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Messages - WatakiWatako

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Introductions / Re: I'm back!
« on: October 23, 2013, 06:39:24 pm »
It's about bloody time! lol

I'll see you in game at some point, prepare to be arrested. Perhaps the opposite might apply! :P

Announcements / The Hidden Signs
« on: October 18, 2013, 01:25:26 pm »
As of today, there are a series of signs hidden in certain areas of the explored world.
These signs will give you clues as to where good things can be found.

Some of the things you can find include Diamonds, records and I decided to hide a Ghast Spawn egg. Imagine letting that loose on your enemy!

All of the signs are on the surface. Here's a map of the area in which they can be found!

The hunt is on, good luck!

Announcements / Re: EGCM Vanilla MC 1.6.4
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:05:54 pm »
More Changes
?Installed an AntiCheat plugin that has the following features:
XRay statistics system
Intuitive alert, warning, and event system for server admins
Chat spam blocker
Command spam blocker
Longreach blocker (Breaking blocks, placing blocks, fighting)
Force Field blocker
Flymod blocker
Speedhack blocker
Noswing/instant break blocker
Instant use blocker (eating,firing a bow, etc.)
Walk on water blocker
God mode blocker
Spider (Climb walls) blocker
Autobuild blocker
Massive drop blocker
NoFall blocker
Zombe's mod blocker
Nuking blocker
Teleport blocker
Autoheal blocker
Aura blocker
Knockback hack blocker
FastBreak blocker
FastPlace blocker
VClip blocker

?Lockette is now active.
?Added loads of random [INFO] messages.
?Creepers will no longer explode.

Announcements / EGCM Vanilla MC 1.6.4
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:45:03 pm »
EGCM is now running Minecraft 1.6.4 in survival mode without any mods.
As always, you can use this thread for information about the server and setting up your Minecraft client.

I enabled hardcore mode in the server config, we'll soon find out what that does! lol

Discuss Anything / That's me back!
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:04:49 am »

That's me finally settled in a new house. I've moved to Dundee in order to study at the University here.
Life has been rather chaotic for the past while with the house move taking place and what not, thus I wasn't able to be online, didn't even have an internet connection for several weeks!!! Oh the horror lol

Anyhow, I'll be on every day once again. Hope you're all keeping well, see you in game!

Rule Violations / Re: Rule Breaker Group.
« on: August 11, 2013, 02:01:30 pm »
Both setjailed!

Friday Festival / Re: Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Results
« on: July 20, 2013, 01:24:06 am »

Friday Festival / Re: Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Results
« on: July 20, 2013, 01:23:30 am »

Friday Festival / Re: Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Results
« on: July 20, 2013, 01:22:23 am »
Unfortunately I can only post 3 images at a time or I get permission errors.
Here they are anyway, click to enlarge!

Friday Festival / Re: Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Results
« on: July 19, 2013, 11:07:17 pm »

Cheers curry! The events were fantastic n'all Deadpros. Great ideas.
I'll get you some screenshots from the game later!

Friday Festival / Re: Week 22 - 19/07/13 - Schedule
« on: July 18, 2013, 01:16:56 pm »
Bring it on guys, you're all going down! lmao

Announcements / Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« on: July 11, 2013, 11:25:04 pm »
Just to be precise, we have re-written all of the code to do with the vehicle dealerships.
That includes the Autobahn, Bikebahn, Boatbahn, Helibahn, Airport as well as Coutt and Schutz.

You will notice various improvements including the new graphical purchase menus.
All changes posted in this thread will be live after the next server restart.

(They're probably live right now as you're reading this!)

Announcements / Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« on: July 10, 2013, 10:50:55 pm »
Significant Bug Fix Update

Bug Fixes
1. After breaking into the LV bank at night, it was not possible to blow the vault.  - Fixed
2. The backpack's "Backpack Contents" dialogue would only display some of the items. - Fixed

3. /blow was not functional.
-Fixed, the underlying code has been dramatically improved.
-Behavioural modifications: After the elapsed time, the car will explode and its health will be set to 0.
-At this time, any passengers in the vehicle will be killed.
-The car will blow up as "normal" several seconds later and respawn.
-If the car is destroyed before the C4 detonates, you will be notified.

4. It was possible to purchase items from the bomb shops for free. - Fixed
5. After a vehicle runs out of gas, it was still possible to turn the engine back on. - Fixed
6. When detonating explosives from the 8 Ball bomb shop, the car would explode but wouldn't respawn. - Fixed
7. It was possible for anyone to drive Black Hand vehicles. - Fixed
8. The mini-map icons weren't visible. - Fixed
9. Any car/vehicle dealerships that were not selling vehicles will now work.
10. All bugs related to the autobahn have been resolved.
11. Fixed the age old bug where upon exiting BMUK's casin0 you could potentially be teleported to a different location and a virtual world.

1. /bombcar - This command was removed (Replaced) by 8 Ball's bomb shop.

Announcements / Re: [Release] Version 1.6
« on: July 10, 2013, 02:48:54 am »
Unfortunately there are still quite a lot of bugs, few too many to start counting as far as I've seen.

Report them in the bugs section or even list them here if you like.
I'm personally very eager to patch all of the existing bugs before producing new content in the future!

Fixed / Re: Grenade pickup
« on: July 06, 2013, 09:21:30 pm »
This has either been fixed by Byrner and he hasn't updated the post or you have a mod that places the grenade there.


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