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Messages - joaofcmb

Pages: 1 ... 10 11 [12] 13 14 ... 23
Event Management / Re: The Almighty Black Hand Events
« on: December 05, 2013, 04:44:26 pm »
This was supposed to be BH exclusive. Varun what ya think?

ECNR Suggestions / Re: roadblocks
« on: December 01, 2013, 05:57:31 pm »
I think that was added after i made the server crash when making a kart race event xD

Request Management / Re: Bussines
« on: November 26, 2013, 06:27:58 pm »
Bussiness are sold in auction (ig mny or real mny) by its owner. Currently i think there is no business available. Each business gives you ig in gpas of 1/2 an hour i think. The mny u gain each time depends on the business. you lose mny if your business is robbed. However you can kill him while he is robbing, or after, as long as he is killed before it passed 5 min since robbery. however, U ONLY WIN OR LOSE MONEY WHEN YOU ARE INGAME.

Viper has a point here. We definitly got to change this. I cant stop seeign people wanting to have fun but cant because they dont speak english :( 1+ rep for viper

Games / Re: Post a picture of your desktop :D
« on: November 15, 2013, 08:02:46 pm »
Don't know how to take a pic fo ya dersktop using the pc so here is the screensaver. I saw this in a GTAV comment. Someone was asking for a certain image to be cleared so he could use it has a screensaver. As i liked it i made it my wallpaper. Here it is.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Sex and Drugs and Rock n' roll
« on: November 09, 2013, 10:30:16 am »

I think it should be in FGRPG though. Give Viper a call xD

General Information / Re: HAPPY BIRTHDAY VARUN -By irshu
« on: November 08, 2013, 02:24:40 pm »

Announcements / Re: Major FGRPG Update
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:11:27 pm »
That is A W E S O M E. Im dying to play it

Announcements / Re: Important Announcement Regarding FGRPG
« on: November 04, 2013, 10:07:15 pm »
I want it. I need it.
Im sure it'll be great

Introductions / Re: Introduction.
« on: October 31, 2013, 05:14:51 pm »
Wb, it is never tiring to get members back. Hope you have fun and that we get to know better.

New Organization Applications / Re: Most Wanted Racers
« on: October 28, 2013, 05:46:09 pm »
No varun :(

ECNR Human Resources / Re: ECNR Administrator Applications
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:00:52 pm »
Name In Game: joao_fcmb
Age: 14
Nationality: Portuguese
Occupation/Student (If Neither, say so.): College student
What languages do you speak? (If not fluent in one, say so.): Portuguese, English and a bit of French
Do you know any coding languages?: No, I do not.
How long have you been a part of SA-MP?: Cant remember, but must have been around 1 year and 1 month
How long have you been a member of the EGC Community?: 10 months (Average)
Are you a member of any other EGC Games etc, apart from ECNR? (If none available leave blank): EGCM and FGRPG when it comes out.
What can you bring to the ECNR Administration Team?: The Administration Team of ECNR is great, so i know it is hard to make a big difference on my Accept in it, but althrough i dont have any administration experience, i believe that i am able to put in practice what i saw of the other Admin's work. I believe that i will do ok in the beggining and that i can ensure fun and equality to everyone in ECNR.
What sets you apart from other players?: I think that i am a enthusiastic, making my entry to EGC a bit untolerable. I've learn't with my mistakes, and i think i'm becoming a better person now; also, Events and Team Work Events, like the org type, is something that i love, and i'd like to bring a lot of events to ECNR. Being an Administrator will definitly be great for that, and, honestly, one of my causes to want to become an Administrator is that reason.
Are you willing to put pride & ego aside to benefit ECNR At every turn?: Yes I am.
What is your reasons for wanting to be an ECNR Administrator?: Behond the reason mentioned above, The reasons for me to want to be an ECNR Administration is because i've laways dremt about it. Since my early days in SA-MP, I've always wanted to become an Admin. I could imagine myself being there to help people, to ensure fun and safety, to ensure everyone was having a blast. I knew it was hard to achieve that, but i kept that thought tightened in my heart, with the hope that one day i would fullfill my dream. I've become a lot bonded with EGC, and since i noticed the kindness and friendship existing here, i just wanted to stay, and my dream to become an Administrator suddently dindt become important. Even through that being an Administrator no longer became my top priority, I would still love being one, but honestly, after i met EGC, i would only really like to work for my fellow friends here, to help them, and to retribute their trust, faith, friendship and accept in this family.

How Active Are You? Give your approx hours per day, for example:
Monday: 2PM-10PM GMT. Ensure all times are in GMT Format.

Monday: 6PM-9PM/10PM-11PM
Tuesday: 10PM-11PM
Wednesday: 6PM-9PM/10PM-11PM
Thursday: 10PM-11PM
Friday: 10PM-11PM
Saturday: 3PM-6PM 10PM-12PM (Not certain)
Sunday: 6PM-9PM/10PM-11PM

Announcements / Re: Administration Team changes.
« on: October 26, 2013, 10:04:14 am »
Congratz Mert, u'll do a great admin. Ik this is off topic but, no one seemed to see the new blackhand revival. Pls check Org Information for the new BlackHand. Details will be unfolded soon

Organization Information / Black Hand rises to live
« on: October 24, 2013, 09:12:49 pm »

The Black Hand

The once fallen titan is now risen again; after all the sorrows suffered, we shall return to the top, we shall clear the scarves implanted in our body, and break our bonding chains, we'll get back on our feet, and we shall get the sword and shield, we won't again make mistakes, we won't only follow the shadows, we won't just embrace the shadows but we will to surpass them, and break our barriers implanted by them, we are the Mighty BlackHand.

San Andreas Newspaper

The Blackhand revives

The Blackhand, recently taken down by BCSD with combined forces of the FBI, forced into the BH hideout, killing its Ruler Avail and detaining its followers; is back in action. Earlier this week, two undentified have breaken to the higlly protected Guantanamo prison, secured by BCSD officers. They aproached in two helicopters on the back and took out the security, leaving no mercy. The two suspects have taken every BH prisioners that were in there. Caption Ewing, only survivor of this massacre, mentioned on an interview stated by CNN that he was shocked at how these two man managed to get in and leave alive.
Earlier today, BCSD has made a press conference on the cityhall. With the mayor by his side, Chief Deputy Watako stated that the BH Hideout is on their control and that BH cant do anything witout a proper HQ. He also mentions that the BH hideout is higly protected, unbreeachble by the current soldiers in BH, even with the noew bosses. Then Wegner aproached, his posture made clear, that he was not intimidated by the new BH threat. He tried to speak but the microfone was remotely disabled and the speakers emited a message from the blackhand new leaders, possibly the ones responsible for the prison break. "Greeting people of San Andreas. Let me introduce ourselves. I am Mert. and i am joao_fcmb. We are the new BH leaders, and before anything, we'd like to make clear that THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT.
BH will be a mafia org now. Further details as well as rules, apps, etc shall be announced. We are corrently working things up, we will soon build up our strength and we'll regain control of our hideout.... or maybe not MUHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA."

Sheriff-Coroner Wagner promisses payback.
BCSD Sheriff-Coroner William Wagner, promissed after the Black Hand's speach that payback is guaranted for interrumpting his speech. He also promissed a message for the Black Hand made in public at the cityhall tomorrow.

Further details shall be announced soon

Games / Re: Word game
« on: October 23, 2013, 08:47:55 pm »
marker eraser

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