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Topics - Aaron_Ewing

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2013 / 2013 Best Regular Player of the year
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:39:16 am »
Who do you think is the Best Regular player of the year of 2013?

2013 / 2013 Best Law Enforcement Officer
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:34:00 am »
Which of these people is the Best Law Enforcement officer of the year 2013?

2013 / 2013 Best Criminal
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:27:26 am »
Who do you think is the best Criminal of the year 2013?

2013 / 2013 Best Admin
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:25:05 am »
Who do you think is or was the best admin of 2013?

2013 / Most Missed Player of 2013
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:21:23 am »
Who do you miss the most that has left us and wish can come back to be fully active with us.

2013 / 2013 Best Over All Player of the year
« on: December 17, 2013, 05:13:32 am »
Who do you think has been the best member of 2013 in The EGC Community?

Discuss Anything / Crooked Fingers
« on: November 18, 2013, 04:52:16 pm »
Hey everyone not everyone knows about my crooked fingers, But I just wanna bring it out in the open, Having crooked fingers isn't a bad thing. A lot of people used to put me down just because I was different than them, These people which were kids when I was a kid myself, Made fun of me. Over the years I've learned to accept the fact that I was different. But having crooked fingers never held me back from living my life as normal as humanly possible. I can do EVERYTHING a normal person with straight fingers can do, I can hold things, Write with a pen, Type, Play sports. And just because I have them doesn't make me an Alien. I am not the only person that has them, It's a birth defect, Anyone can have them, Even your future children might. No reason not to love them, Cause honestly I didn't choose to be born like this, I had no choice. We as humans don't get to decide what we look like when we are born. It's just something that's beyond anyone of our control. Some of us are born normally and some of us are born with some type of birth defect, It just happens. So anyways here is what my fingers look like. And I am not ashamed of them. Having them hasn't ruined my life and it never will.

Rule Violations / Rule Breaker Group.
« on: August 11, 2013, 12:56:34 pm »
I know Wrong section, But still I can't post anything under the rule breakers section cause it's still bugged.

But uh yeah when this is seen, Admin please move it to the correct board.

Anyways, 1st report is on Jolie. Began cop Hunting me when he was yellow. So I screen capped it. So heres the picture evidence. I was after the red that Jolie was standing on top of.

Next report is on N1pToN For Drive-Bying me while I was on foot.


Wrestling / See No Evil 2
« on: August 08, 2013, 10:22:45 pm »

WWE Studios and Lionsgate have announced that production on "See No Evil 2," the follow-up to the duo?s 2006 horror release, "See No Evil," is scheduled to start in fall 2013. Kane is set to reprise his lead role as reclusive madman Jacob Goodnight. Genre favorites and identical twin directors of horror, the Soska Sisters, Jen and Sylvia ("American Mary"), are set to helm the film.

"See No Evil 2" revives the nightmare of the first film when Jacob Goodnight rises from the dead in the city morgue after his killing spree at the Blackwell Hotel. In this ominous, underground locker for the dead, a group of medical students fight to survive as this deranged psychopath once again starts to pick them apart one by one.

Lionsgate will handle worldwide distribution of "See No Evil 2," while WWE Studios will utilize its extensive global reach through television, digital and social media and print assets to market the film.

"We are so pleased to extend what has been an ideal partnership with Lionsgate,? said Michael Luisi, President, WWE Studios. ?Their expertise in distributing and marketing thrilling genre films complements our own vision and efforts for these movies perfectly. Our enthusiasm is amplified with the addition of the Soska Sisters on board to apply their truly unique style to 'See No Evil 2.' ?

"The WWE team has proven success in building strong global brands and have proven to be a great partner in our past ventures together," said Steve Beeks, Co-Chief Operating Officer and Motion Picture Group President at Lionsgate. "We are thrilled to expand the partnership in the development and marketing of genre features that marry WWE's stars with our own global distribution expertise."

