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ECNR Complete Class/Skill Command List!
« on: January 03, 2013, 05:23:05 pm »
ECNR Complete Class/Skill Command List

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Description: You can rape other players and infect them with STDs that could kill them.

Available commands:
/rape (id) - Rape a player and give then STD/Infection.

Drug Dealer:

Description: You will supply people with drugs for a price. Don't let people rip you off... Keep watches on the chat for players wanting drugs. Visit the Smack Shack to replenish your stock.

Available commands:
/sellweed (id) (amount per gram) - Offer to sell a player drugs for a set amount per gram.
/giveweed (id) (grams) - Give a player drugs. Remember to get paid!
/sellheroin - Offers to sell a player heroin for 10k a pop.
/giveheroin - Gives a player heroin if he wants it.
/smokeweed (grams) - Take some drugs. health refills when you are on drugs.

Gun Dealer:

Description: If anyone needs weapons, then you sell them some lead. Your prices are set by the game. You can also deliver guns to ammunations, just get in the Patriot car at ammunation stores in Las

Available commands:
/sellweapons (id) - Offer to sell a player guns.
/sellweapon (id) (itemnumber) - Sell a player a weapon.


Description: If anyone needs another player dead, then they will contact you. Make sure you agree a price and get paid. Type /hitlist to see if there are any hit contracts available.

Available commands:
/hitlist - View the hit list of the people you are allowed to kill.

Private Medic:

Description: If anyone needs medical attention for cuts and bruises or STDs, then you can cure them and heal them. You can also infect with STDs that could kill them. Please do not hit/infect them just to heal/cure them.

Available commands:
/heal (id) - Restore a player health for a free.
/cure (id) - Cure a players infections for a free.
/healme - Restore your own health.
/cureme - Cure your own infections.
/infect (id) - Infect a player with a disease.

Car Jacker:

Description: You can steal vehicles which have been purchased from Autobahn, The Airport and Boatbahn. They will then be locked to your ID. NOTE: Vehicles are random.

Available commands:
/lbv - Locates bought vehicles for you steal, a checkpoint will appear at the location of the vehicle at the time you type the command.
/sellst - Sells a stolen vehicle at the freight depot.


Description: You can kidnap people and have your way with them.

Available commands:
/tie (ID) - Ties a player up if in a vehicle then you can have your way with them.
/kidnap (ID) - Drags a player into your car and ties them up.
/untie (ID) - If you feel bad for them or your penis is simply over used, you can untie them.
/rape (ID) - If you have a player kidnapped, you can rape him to give him Syphilis.
/wank (ID) - If you have a player kidnapped, you can wank over them and give them HIV.

Drug Junkie:

Description: You must do as much heroin you can... You can buy the equipment that you need from any 24/7 and the Smack Shack (Drug House).

Available commands:
/injectheroin - Infects yourself with heroin if you have heroin and a syringe.
/inject (ID) - Gives a player aids from your dirty needle.


Description: You must rob as many things as you can.

Available commands:
/rob (ID) - Robs a player money. You can also steal a vehicle from Autobahn by using the menu.


Description: Your main goal is to complete missions, go to the docks and get in a smuggling vehicle. You can find the docks by going to the yellow dragon icon south of Las Venturas on map.

Available commands:
/cancel - Cancels your current smuggling mission.


Description: You must cause chaos in city of Las Venturas and Ireland!

Available commands:
/blow - If you have C4, you can blow up any type of vehicle.
/plantc4 - Plants C4 to blow up a building and etc.
/tskill - To see your current terrorist skill.
/terjob - Explains your job as a terrorist and gives a list of things that you can do.
/bombcar - Plant a Car Bomb and then use /trigger to trigger the Car Bomb.
/blowme - Blows yourself up like a suicide bomber.


Description: Your victim is allowed to kill you for framing him.

Available commands:
/pass - Frames a player by transferring your clients Wanted Level onto them.
/stealpass - Attempt to steal a players passport, so you can frame them.
/hirei - Other players to hire you to transfer their Wanted Level.

General Police:

Description: Keep the criminals away from the streets and shops!

Available commands:
/fine (ID) - Issue a fine to a suspect. Suspect must be Yellow.
/pu (ID) - Ask a player to pull over if in vehicle, or freeze if on foot.
/taze - Take out tazer. Aim to and shoot at the person to taze them, or
Press ALT (Walk) - Take out tazer. Aim to and shoot at the person to taze them.
/ar (ID) - Arrest a suspect with a warrant and send him to a prison.
/rp (ID) (REASON) - Report a criminal activity by giving them a wanted level star.
/cuff (ID) - Place a suspect in handcuffs, so they can be arrested.
/detain (ID) - Place a suspect in your vehicle to be transported.
/dropoff (ID) - Drop a detained suspect off st the police station in Las Venturas.
/search (ID) - Search a suspect for drugs.
/vc (ID) - Report Visual contact with a wanted player.
/cm (message) - Send a police message through the radio.
/bt (ID) - Breath test a player to see if he/she had too much to drank.
/m (your message) - Shouts though the police Megaphone.
/defuse - Attempts to defuse a Car Bomb before it explodes.
/spike . Place a spike strip in the middle of the road.
/radon - Turn police radio on.
/radoff - Turn police radio off.

