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Topics - john_peters

Pages: [1] 2
Discuss Anything / PapaRati's goodbye
« on: July 06, 2013, 08:41:10 pm »
Everyone I have enjoyed my past year on EGC I may or may not be back it's not due to anybody in EGC I just can't increase my activity like I was trying to. I will be able to talk to some people on skype, but not all of you. EGC has been the best times of my year but I guess I can't stay in game and stuff long enough to keep up but still it was fun while it lasted. I would like to thank all of my friends who played with me in my time in EGC 1. Saw I know you left EGC too to be with your grandpa but you were one of my closest friends on EGC. You helped me through alot of my problems that I had to face and helped me get through it. 2. Ratzu We didn't play together much, but you was still fun to hang out with on IRC thanks for the good times :). 3. Littleman I know we can talk on skype and all but we never talk on there either, thanks for making ECNR fun for me bro. 4. DeadPros, We had alot of good times as cops and robbers on ECNR, we always got away, well alot of the times, until Aaron Ewing got into a Hydra, anyways thanks for the fun times. 5. Aaron Ewing, You made playing ECNR fun because we had alot of good chases and you somehow always end up getting me, its either you blow my car up or you switch to army to blow me up thank you aswell. 6. Byrner, Thanks Byrner for creating this amazing gaming community for me to play in for my time here, you did an amazing job on ECNR and FGRPG is going to be even better! I hope if I return FGRPG will be here and I will be able to have more good times on it. Thanks to everyone for letting me have a great time in EGC.

ECNR Suggestions / !english command for REG players in irc
« on: February 22, 2013, 03:54:37 am »
I think if all admins in irc ( including byrner ) is afk or not in irc I think us REGS should be able to use the command !english. Why? Because I doubt everyone wants to deal with  los est?pidos hablando spanis. Doesnt that get annoying? Thats why I think we should get the !english command in irc

Discuss Anything / Inactivity
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:56:55 am »
Hello fellow EGC members. I am sad to say I will be going inactive for atleast 3-4 days. The reason is because I need to get shit straight in my life again. For some reason I feel if I dont get shit straight now I'm gonna end up commiting suicide. Life is just pissing me off. See you all in 3-4 days

Anime and other Entertainment / Dragonball-Dragonball GT
« on: November 19, 2012, 12:42:26 am »
Well for the past few years i've been addicted to the anime Dragonball, Dragonball Z, and Dragonball GT and I wanted to know if anyone else in EGC watches it

Fixed / [BUG] When I got sent to Guantanamo bay I fell through the map
« on: November 01, 2012, 02:42:04 am »
Description of the bug:

When I got arrested I fell through Guantanamo Bay

Images of the bug:

Rule Violations / [DONE] Noordan
« on: October 28, 2012, 03:49:06 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
I was an army personell trying to kill him becuz he was red then he left

Picture Evidence

Rule Violations / [DONE] ?HAHALUATA967
« on: October 24, 2012, 04:32:13 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Money hacks

Picture Evidence
4(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $127500 to $267500 ( 140000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $267500 to $387500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $387500 to $507500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $507500 to $627500 ( 120000 ) Location: Prickle Pine
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** HAHALUATA967(2) money has increased from $627500 to $667500 ( 40000 ) Location: Prickle Pine

Rule Violations / [DONE] DarkAssasinator23
« on: October 24, 2012, 03:59:23 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
He money hacked

Picture Evidence
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $168510 to $188510 ( 20000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $188510 to $288510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $288510 to $428510 ( 140000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $428510 to $548510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $548510 to $668510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $668510 to $768510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $768510 to $868510 ( 100000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR1> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $868510 to $988510 ( 120000 ) Location: Irish Airport
<%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** DarkAssasinator23(2) money has increased from $988510 to $1008510 ( 20000 ) Location: Irish Airport

Rule Violations / [RULEBREAKER] James_Tanner
« on: October 14, 2012, 02:35:24 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
He shot at me for no reason

Picture Evidence

ECNR Suggestions / You musst click to read this great suggestioon!
« on: October 11, 2012, 11:09:51 pm »
I think all regs need help now and then with their commands, So you know what we should get? We should get a /regcommands List!!!!!!!!

ECNR Suggestions / Robbing ammunation
« on: October 10, 2012, 08:32:22 pm »
I think we should be able to rob ammunation for Not MONEY! BUT FOR AMMO!

If we can rob ammunation I think we should be able to rob ammunation and possibly get guns and ammo and It would be pretty cool if we could rob c4 out of it!

Ban Management / [Unbanned] cTx_XeNon - 9-19-12
« on: September 19, 2012, 10:35:23 pm »
Player Name:

Date of Ban:

Time of Ban (GMT):
2:12 PM

Description of Ban:
He is my bro and he got banned because he is retarded saying stupid shit like he was innocent and got arrested and said this server is shit

Why you should be unbanned?:
Because it wasnt my fault I got banned and He was being stupid

Rule Violations / [DONE] Honey
« on: September 09, 2012, 11:08:18 pm »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
I got dm'd again -_-

Picture Evidence

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