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Topics - Aaron_Ewing

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Friday Festival / Week 4 - 08/02/13 - Schedule
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:54:52 pm »
This is Week 4 of the Friday Night Festivities. Hope to see all participants ingame. Prize is "OwnerShip of Club Diva."


The Events

RC Bandit race.
3 laps around julius Thruway. No short cuts or be Disqualified

Hydra DM underwater
This is a Hydra DM event. Anyone that takes the hydra out of the water is out of the event
Anyone who is blown up by another player or blown up themself can not rejoin

NRG Wheelie Contest
There will be three rounds. Player with most wheelie time (three rounds combined) will be chosen the winner!

RC Baron
This is a RC Baron DM event, These are RC Planes that shoots like Rustlers. Objective. Take out everyone of your enemies and Be the last one standing.

Combine Roof Battle
This is a Combine Roof Battle, Combines are a farm type vehicle. Your objective, Push all of the other people in the event, Off the roof. and be the last one up there. Anyone pushed off the roof or falls off themself without being pushed, Is out of the event. You get 1 shot to join this event and can not rejoin after you fell off the roof. Also being blown up does count of being out of the event.

I hope you guys enjoy these events. It was hard for me to generate any ideas that you guys might like. But hopefully you guys participate in this and enjoy it.

Fixed / [BUG] Cop with a wanted level
« on: January 31, 2013, 10:31:41 am »
Description of the bug:

I honestly have no idea how the hell I got a wanted level as a cop. I just came back to the TF base, got in to one of the TF Vehicles and I got the message I can't drive it while having a wanted level, Obviously I can't be actually wanted when I am a cop. Those stars just randomally appeared some how and Idk how or why they did. Anyways, 2 pictures are being posted, 1 ingame showing me I was Red, and from IRC showing I am blue.

Images of the bug:

Picture from Ingame showing I am wanted

Picture of IRC showing that I am not wanted.

Fixed / [MISTAKE] "09"\ "Enignatic"
« on: January 26, 2013, 01:13:03 pm »
Description of the bug:

The thingy that shows people logging in and what not has "09 before the message" And the message where it supposed to say Enigmatic, Says "Enignatic"

Images of the bug:

General Information / Business Owners
« on: January 24, 2013, 04:37:59 pm »
This is a list of the Business's and Owners. If you see a business that's yours and it says vacant. Let me know. And I will put your name there after seeing if your truly the owner of it. Also if there's any businesses I didn't put in the list, Let me know.

AutoBahn and BikeBahn Owner: Sylar

AirPort Owner: Deadpros

Drunk Gunz Owner: Keisuke_Takahashi

Drug House Owner: CR33P1ND34TH

Importation Owner: Dario_Capkanov

Club Diva Owner: Underated

BoatBahn Owner: Kelvin_Campe

Fancy Cars:  CR33P1ND34TH

Bomb Shop:  CR33P1ND34TH

HeliBahn: Deadpros

Wrestling / [WWE] Monday Night Raw Results - 1/14/2013
« on: January 16, 2013, 03:20:02 am »
For the ones who didn't see it last night, here are the results

- Tonight's WWE RAW opens up with a mash-up of RAW opening videos from over the years.

- We're live from the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas as Michael Cole welcomes us. We go right to the ring and Vince McMahon is waiting. Vince talks about RAW's success over the years and thanks the fans. He announces John Cena vs. Dolph Ziggler in a steel cage for tonight. He also plugs The Rock's Rock Concert. Vince is interrupted by Big Show and out he comes.

Show says everyone needs to wait because the travesty that happened to him on SmackDown needs to be addressed. Vince says he doesn't like being told what to do and doesn't like being interrupted. Vince picks on Show for losing the World Heavyweight Title. Vince airs the footage from SmackDown where Alberto Del Rio won the title.

Show says he wasn't prepared for a Last Man Standing match and blames Booker T. Show wonders if Booker was trying to make Del Rio a hero to the Latinos. The crowd boos Show. Show says Booker is jealous of him. Vince asks Show what he wants done about it. Show wants Del Rio stripped of the title. The music hits and out comes Ricardo Rodriguez and Alberto Del Rio to a big pop.

