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Topics - Deadpros

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Applications / Deadpros - 16/03/2015
« on: March 16, 2015, 06:50:03 am »
The thread should have this information filled in:
Community Name (Forum/IRC/etc.): Deadpros
In-Game Name:Deadpros
Last Known Police XP:26
Instant Message Info: I rock :D
Do You Agree To Follow the BCSD Rules and Expectations? Yes

Introductions / Deadnoob
« on: March 24, 2014, 06:33:55 am »
I Said I was going, but due to changes I'm getting more and more active. After my USA trip again I'll be back 100% active.

Cya ingame :)

General Server Discussion / This is the last topic I promise!
« on: January 26, 2014, 04:38:24 pm »
Just wanted to say I'm retiring from Egc, this has been me home for a whole year, and I just can't come back here. It's not as it was before, it's better. But things have came up In my life important things that makes it impossible to stay, I'm not sure if I will come back. Don't get your hopes up, I'll stop by on irc from time to time but not for long, and the closes to me can reach me on Facebook/Skype. Well it's been an honor being here and well Good bye.

Rule Violations / DM- Tussipoeg
« on: December 21, 2013, 12:16:30 pm »
I robbed the Ireland Bank and he killed me During the robbery, I tried to explain he did wrong but he ignored me. He got over 300 score, he should know that by now!

[13:13:21] <07%ECNR2> [Death] 7 Deadpros(9)1 was killed by 4 tussipoeg(3). 1 (2M41)
[13:13:25] <07%ECNR1> [SPAWN] Deadpros (9).
[13:13:27] <07%ECNR1> 4 tussipoeg (3) - haha
[13:13:30] <07%ECNR1> 16 Deadpros (9) - reported
[13:13:33] <07%ECNR1> 4 tussipoeg (3) - l?hme
[13:13:39] <07%ECNR2> [SPAWN] Mblite_Bismark (5).
[13:13:45] <07%ECNR2> 16 Deadpros (9) - You aren't allowed to kill me DURING the robbery only after

Announcements / Offical TeamSpeak Server.
« on: October 29, 2013, 10:26:24 pm »
Our Offical TeamSpeak Server. :D


Announcements / Administration Team changes.
« on: October 26, 2013, 08:05:02 am »
The ECNR Administrators are pleased to welcome Mert as the new addition to our team, We feel we made the right choice by picking him, We know he will do some good.

The Admin Team is Made up of:

Enigma aka The_Byrner

(copyed this from aaron's facebook post :P)

Congratz Mert!

General Information / Not my end
« on: October 10, 2013, 11:57:02 am »
Im staying I had some disagreement with myself and my dad but for now im staying sorry for the post-

Friday Festival / Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Results
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:04:41 pm »
Watakiwatako 4
The_Byrner 3

Wataki Got GTA IV congratz.

Looking forward to next weeks FnF

Friday Festival / FnF - Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Schedule
« on: July 17, 2013, 03:20:58 pm »
This Friday day FnF will have 7 Different events and an amount of rounds on each Event. FnF have become very inactive for some reason, But this Friday it will become alive again, join Us. The events will take place around normal time 8.30pm GMT + 1 if I'm not wrong, Anyway it can start earlier or sooner. It depends on when all players arrive. Well Enough Reading my Info right?, Here comes the schedule for this weeks FnF.

Prize updated: The prize will be GTA IV.

To begin this lovely evening we will try something different and new:

Capture the Trailer:
Each player will be given a Roadtrain or Lineruner, depends on what you choose.
An Admin will Hide a Trailer in the area example Los santos airport.
And to win you need to be the only one left with the trailer connected to your Rig.
This is like capture the flag, You will ram down your oppenments and secure the trailer to win.
Will be around 2 rounds. More if people like it!

Stuntplane Race:
Each player will be given a Stuntplane during this event, The event takes place on Julius Thruway.
3 laps around the highway. Here comes the kicker. You are driving on the ground.
If you take off you are out of the race, You will make 3 laps around highway with the stuntplane on the ground.

