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Topics - Enigma

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Announcements / So.... we messed up
« on: March 02, 2019, 04:11:34 pm »
During some routine machine/server relocating we managed to forget that the EGC website was hosted on one of the machines we were moving. This resulted in the website/forums not being transferred to the new location. We did not notice that the website wasn't running until after all the remote backups had also been deleted.

Good news, we found a hard copy of the forums database on our home systems.
Bad news, this database backup is from 2015.

While we have the most important years of EGC (2012-2015) we do not have access to the the last four years. While it is sad that the records we had of the passed few years are now gone we are fortunate to have the the early, most important years.

We've taken measures to ensure that we store remote backups more regularly and are less prone to deletion should something similar occur.

The opportunity was taken to upgrade the SMF version to v2.0.15.

To clarify, only the forums were effected by this. The ECNR SA-MP server is still up & running with the latest database information.

We apologize for allowing this to happen and assure you we have taken measures to ensure it doesn't happen again.

Announcements / I think I Saw a new Administrator!
« on: March 15, 2015, 04:36:30 pm »
We're happy to announce that Saw will be joining the ECNR Administration team. With that, his mIRC Bot Houston has been promoted to channel operator on #ECNR.

Congrats Saw!

Announcements / EGC DDoS Protection
« on: February 19, 2015, 09:18:14 pm »
Due to http://evolutionhost.co.uk/ now offering DDoS Protection with it's SA-MP Servers, we've had the opportunity to move over to this newly protected system.

EGC's ECNR SA-MP Server and IRCd is now located in Roubaix, France. This also includes a more powerful machine.

No need to worry about an IP change, you can still use samp.enigmaticgc.com:7777 to connect.

Announcements / EGC Mitgration
« on: November 10, 2014, 07:17:00 pm »
Due to a lack of income through any means, we had to go for the cheaper alternative of hosting our services with https://evolutionhost.co.uk/. I know one of the main guys in the company so we got it for a little cheaper than usual. However bills still need paying so I'd encourage everyone to purchase so that we can get ourselves back on the SA-MP Hosted List.

The machine our services is hosted on is a massive improvement from the one we've been on the last few months. Granted, these resources are shared, I still believe our new system is more capable of hosting our servers than our most recent one.

Also a quick note, EGC is not dead. I do have plans.

Announcements / Good news!
« on: April 09, 2014, 12:07:52 am »
We've managed to upgrade to a much improved system. This system is based in Germany and is over 8 times more powerful than our previous system. You will still be able to connect to the server through samp.enigmaticgc.com.

Good news for those in Europe, not so good for those in America. With the improved power however, hopefully not too much of a difference will be noticed for the Americans.

Announcements / Upgrade to 0.3z
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:58:21 pm »
We've officially upgraded to SA-MP 0.3z. We can no longer ride the high tiddle wave of being one of the only servers to stick with 0.3x. It got us a lot of players but it's time to move on. Please download the latest client at the following link:


Announcements / New administrator
« on: March 01, 2014, 08:20:53 pm »
I'm very proud to welcome our new dedicated administrator by the name of Chito! We've had a dramatic influx of players lately and Chito will help us ensure everyone has equal levels of fun. Welcome on board m'darlin!

Announcements / Welcoming back our friend
« on: February 18, 2014, 12:35:43 pm »
Our good friend Varun has returned reclaimed his Administrator role. He needed a break for personal reasons, considering his commitment to EGC in the past we held his role for him. I'm delighted to welcome him back on board.  ;D

Announcements / Downgrade?
« on: January 28, 2014, 08:23:47 pm »
Up until the 0.3z release, ECNR was doing fantastic numbers. The SA-MP team for some reason have made the 0.3z update quite hard to find on it's website. Meaning most SA-MP players haven't actually upgraded yet. Of course eventually we will update to 0.3z, but the question is; should we wait until it's more widely used? I'll let you guys choose!

Announcements / EGC's 2013 award winners
« on: January 01, 2014, 09:17:35 pm »
Welcome to 2014 everyone. What a better way to start the new year than announcing the winners of last years awards. Lets get started then shall we!

Code: [Select]
Best Aircraft pilot: WatakiWatako
Best Law Enforcement Agent: RoboCop
Best Driver: WatakiWatako
Best criminal: The_Byrner
Best shooter: WatakiWatako
Best Regular Player: Curiosity
Most Helpful: That_Guy
Best Administrator: Aaron_Ewing
Most Missed Players: ReCoN and Hiredgun
Funniest Person: The_Byrner
Best Addition: The Federal Reserve
Best overall Player: The_Byrner
Congratulations to every winner and thanks for the votes!

In total the overall winners were WatakiWatako and The_Byrner!

Announcements / EGC's End of year awards!
« on: December 17, 2013, 06:26:14 pm »
It's that time of year again where we vote on the end of year awards. From Best overall player to be addition, this tradition has always been one of my favorites. So for the 6th year in a row...let the voting commence!


Announcements / Issues resolved
« on: December 09, 2013, 01:03:40 pm »
We've managed to resolve some of the issues ECNR has been having since switching over to the new host.

To my knowledge the following things should be fixed:
The random crashes of the server resulting in data loss.
The /location command being non-functional.
The IRC bots going a bit mad; leaving randomly etc.

If more issue crop up please inform us.

Announcements / EGC's Financial situation and major changes
« on: December 03, 2013, 04:09:15 pm »
Due to the store not being used in months and me being unemployed, EGC is broke. I didn't want to take this public until I had to; we have reached that point. Viper had to pay a chunk of the bills last month.

What this means is, we will be moving to a new provider. This new provider will cause some of us to have an increased ping due to it being located in Canada. Lucky for RoboCop and Aaron!  >:(

Also, we will unfortunately have to temporarily discontinue the EGCM brand. It uses too much resources and our new provider wouldn't accommodate it. If our financial situation improves, we can bring it back, but for now it'll have to go on hiatus.

The new system we will be using is not bad at all, it will certainly do the job in a cost effective fashion. It's just unfortunate we will need to retire EGCM for the foreseeable future.
I apologize for being the barer of bad news everyone.

Announcements / Drunk Gunz business auction
« on: November 27, 2013, 07:00:09 pm »
We're auctioning off the highly profitable Drunk Gunz business. I will start the bidding at 10 Euro for one of ECNR's most profitable, popular business'!

Announcements / Major FGRPG Update
« on: November 03, 2013, 10:00:24 pm »
As previously stated, progress on FGRPG is well under-way.

WatakiWatako will no longer be the manager/developer of this project. Our very own Viper is our new man.
I've been working with him the last month or Two on the project and let me tell you.....It's amazing. lol

It's totally different to ECNR, it will attract a different type of player. I won't reveal anything about it at the moment, but I guarantee you it'll be worth the wait.

Viper is about to post in the FGRPG section of the forums (Click FGRPG tab) about FGRPG's deals.

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