Del Rio says Show comes off very small. Del Rio says instead of complaining to Mr. McMahon, do something about it. Del Rio proposes a rematch for tonight. Show says no and the crowd chants si. Show says he wasn't prepared on Friday and isn't prepared tonight. Del Rio tells Show to show some balls for once in his life. JBL and Jerry Lawler are on commentary with Cole tonight by the way. Show says he's not going to waste his rematch tonight. Show wants the match at the Royal Rumble. Show says people won't be talking about the Rumble winner, CM Punk or The Rock. They're going to be talking about him. Show tells Del Rio to enjoy his 15 minutes of fame. Del Rio calls Show a fat jackass. Show asks Vince if he's ok with how Del Rio is acting. Ricardo and Del Rio have a present for Show now. RR picks up a bucket and Show warns him. Ricard tosses a bunch of confetti on Show and they laugh at him. Show goes after RR but Del Rio stops him. The brawl and Del Rio hits a hurricanrana. Del Rio with a kick to the head that sends Show out of the ring. Vince introduces Del Rio to the crowd as he celebrates.

Match #1
Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton

We go to the ring and Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett is in the ring. Randy Orton is out next to a big pop.

They lock up and Orton takes it to the corner. Back to the corner and Barrett works Orton over in the corner. Barrett ducks a clothesline and Orton hits a Thesz Press. Barrett goes to the floor but Orton follows. Barrett gets his face slammed into the announcers table. Orton back drops Barrett on the fan barrier and brings him back in for a 2 count. Orton stomps away now. Barrett gets dumped back to the floor as we go to commercial.

Back from the break and Barrett is in control. Barrett with a headlock but Orton fights out. Barrett cuts him off and takes Orton to the apron with knees to the head. Barrett with a big kick for 2. Barrett goes back to a headlock now. Orton breaks free with a big backdrop. Orton comes back with clotheslines and a big powerslam. Barrett ducks out of the ring but Orton nails the backbreaker. Orton with the second rope draping DDT as the crowd pops. More back and forth. Barrett with the Bullhammer elbow for the clean win.

Winner: Wade Barrett

Back stage segment

will be stripped of her title if she tries to run away or get counted out tonight. Eve tries to play up to Booker- WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres runs into Teddy Long and Booker T backstage. Booker says Vickie Guerrero agrees that Eve but he laughs in her face. Teddy laughs at her too. Eve smacks Teddy in the face and walks off.

Back to Ring side with Michael Cole
- Cole shows us footage from earlier today where Kane and Daniel Bryan met with Dr. Shelby for an evaluation. Bryan tells Kane that they should lie to Dr. Shelby and tell him what he wants to hear. Kane agrees and in comes the doc. They have a group hug before sitting down. They answer some questions about each other. Shelby brings in Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes. He wants them to cause a trigger for Team Hell No's anger and see how they handle it. Shelby wants Rhodes and Sandow to antagonize them and when they get angry, wash it away and find their happiness. Before that can happen, Sandow and Rhodes end up correcting Shelby and running him down. They call Shelby a failure and say Dr. Phil would be better. Shelby tells Bryan and Kane to attack and they get rid of Rhodes Scholars.

Match #2
Kane vs. Damien Sandow

Kane comes out with Daniel Bryan to
 Sandow comes out with Rhodes. Kane takes control early on and unloads on Sandow in the corners. Kane with a sideslam for a 2 count. Kane with more offense on the floor. Kane brings it back in but Sandow kicks him. Sandow turns it around and works Kane over now. Sandow goes on and hits the Elbow of Disdain. Sandow comes off the top but Kane catches him with a chokeslam for the win.

Winner: Kane

- Justin Roberts introduces Mick Foley as the first inductee into the 2013 Hall of Fame class. The crowd chants for Foley and out he comes to the ring.

Foley thanks the crowd for their ovation but The Shield's music hits. Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come through the crowd and surround Foley in the ring. Ryback's music hits and out he comes for the save. They beat Ryback down but he turns it around. They beat him down again but now comes Randy Orton for the save. Orton gets beat down also and out next comes Sheamus. Sheamus fights them off. Orton and Ryback join in and the clear the ring after Ambrose takes Shell Shocked. The Shield backs up the ramp as Orton, Ryback and Sheamus stand tall in the ring.

