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Messages - joaofcmb

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 23
General Information / Re: What do you guys want mapped? (ECNR)
« on: April 05, 2014, 09:51:05 pm »
I voted all the options once so i could see the progress :P

General Information / What do you guys want mapped? (FGRPG)
« on: April 05, 2014, 09:47:05 pm »
Hey Guys. I wanna start Mapping in SAMP, therefore this thread. Choose what you'd like to see in FGRPG, and reply with any more ideas and stuff. You guys can vote more than once, so that you aren't forced to choose only one, when there are many that could appeal to you. If Viper accepts, I will start mapping these features, starting with the one which was most voted. If anyone's idea becomes popular, it will be added to the poll.

General Information / What do you guys want mapped? (ECNR)
« on: April 05, 2014, 09:40:44 pm »
Hey Guys. I wanna start Mapping in SAMP, therefore this thread. Choose what you'd like to see in ECNR, and reply with any more ideas and stuff. You guys can vote more than once, so that you aren?t forced to choose only one, when there are many that appeal to you. If Enigma accepts I will start mapping these features, startign with the most voted. If anyone's idea becomes popular, it will be added to the poll.

General Information / Shutting Down BH
« on: April 01, 2014, 06:48:50 pm »
Im sorry but it is the best. I declare BH shutdown. Every BH member should go to BCSD. Sry guys it just had to happen

Fixed / Re: Hydra spawn with 300HP
« on: March 10, 2014, 05:00:23 pm »
when u use /stealth and go back from it every non cops or wanted become the same color as army in the player's HUD

ECNR Suggestions / Regular Moderation on Events.
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:22:56 pm »
It is cool that regulars can host certain events, but there are many we cant, like races etc.. I propose that regulars can spawn cars, but not all of them, just 5 models. These Models could be:

1. RoadTrain (For King of the Trailer)
2. Trailer (For King of the Trailer)
3. NRG (For races and stunt races/shows)
4. Infernus (For races)
5. Buggy (For off-road Races)

If you guys have better sugestions please tell them in your replies. I believe this is the best way.

Fixed / Re: Hydra spawn with 300HP
« on: March 09, 2014, 01:17:46 pm »
Can't see your icon in the minimap, you might be in /stealth mode. Also everyone seems to be army exept a cop, so that means it could be the /stealth bug. Just saying it could be that :P

Announcements / Re: 0.3z Aim Style
« on: March 01, 2014, 09:27:16 pm »
I have no idea what to choose. Anyway There is a prob with tay's evolution speech is wrong. The most acceptable evlution theory is darwin which says they did not adapt. We had to adapt to the new environment to survive. Those who survived were the ones who had the characteristics that allowed so. This made these charactaristics global, as everybody else died :P. This continued progressing. The reason we love sex is because of these. Only those who liked sex reproduced, so those who didnt died with no children. :P. I saw a documentary bout lust and the reason men rather certain characteristics from women is because it means they would be better mothers. For example we like women without fur in the body. This fur means the mom has more testosterone than others :P, making us know which would be, cientificly a better mom. Also when women want some guy they become more attencious, to make men know they would be good mothers. Men become more show-off'ers in other to attract their females, like many other males in nature :P. Its impressing how the human mind works xD, very exciting indded..... and i am going a little off topic, sry got enthusiastic 5 golden medals to who took all this crap :P

Introductions / Re: HI!
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:19:31 pm »
WB Varun. I missed ya a lot, as a friend, and as my right hand :P. Congratz on the promotion btw. I bet u deserved it.

Introductions / Re: An apology.
« on: February 18, 2014, 06:17:32 pm »
WB Ratzu. Gonna be cool playing with ya IG

Introductions / Re: Let's make this official
« on: February 17, 2014, 08:47:41 pm »

Event Management / Re: EECC (Enigmatic Endurance Car Championship)
« on: February 16, 2014, 01:26:03 pm »
Race Track Information and Donwload of Race Track Picture. Find these on the link in the post.

Event Management / Re: EECC Update
« on: February 15, 2014, 11:44:03 pm »
it is a lap race :P. All are lap races. There are Endurance Races. Like Le mans

Event Management / Re: EECC Update
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:46:18 pm »
ik that. It' supposed to be long. It is the final race which will be 2 hours, while the other ones will be in just 1 hour. The final race should be fun to both participate and watch, if we are lucky to have a competitive season. I'm planning to have someone live streaming it on twitch tv and i'm getting some friends into this.

Event Management / EECC (Enigmatic Endurance Car Championship)
« on: February 15, 2014, 05:02:38 pm »
Fellow friends. The Grand Prix racetracks for this year's EECC have been made. Check them out.

If u believe some tracks are not good, pls tell me.

Scheduled updates:

  • 15 to 16 Fev:Track Information
  • 16 to 23 Fev: Full info on EECC: Schedule, Regulation, etc....
  • 1 Mar: Team Apliication Form ready.

Click the following link to have access to the picture above and to the Race Track information


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