"See No Evil 2" is the fourth partnership between Lionsgate and WWE Studios following "See No Evil," "The Condemned" and an upcoming reboot of the "Leprechaun" franchise.

Heres the trailer to the first installment of See No Evil. Once the trailer comes out for the 2nd See No Evil, I will update this post with it.

Fixed / /cutrope command without having scissors
« on: July 26, 2013, 09:55:51 pm »
This is a bug report, Since I don't have the option to post it in the bug section, It will be moved there after I post it here. So here it is

The Kidnapped person without a pair of Scissors is still able to cut the rope and at the same time gets the message in the chat stating that you don't have a pair of Scissors.

Picture evidence:

Friday Festival / Week 15 - 26/04/2013 - Results
« on: April 26, 2013, 11:11:43 pm »
ECNR Battle Royal
Winner and new ECNR Boxing champion, Hiredgun

Man Hunt
Rount 1 winner : Saw

Round 1 Winner : Watakiwatako Hiredgun

Round 2 Winner : Watakiwatako, Hiredgun, Varun

Round 3 Winner: WatakiWatako, Hiredgun

Round 4 Winner : Hiredgun

Round 5 Wiiner(FFADM) Hiregun

Rooftop Battle

Round 1 winner : Aaron_Ewing

Round 2 Winner: saw

Round 3 Winner: Aaron_Ewing

Hydra DM event 1 round

Winner Aaron_Ewing

Hunter DM Event 1 round

Winner Aaron_Ewing

Race was cancelled

Aaron_Ewing - 4
Saw - 2
watakiwatako - 2
Varun - 1
Cureiosity - 1
Hiredgun 5( Gave it up )

So since Hired gave up his wins, The Weapons Pack goes to me since I am the runner up

I would also like to say we reached 26 players today! :D

ECNR Human Resources / [Applications Closed] FNF Planning Team
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:56:22 pm »
This is a opportunity to help the current team members Me And Saw, To make the best events possible. If you are interested in helping us, make better events, Please apply with the following Format.

Ingame name:


On a scale of 1 to 10 and 10 being the best. How good are you at making events?

Will you be dedicated to showing up to help plan the events with the FNF team members?

If accepted, Either Me or Saw will provide you with the channel we will be discussing the events in.

On Mondays We will be starting the discussion and Wednesdays will be the finalizing of the planned events. So we have 2 days to Discuss what to do. And Wednesdays are the deadline.

Fixed / [MISTAKE] Decrypter for cops
« on: April 10, 2013, 12:49:30 am »
Found an interesting mistake, We all know that when cops goto the Black Hand base, They need a decrypter to open the gate, right? Well this image below shows it's impossible for us to buy one as a cop. In the red box I highlighted the message where it tells me that it can't be sold to my job skill, And in the Blue box Another message telling me I need one in order to get the gate open

Wrestling / WrestleMania 29 Results
« on: April 09, 2013, 01:52:46 am »
Randy Orton, Sheamus and The Big Show VS The Shield

Winners: The Shield

Mark Henry VS Ryback

Winner:Mark Henry

Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston VS Team hell no

Winners: Team Hell No

Fandango VS Chris Jericho

Winner: Fandango

Jack Swagger VS Alberto Del Rio

Winner: Alberto Del Rio

CM Punk VS The Undertaker

Winner: The Undertaker

Brock Lesnar VS Triple H

Winner: Triple H

The Rock Vs John Cena

Winner: John Cena

I give this years WrestleMania a 7/10 rating. Some matches I thought were BS. And the others I absolutely loved

Fixed / [BUG/Mistake] /afk avoids being Admin Frozen
« on: April 01, 2013, 10:17:18 pm »
I tested this on myself just out of curiosity and managed to find out it is possible to do.

Just like /wave /wank and other commands avoided the freeze, /afk can do the same, and I am making this report to get it to be impossible for anyone to do.

Be advised, Any reg reading this that attempts to do it while being admin frozen for real will have their reg removed.

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