-Ryback gets a big "Feed Me More" chant going. Josh Mathews enters the ring to interview Ryback. He talks about how The Shield has allowed CM Punk to escape every time they face off. Ryback says he can't rest until he gives back The Shield what they have taken from him. Ryback starts a "Feed Me Shield" chant.

Match #3 - The Divas Title match 

WWE Divas Title Match: Kaitlyn vs. Eve Torres

Lilian Garcia announces this match as Kaitlyn waits in the ring. WWE Divas Champion Eve Torres comes out next. If she gets counted out, she will lose the title in this match.

The bell rings and they lock up. Eve with a headlock but Kaitlyn turns it around. Eve goes to the floor and Kaitlyn won't let her back in. Eve comes in and goes to the corner. Kaitlyn is told to back off by the referee. Eve kicks Kaitlyn back and then kicks her in the face for a 2 count. Eve mounts Kaitlyn and unloads. Eve with a takedown and 2 count.

Eve turns it around and chokes her in the corner. Eve with a submission now. Kaitlyn counters with a roll up for 2. Kaitlyn with clotheslines now and then a big shoulder. Kaitlyn with an inverted DDT and a close 2 count. Eve comes back with a neckbreaker for a close 2 count. Eve shows frustration. Kaitlyn picks Eve up on her shoulders and drops her over the knee. Eve rolls out to the floor but Kaitlyn comes after. Eve tosses Kaitlyn into the fan barrier and walks back to the ring. Kaitlyn gets in first and spears Eve for the win and the title.

Winner: and New WWE Divas Champion: Kaitlyn

- Josh Mathews is backstage with Brodus Clay. We see CM Punk's pipebomb from last week where he namedropped Clay. Clay wants Punk to keep his name out of his mouth. Clay says that pipebomb is about to blow up in Punk's face and walks off.

Match #4
Brodus Clay vs. CM Punk

Back from the break and out comes Brodus Clay with Cameron and Naomi. Out next comes WWE Champion CM Punk with Paul Heyman.

The bell rings and they go at it. Clay knocks Punk down and Punk goes to the floor to regroup with Heyman. Clay brings Punk back in and keeps up the assault. Clay beats Punk down in the corner and scoop slams him. Clay drops an elbow and another. Punk turns it around an springboards in with a clothesline. Punk with a neckbreaker. Punk mocks Clay's dancing. Punk with another neckbreaker. Clay with a submission on the neck now.

Punk with kicks but Clay catches him and hits a suplex. Clay runs over Punk and hits a headbutt. Clay misses a splash in the corner and Punk takes the knee out. Punk with a kick in the face. Punk goes to the top and hits the big elbow drop. Punk applies the Anaconda Vice and Clay taps out for the win.

Winner: CM Punk

- After the match, Punk mocks Clay some more and takes a mic. He says he just came to do what he does every Monday night. Punk says The Rock is going to come out later and do what he does. Punk talks about The Rock and says Rock will not leave Royal Rumble with the title because he is the best in the world and that's a fact.

Backstage segment
- Mick Foley is backstage on the phone with his children. The Rock walks up and Foley hangs up. Foley goes to shake Rock's hand but Rock didn't come here to shake Foley's hand. They hug and Rock congratulates Foley on the Hall of Fame induction. They do some Rock & Sock comedy when Vickie Guerrero walks up. She can't hear herself think and tells them to shut up. Vickie reminds them this is her show. Vickie runs her mouth some more and Rock says he has nothing to say to her. Foley is surprised. Rock says there's a time and place for everything. He tells Foley to enjoy the Rock Concert.

Match #5
Over the Top Rope Challenge: Sheamus VS 3MB

Sheamus comes out and heads towards the ring
3MB Come out and heads to the ring, Bell Rings and 3MB beat Sheamus down to start the match but he fights them off. They try to toss Sheamus over but he fights back. Sheamus tosses Drew over but he hangs on and Slater makes the save. They beat Sheamus down again. Sheamus eliminates Jinder first and then McIntyre. Sheamus tries to Brogue Slater but gets hung up on the apron. 3MB rush over to help Slater and Sheamus gets eliminated.

Winners: 3MB

- After the match, Sheamus comes back and interrupts their celebration. Slater and McIntyre catch Brogue Kicks to end the segment.

