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Topics - WatakiWatako

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Announcements / The Hidden Signs
« on: October 18, 2013, 01:25:26 pm »
As of today, there are a series of signs hidden in certain areas of the explored world.
These signs will give you clues as to where good things can be found.

Some of the things you can find include Diamonds, records and I decided to hide a Ghast Spawn egg. Imagine letting that loose on your enemy!

All of the signs are on the surface. Here's a map of the area in which they can be found!

The hunt is on, good luck!

Announcements / EGCM Vanilla MC 1.6.4
« on: October 15, 2013, 12:45:03 pm »
EGCM is now running Minecraft 1.6.4 in survival mode without any mods.
As always, you can use this thread for information about the server and setting up your Minecraft client.

I enabled hardcore mode in the server config, we'll soon find out what that does! lol

Discuss Anything / That's me back!
« on: October 08, 2013, 12:04:49 am »

That's me finally settled in a new house. I've moved to Dundee in order to study at the University here.
Life has been rather chaotic for the past while with the house move taking place and what not, thus I wasn't able to be online, didn't even have an internet connection for several weeks!!! Oh the horror lol

Anyhow, I'll be on every day once again. Hope you're all keeping well, see you in game!

Announcements / Voltz is now online
« on: June 05, 2013, 03:34:33 pm »
EGCM is now running Voltz 1.0.11.
More information can be found here.

PVP is enabled.

Announcements / [VOTE] New Map Refined
« on: June 01, 2013, 10:32:26 am »
Here's a second vote for refinement purposes to allow people who voted for other options to make a final decision. Looks like Voltz might be the winner here!

This poll will run for three days after which we'll get the new mods installed.

Announcements / [VOTE] New Map
« on: May 26, 2013, 02:51:28 pm »
Here's a few notes about some of the options.

IndustrialCraft, BuildCraft and some other mods one the highest supported MC version - I'll set up a server with whatever mods we want.

Feed the Beast - If you are dependent upon a cracked launcher, it will be significantly out of date.

That's it. Get voting! I'll probably stick the new world online at the end of next week.

Version Discussion / What was your favorite 1.4 addition?
« on: May 17, 2013, 02:23:47 pm »
Just a simple poll to determine what the most popular new features from 1.4 were!

Version 1.4 Release Thread

Announcements / The EGC Aniversary Pub Quiz
« on: May 14, 2013, 10:08:25 pm »
The quiz will take place at roughly 7PM (GMT + 1) on Saturday, before Hiredgun's event at 9PM.

This post details the pub quiz which will take place on Saturday the 15th of June, hosted by no other than me, WatakiWatako! I will post more details as they become available, I'm still in the process of creating the questions. And yes, there is a prize! The general idea is as follows.

The quiz will take place on the IRC network.

Friday the 17th, probably during the GMT evening. A time has not yet been arranged.

Is there a prize?
Yes there is! I am delighted to announce that Byrner is willing to award each member of the winning team with a weapon pack of choice.

What's the plan?
There will be multiple rounds, each with their own topic. The questions will vary from general San Andreas knowledge to questions related to ECNR, EGCM and EGC as a whole. Each round will have two sections, a multiple choice section and a straight up "What's the answer?" round.

Tell me more!
All players wishing to take part should join #PubQuiz on the IRC network on Friday evening. You are welcome to join after you read this though. On Friday evening, the players will be divided into 2 or more teams each consisting of at least 4 players depending upon the turnout. Each team will be given their own channel in which you can discuss the questions with your team mates. The assigned team leader must then report back to me with the chosen answer. After a question, you will receive the results and the scores will be updated.

Can I be on Wataki's team?
I'm afraid not. Since I am setting the questions and hosting the quiz, I cannot take part. The teams will be arranged after you've all shown up. Probably randomly!

The Rules
During the quiz, you may not:
?Use any external sources such as Google.
?Speak to anyone outwith your team regarding the quiz.
?Go in game.

If these rules are broken, your team will face a penalty and may be disqualified.

Best of luck to all participants, see you there!

If you plan to take part, please post here as such that further planning can take place.

Update on 15/5/2013
?The quiz will consist of 2 rounds, each with two sections.
?The quiz is expected to take approximately 30 minutes.

Quiz Structure
?Round 1, Section 1. ECNR Geography. (Multiple Choice) - Worth 10 Points. Expected to last 10 minutes.
?Round 1, Section 2. ECNR Geography. (Freely Answered) - Worth  9 points. Expected to last 5 minutes.

?Round 2, Section 1. General EGC Knowledge (Multiple Choice) - Worth 10 Points. Expected to last 10 minutes.
?Round 2, Section 2. General EGC Knowledge. (Freely Answered) - Worth 12 points. Expected to last 5 minutes.

(Total of 41 Points)

In the event of a draw between two or more teams, we will hold a tie breaker question.

Announcements / Service Status
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:53:42 pm »
This thread indicates the status of all EGC services except the forums.
Information will be posted here when required.

ECNR SA-MP Server: Currently Online
EGC IRC Network: Currently Online
EGCM Minecraft Server: Currently Online

We do not anticipate any service interruptions.

EGCM Guides / Protecting Your Area
« on: February 23, 2013, 03:18:04 pm »
The server is running "AutoRegionGuard".
Areas in which you build will be automatically protected. You can change who can build in your areas with the /arg friends, /arg addfriend and /arg removefriend commands. (See below)

The full command list with descriptions can be found below. If you have any questions, feel free to post a reply.


Info Commands:
/arg message - [Toggle] Shows a message when u enter a new chunk ("Chunk claimed by xx").
/arg info [<world> <chunk x> <chunk z>] - Shows informations about the chunks you are standing in or specified (also shows the owner).
/arg list - Shows you a list of your owned chunk.

Chunk Commands:
/arg unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing in if you own it.
/arg give <player> <chunk x> <chunk z> - Gives a specified chunk to a player in the world you are standing in.

Friendlist commands:
/arg friends - Shows your friendlist
/arg addfriend <player> - Add a friend who can edit/use your chunks and the stuff in it.,
/arg removefriend <player> - Removes a player from friendlist.

Rule Breakers / [Griefed]ExampleName
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:54:27 pm »
This is a good example of a griefing report.

Estimate when you were griefed: Yesterday (22/02/2013)
Who lives in the area? (Including you): ExampleName and SomeOtherGuy
Coordinates of your area: X: 137, Y: 90, Z: -45
Finally, please list the items that you would like returned.
Diamond Chest, 8 Pistons, 4 MFSUs

Feel free to leave any additional notes here.

Rule Breakers / Have you been griefed?
« on: February 23, 2013, 02:51:40 pm »
If you have been griefed, please post here in the following format.

Post Subject: [Griefed]YourInGameName

In the contents of the post, please fill this form out.
Code: [Select]
Estimate when you were griefed:
Who lives in the area? (Including you):
Coordinates of your area:
Finally, please list the items that you would like returned.

After posting using the above format, I'll firstly find out who griefed you and in most cases, a ban will be issued. Furthermore, the listed items will be returned.
Note that the logs will be searched to verify the lost objects.

Pictures / Event Screenshots
« on: February 09, 2013, 09:34:38 pm »
Click here to download the archive.

I could't display the screenshots here due to some sort of tag error.
If you have any further screenshots, please post them in a reply to this thread.

Pictures / A very very strange SA-MP bug!
« on: February 06, 2013, 08:11:53 pm »

Click the thumbnails to view larger representations!

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