC, after this i dunno if i will ever regain your trust or my way in this community

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 23, 2013, 02:53:48 pm »
they r marwin, they r

ECNR Suggestions / Re: /jr
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:52:05 am »
yeah in 2.0(1.5 is too late) there could be mr places to rob like museums, n big stufff, banks included, were various people r necessary to rob, a getway driver, a hacker, stuff like that so we can imitate the big robberies, n the cops could have this order of sending all units to this place, they would do so if they received some cash n score too if they stoped the robbery. Then there would be this speed chase between em, that if they can rob the bank, n they had to go to either an org base, or to this criminal hideout, which could make big roberies successfull, an hideout so protected it couldnt be taken down by anything, even hydras, in this hideout there could be a room where differnet groups chat, n discuss their plans, a criminal bank, where all criminal could save their money, this bank cant be stolen except in the transactions by big vans, where cops can assault it, as it will be an illegal bank. the hideout should also have a garage with tones of vans sports car n anything to make these kind of robberies, therefore, with this hideout, the civilian chosal should be only for jobs, as there should be a branch in the skin selection for criminal, which would spawn at this hideout n then chose its skill. this would definitly turnup the heat between cops n robbers. of course the civs can also get wanted by doin stuff, like it is know. those u go to criminal a depault wanted level should appear, depending on his crimes, allowing like this the distingition of the criminals, being of course a bigger target for cops, n has they r that wanted a great criminal, because when criminals get arrested, they wanted level should get back to this default for all criminals. in prisons there could be fights and guards n stuff like that just like in a real prison, which would also mean the big guys at prisons, who stay there forever n do the prison stuff like fighting basketball lifting weights n stuff, n the guards who stay there. this also takes me to somewhere else, except of this score thing, there would be a law enforcement branch on the skin selection, the first timers have to make a test to be security guard, then they guard stuff from criminals, if they r sucessful in their job they should get promoted, to prison guard, then LVPD officer, LVPD sargent( can make teams where he is the leader) LVPD Lieutennant, LVPD Commander(the first guy to get thid high n to be the best of all others goes to this rank others go to the following, also each time they get promoted, mr vehicle form lvpd they can drive, n that will also work with the following)

   n?1- bcsd training,bcsd officer, sargent, lieutennant, captain and major.(its commander is still the same(aaron)

   n?2 CIA training, CIA hacker, CIA, Informer, CIA Spy, CIA Ultimate Spy unit Informer, CIA Ultimate Spy Unit Spy, Head of CIA Ultimate Spy unit and CIA boss(the last two r also for the best of the best as only one person can be so)

   n?3 FBI training, FBI officer, sargent, lieutennant, capitain, SWAT training, officer sargent  special ops unit asset, special ops unit sargent, special ops unit lieutennant, special ops unit capitain, head of special ops unit and head of SWAT.( the last two only for the best of best as said before) 

  This is probably too late for 1.5 but u could put this for 2.0, also been thinking in criminal promotions, but im tired of writing, actually i thought of this while answering the /jr thing n thought writing it, ill then write about the criminal promotions.

ECNR Suggestions / RP Event
« on: March 23, 2013, 10:19:03 am »
I Yesterday made this RP event which was really cool, this misterious leader of ours appeared n told us to go to chinatown, then follow him to buy weed or something, it was cool, its like a storyline except we all make it, byrner or whoever is in charge of the RP could make an epic storyline, place the caracters, or just checkpoints with speaches in the chat if not possible. The first rp event we made was simple, we were making bussiness with this pot planter so we could have pot for us :D The second one was crepier, we found a plane crash, n we start doing stuff to find out what happened, we talk to the sheriff speak to various people n find out what happened, so the first RP was mr lie a storyline, the second sorta of a tressure hunt, or something, this is real cool, so i think u guys should have one too.

by the way the second RP had freezed time at night n with fog, that would be also cool.

ECNR SA-MP Server Requests / Re: ban me
« on: March 22, 2013, 08:40:06 pm »
dude just be happy you're on the server, I have been perma banned and would love to go back on.

Yeah me too, u should be happy while u playing ecnr, if they r bothering u nevermind em, or just stay away from them.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Taxi Player Color
« on: March 22, 2013, 03:10:00 pm »
got an idea the yellow could be orange, the warrant wanted red except of orange n the mostwanted could be black instead

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 22, 2013, 02:47:39 pm »
i know that tank

Friday Festival / Re: Week 10 - 22/03/13 - Schedule
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:44:42 am »
That extravaganza looks real cool, u could have done that sorta of a week ago :(, i was actually thinking while trying to sleep about a multivehicle race, looool

I dunno my gmt anyway, nor the time of the festivies so i would prob goin to miss it even if i wasn't banned

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 22, 2013, 11:39:12 am »
No Tank u can't its just 2m anyway so u probably don't want

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 21, 2013, 09:52:11 pm »
hired ill never do this again, i swear my life ill never, ever, do this again, sry again for this byrner im very sry for this n i know i should have never done this

General Information / Re: Farewell...... pls read
« on: March 21, 2013, 06:49:52 pm »
i will enigma after i download it

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