- Josh Mathews is backstage with John Cena. He asks about tonight's steel cage match and Big E Langston. Cena says we should be talking about RAW and runs off a bunch of names in typical Cena fashion.

On the ramp.
- The Miz comes to the stage to hype Miz TV. He says his special guest is a Hall of Famer and gives us a hint: Whoooo! Miz struts to the ring and gets inside the ring - The Miz introduces his guest, Ric Flair. Flair struts to the ring and takes a seat. Miz asks his most memorable RAW moment. Flair says the night after he retired where they had the farewell for him on RAW. Flair wants to talk about the future, not the past. Flair says he's honored to be here. Flair says he's looking forward to when Ryback takes out The Shield. They have a "really?" off and Flair dances. Miz tells him to do it again. Miz calls that a magical moment. He plays a video of some of the best stars on the mic from over the years including The New Age Outlaws, Chris Jericho, Mick Foley, DX, R-Truth, CM Punk, Val Venis, Steve Austin and others. Miz says one catchphrase was missing from that video and talks Flair into doing a promo but he's interrupted by United States Champion Antonio Cesaro.

Cesaro comes out with a US flag. He says he doesn't need catchphrases. Cesaro rips into Miz and Flair as the crowd chants USA. Cesaro tells Flair he has nothing to show for being great in the past. Except maybe a bar tab he can't pay. Cesaro says the only thing the four fingers stand for these days is Flair's four ex-wives. Miz gets upset and tosses a chair. Miz says he will pay Flair's bar tab tonight but will give Cesaro the receipt right now. Cesaro says he's going t be the bigger man and walk away. Flair stops him and delivers some chops. Flair whips Cesaro into Miz for a Skull Crushing Finale. Flair goes for a Figure Four but stops. Flair lets Miz apply the Figure Four. Miz tightens the hold as Flair drops elbows on his jacket. Miz kicks Cesaro out of the ring and Flair drops a knee and another elbow on their coats. Flair and Miz pose as Flair's music plays.

Match #6
Daniel Bryan vs. Cody Rhodes

Daniel Bryan comes out with Kane
Cody Rhodes comes out with Damien Sandow.

Cody Rhodes gets in the ring The Bell Rings, And Cody and Bryan go at it. Cody with an early pin attempt. Cody keeps control and drops a knee on Bryan. Cody wastes time and Bryan pulls him into the Yes Lock for the win.

Winner: Daniel Bryan

- Michael Cole shows us a WWE App video of Eve Torres complaining to Matt Striker about how she's a victim. Eve sas she does't need WWE and quits. She blames it on people like Striker and the fans before waking off. The announcers play up Eve quitting.

Backstage Segment
- AJ Lee is backstage with Big E Langston. She looks back at some of the weddings on RAW over the years. Langston shows a clip of her and Daniel Bryan's wedding. AJ gets emotional and Dolph Ziggler comes in to cut a promo on his match with Cena tonight.

Back At Ringside
-  Jim Ross's Music hits and Jim comes out to join commentary.

Match #7
Steel Cage Match: Dolph Ziggler vs. John Cena

Ziggler is out with AJ and Langston. John Cena is out next to a big pop. Ziggler tries to escape early on but Cena stops him. It's JR, Lawler and JBL on commentary for this match. Cena takes control until he runs into a big dropkick. 2 count by Ziggler. Ziggler beats on Cena now. Cena goes face first into the cage wall. Ziggler with a big splash in the corner and a neckbreaker. Ziggler with another neckbreaker as AJ looks on.Ziggler goes for another neckbreaker but shows off and Cena counters. Cena goes for an Attitude Adjustment but Ziggler blocks it and gets a 2 count. Ziggler keeps control and works Cena over. Cena catches in and catapults him into the cage. Ziggler climbs up but Cena stops him.

Cena pulls Ziggler down and starts climbing. Ziggler stops him and they trade shots on the top rope. Ziggler knocks Cena to the mat but Ziggler falls with the top rope between his legs. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and they trade shots on top of the cage. They come back to the top rope and Ziggler dropkicks Cena to the mat. During the commercial, Langston stopped Cena from escaping by holding his leg. Ziggler keeps control now as AJ looks on. Cena blocks a shot into the cage and fights back. Cena comes back with his usual moves. Cena with the Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena goes for the AA but it's blocked. Ziggler uses it to climb up the cage. Cena exposes Ziggler's rear and throws him into the cage. Ziggler blocks another AA and hits a superkick for a close 2 count. Ziggler crawls for the cage door but Cena pulls him back. Langston tries to pull Ziggler out. Cena and Langston play tug of war with Ziggler's body. Cena pulls Ziggler back in and applies STF. Ziggler counters and locks in a sleeper hold.