Infernus Race:
From point A to point B the goal and start will be announced later on FnF.

Rustler Dogfight:
Each player will be given a Rustler, The goal is to be the last man surviving. The event will take place around Chillad.

Relay Race Event:
Start in LV at the end of the strip. with an Bullet. Race all the way to the SF Bridge and pick up an NRG, Race from there to SF Air Port.
Get in a Helicopter and fly to LS Airport and get into a Shamal plane, Fly Back to LV Airport to end the race. (First to land on any of the two runways).

Team Deathmatch:
First Round: CombatShotgun only
Secund Round: M4 only
Third Round: Katanna only (If anyone is seen backpacking the katanna there will be actions taken).
Fourth Round: Mix between all weapons.

Plane surfing:
One Pilot, Will be choosed and the last one standing on the plane win this event. Will have 3 or more rounds.

That was all for this weeks FnF, Oh I almost forgot to announce the prize this evening.

The prize will be: GTA IV (Steam game)

Fixed / [BUG] Car jacker, Drop off point Bugged.
« on: June 28, 2013, 10:01:40 pm »
As in the topic tells you, When you are at the dropoff point for selling stolde vechiels and you try do /sellst the selling command, you get a message that says "wrong command"

General Information / Huge Milestone for the server.
« on: June 28, 2013, 09:57:15 pm »
Today The maximum player amount was reached. And we didn't even plan to try this, It just happend. Here are some screens:

General Information / The Fed and it's money system
« on: June 12, 2013, 05:35:14 pm »
The title sums this thread up.
There have been conflicting views on how the FED works, so i'll try to explain below and clear some things up!
To rob the FED a group of 3 people is required, all with a rob skill of 60.
Each player will fulfill a different role and must maintain that role throughout the robbing!
The roles and equipment needed :
- Guard - Your job is to keep those pesky cops away! - Guns
- Decrypter - You have to decrypt the keypad and must stand stationary throughout the robbery. - Decrypter
- Explosives expert - Your job is to blow the doors off, again remaining stationary throughout the robbery - C4
- C4/Decrypters are available at the pirate ship at the strip in LV,
Once you've all been assigned your roles it's time to rob the bank, the process is relatively simple and lasts 4 minutes! In this time the Guard must defend the decrypter/explosives expert who will be unable to return fire while setting the charges etc.
Once the charges have been set and the door decrypted you will be prompted to take cover while the C4 explodes, once the smoke has cleared 3 money bags will be revealed, one for each robber. All three must take a bag by walking over to them and pressing alt. From then on it's a mad dash to get the bags to the bank, either in LV, Ireland or Eggland! Timing is crucial as you must enter the bank and the checkpoint inside! So if the bank is closed you can't finish the robbery!
The total amount robbed is random however the money will always be shared equally. To clear some confusion up on this matter each bag has a set value which is the same for all three. If the total was 4.5m then each bag would contain 1.5m, this does NOT change, if one player does not return the bag then the other bags will remain UNCHANGED.

Videos / First Official "The Fed" Robbery
« on: May 19, 2013, 05:46:27 pm »
So Me, Quit and pro_noob robbed the fed for the first time so i recorded it and here comes the video:D


Rule Violations / [HACKER] mohster
« on: May 12, 2013, 07:31:54 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Hacking ofc.. But he started jumping and flying (looks like he is swiming) air swiming and yeah jumped around

Picture Evidence

ECNR Suggestions / Remap the Ireland gate
« on: May 07, 2013, 10:10:40 am »
Suggestion name: se topic

Description: I just saw rage's bug report on the current Ireland gate which gave me an idea why not remap it and make it look cooler, if I remember right the gate is as old as the first server with this game mode,

Reason for suggestion: the old one can be jumped over due to fail mapping (not to judge lol but it is)

How it benefits the server: no one can skip the toll by jumping over the gate. Haha

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