Cena powers to his feet with Ziggler on his back. Cena climbs up the cage wall, still with Ziggler on his back. Cena falls back to the mat and lands on Ziggler. Ziggler climbs while Cena goes for the door. Ziggler stops Cena from escaping. Cena kicks Ziggler back. Cena goes for the door but Langston slams it on his head. Ziggler with a close 2 count. Cena runs up to escape the cage. Cena kicks the door in Ziggler's face. Langston starts swinging a chair at Cena's legs and he crawls back over the top of the cage. Ziggler hits Zig Zag for a close 2 count. Ziggler climbs the cage but Cena stops him. Cena pulls Ziggler to the mat. Ziggler runs up and nails a huge DDT from the top rope. Cena still kicks out at 2. AJ throws a fit at ringside and goes crazy. AJ climbs the outside of the cage and makes it to the top. Langston comes in but Cena fights him off. Ziggler charges with the briefcase but Cena ducks and it hits Langston. Cena nails the AA on Ziggler for the win as AJ watches from the top of the cage.

Winner: John Cena

- Cena heads up the ramp as AJ screams from the top of the cage. We go to replays.
The Rock Concert
-  The Rock comes out to a big pop. The ring is set up with a guitar, a chair and mic stand. Rock says it's an honor to close out this special night. Rock talks about his first time on RAW and we see a pic of his Rocky Maivai gimmick. Rock picks on how he looked and says that picture proves if you put your mind to it, you can overcome anything. Rock takes a seat and the crowd chants his name. Rock's first song is sung to the tune of Heartbreak Hotel. It's about Paul Heyman. Rock calls him a diva with floppy breasts. Rock says Heyman's fat covers his little penis that he hasn't seen in years. Rock points out a special guest in the crowd - Dusty Hill from ZZ Top.

Rock asks how the ladies are doing. He says his favorite curve on a woman is her smile. He starts his second song and says there's a special woman he wanted to sing a song to. Rock calls Vickie Guerrero out so he can sing to her. Vickie hesitates but comes out to the stage. Rock sings this song to the tune of Eric Clapton's Wonderful Tonight. He disses how she looks, how she abuses power. He says she looks like a hooker and not the expensive kind. Rock calls her a "biotch" and says she looks "Horrible Tonight." Vickie throws a fit on the stage. Rock gets the fans to sing it to Vickie and everyone cheers. Rock tells the fans that is one horrible looking biotch and asks the fans if they're having fun.

Rock wants to talk about kicking ass now. He calls out WWE Champion CM Punk to the ring. Rock wants to tell Punk something man to man. Rock sets his props to the side and waits on Punk. Out comes Punk to the stage with Heyman right behind him. Rock has some facts of his own in response to Punk's earlier promo. Rock says it's a fact that Heyman has twinkie tits. Rock informs Punk that he isn't God. Rock declares that he will beat Punk for the title. Punk rushes the ring and Rock meets him on the outside. They start brawling on the floor. WWE referees try to separate them. They break free and go at it some more. Rock drops Punk with a right hand. Booker T, Finlay, Arn Anderson and other officials are trying to break it up now. The crowd chants for Rock. RAW goes off the air with Punk and Rock staring at each other as officials keep them separated.

After Raw goes off the air, The fight between The Rock and CM Punk still is happening.
Thanks to a fan that was there in attendance, Show'd us something we didn't get to see.

Pictures / Aaron_Ewing and Saw getting it on
« on: December 26, 2012, 07:42:44 pm »
I know it looks weird, Cause it is, But umm originally I was trying to look up the dress of his character. And Ended up with it looking like I was eating his Character's pussy. But have a laugh

Fixed / [BUG] /ar id bug
« on: December 13, 2012, 02:48:57 am »
Description of the bug:

Law Enforcement including Army, And the Bounty Hunter skins are able to /ar id anyone from on the map, Not having to be close to them. For instance, you can be in LV and someone is in LS. It lets you /ar id from where your at no matter where they are. You are able to do it to yourself as well, Either it sends you to Blue Berry Acres or directly into a jail cell.

Images of the bug:


Wrestling / WWE Theme song Karaoke(Just an idea)
« on: December 10, 2012, 05:40:25 am »
I was just thinking maybe we can do something fun. Like maybe sing our favorite WWE Theme song, Passed and Present. You don't have to be a professional singer, I know plenty of WWE theme songs by heart, Like Edge's theme song, Christian(Current Theme song) HBK Shawn Michaels theme song. Randy Orton(Current Theme Song) So those of what I named are also examples of themes, So if you wanna do some WWE Karaoke, Don't be afraid to do it. I will post one of mine after the first person that post's theirs. Only reason I am not posting mine yet is because idk who is gonna take interest in it.

So yeah again, if you want to sing WWE theme songs you can.

Auctions / [SOLD] Las Venturas Air Port
« on: November 25, 2012, 03:40:04 am »
The Benefits of Owning The Las Venturas Air Port is the pay day. you get paid ingame cash for owning it. also you get free planes obviously, and also your name will be on the Business owner's list using /bo that shows all the owners of each business.

The location of the airport is east of the strip, and has 2 access points, fron't and back

The bidding starts at 5 Euro's

General Server Discussion / My Return to being fully active
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:19:46 pm »
Hey guys, Some of you knew this, and some of you didn't. But recently my Laptop's hard drive got all messed up eternally. I guess I had a mega huge virus and was beyond repair "According to the PC repair guy" Anyways, I  now have my laptop back with me and has a new 500 gig Hard drive and I had to start over on my laptop's factory setting. So I need to get everything GTA related back, I am in the middle of downloading the game as I write this. So yeah that means I am coming back, Either I will be back sometime TONIGHT or sometime within the morning. So my return isn't too far away since the download currently is 70.0%. Started it 12 hours ago. So I will be back as soon as I got it all back.

New update: The Download is fully installed, I will try to get ingame sometime tonight

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Location error
« on: September 25, 2012, 06:52:24 pm »
Description of the bug:

Helibahn is at LV Air Port, and it shows on the cop radio to respond to ireland

Images of the bug:

Wrestling / Jerry Lawler passes out during match Live on Raw
« on: September 11, 2012, 03:58:24 am »
Tonight's event was not part of the story line, this actually happened

Jerry Lawler passed out during the Tag team match of Daniel Byan and KANE vs The Prime time players. Some how Jerry passed out to the ground and was taken back stage where they began CPR. and then took him to a near by hospital in Montreal Canada. The latest update is that Jerry Lawler is breathing on his own but for to be sure he is keeps breathing and was put on Oxygen. Another thing that was just updated is that Lawler is more alert and is responding to things, like light sensitivity to the eyes, "What the doctors do to check your pupils of your eyes" But yeah he is responding well to treatment and is currently away a Cat Scan.

UPDATE: It has been confirmed that Jerry Lawler did indeed have an actual heart attack during the live event. Lawler is currently listed in stable condition.

Information & Questions / Weapons Pack
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:26:33 pm »

The Benefit of having a Weapons Pack: The Weapons Pack allows you 4 weapons of your choosing "Can't be an admin weapon such as a minigun or flame thrower" But guns such as Sniper's, Desert Eagles, AK-47's things like that, pick 4 of your favorite guns to use and everytime you spawn after dying, These weapons will be there. Armour is included in this weapons pack

This item has a retail price of: 7.00?
US Dollars: $ 8.95

Information & Questions / Hat & Glasses
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:26:14 pm »

The Benefit of having a Hat & Glasses: Having Hat & Glasses can add look to your character. Any Character you select will be wearing the Hat & Glasses. Again just for looks.

This item has a retail price of: 2.50?
US Dollars: $ 3.19

Information & Questions / Weapon Laser Pack
« on: September 09, 2012, 09:25:55 pm »

The Benefit in having a Weapon Laser Pack: The laser can be used almost any gun ingame. The laser colors come in Red, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Green, Pink

to activate the laser do /laseron and if you want to change the color of it do /lascol with the color you want,

This item has a retail price of: 5.00?
US Dollars: $6.39

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