Task Force 141:

Description: Your job is same as Police, but you have a better rank! Your spawn place will be the Las Venturas Police Department Headquarters unique place.

Available commands:
/tfc - To speak other Task Force 141 personnel.

Jail Turnkey:

Description: You get the job of releasing prisoners from the jail. If a prisoners want s to be released early, then you can take cash in exchange for their freedom. You can also release them without taking any cash if you wish. Please use /jail to see who is in a jail - You can only parole prisoners in Las Venturas Police Department.

Available commands:
/jail - To see who is in the jail.
/parole (ID) Release a player from the jail earlier than prisoner gets out.

San Andreas Army:

Description: San Andreas Army can kill all most wanted and red players and arrest non-red players, like oranges.

Available commands:
/fine (ID) - Issue a fine to a suspect. Suspect must be Yellow.
/pu (ID) - Ask a player to pull over if in vehicle, or freeze if on foot.
/taze - Take out tazer. Aim to and shoot at the person to taze them, or
Press ALT (Walk) - Take out tazer. Aim to and shoot at the person to taze them.
/ar (ID) - Arrest a suspect with a warrant and send him to a prison.
/rp (ID) (REASON) - Report a criminal activity by giving them a wanted level star.
/cuff (ID) - Place a suspect in handcuffs, so they can be arrested.
/detain (ID) - Place a suspect in your vehicle to be transported.
/dropoff (ID) - Drop a detained suspect off st the police station in Las Venturas.
/search (ID) - Search a suspect for drugs.
/vc (ID) - Report Visual contact with a wanted player.
/cm (message) - Send a police message through the radio.
/bt (ID) - Breath test a player to see if he/she had too much to drank.
/m (your message) - Shouts though the police Megaphone.
/defuse - Attempts to defuse a Car Bomb before it explodes.
/spike . Place a spike strip in the middle of the road.
/radon - Turn police radio on.
/radoff - Turn police radio off.
/crb - Gives a list of roadblocks to create.
/rub - Command to remove previous roadblock.
/rrball - Command to remove all your placed roadblocks.
/airstrike - Calls an airstrike to a place where you are at.
/stealth - Enters you to a stealth mode. Players can't see your color square in map. Use /stealth to turn the stealth mode on/off. (You will be automatically ejected from the stealth mode, when you exit from your vehicle)!


Description: Your job is to keep civilians and government personnel alive.

Available commands:
/heal (ID) - Restore a players health for a free.
/cure (ID) - Cure a players infections for a free.
/healme - Restore your own health for free.
/cureme - cure your own infections for free.

Fire Department:

Description: Your job is to keep the city safe by fighting fires.

Available commands:
/fm (message) - Send a message to other Fire Department personnel.
/crb - Gives a list of roadblocks to create.
/rub - Command to remove previous roadblock.
/rrball - Command to remove all your placed roadblocks.


Description:  as a trash collection officer, your objective is to patrol the city and collect trash. After placing trash in your truck, return to the base and drop it off.

Available commands:
/helptrash - List of available commands that is listed in below:
/pickup - Used to pick up a bag of trash when you stand next to it.
/placetrash - Used to place bags of trash that you are carrying in the trash master.
/searchtrash - Searches bags that you are holding for various items.
/empty - Unloads your trash master when you are at the drop off point.
/trashinfo - Lists various things that are specific to you such as your trash skill level.
/trashc - The Trash Collection Chat - Chat to other officers!
/trashbomb - Plant a bomb in a bag of trash.
/trashinfo - General trash Collection Information.

Car Mechanic:

Description: You can fix beat up cars. Look out for players needing your services on the chat.

Available commands:
/fix (ID) - Fix a player vehicle. The player must be the driver of the vehicle.
/break (ID) - Pour sand into a players engine. Vehicle will explode.
/fixme - Fix your own vehicle.

Bistro Staff:

Description: Your job is to sell food to other players if their health is less than full. Look out for players needing food on the chat. You can sell players bad food and infect them with food poisoning. You can also sell healthy, non infected food.

Available commands:
/sellfood (ID) - Sell food to a player for a free.
/sellbadfood (ID) - Sell bad food to a player. Player will be infected with food poisoning.

Taxi Driver:

Description: You can take players in your vehicle and drop them of for a cash. At this time, you can only use a Taxi, a Limousine, a Maverick or a Coach to earn some points. Your passengers will be charged 1 $ per every 1 second if they get in your car. You do not earn points or get your city paycheck if you have a wanted level.

Available commands:
/onduty - Tells other players that you are on duty.
/offduty - Tells other players that you are off duty.

Bounty Hunter:

Description: You have to help police to take Escaped prisoners back into custody. Chase red players and type /ar (ID) next to them to see if they are escaped convicts. Remember, do not shoot them. Please type /bounty for details of Escaped Prisoners.

Available commands:
/ar (ID) - To see if they are escaped convicts.
/bounty - See a list of players who are on your bounty list.


Description: You can sell your body to players for any price. Players can locate Prostitutes with /sex command.

Available commands:
/offersex (ID) (Cost) - Offers to sell a player sex.
/givesex (ID) (Cost) - Has sex with the player.

General Gameplay Commands:

Available commands /gcommands:
/placehit (ID) (Amount) - Place a hit contract on another player.
/gc (ID) (Amount) - Give another player cash.
/pm (ID) (Message) - Send a Personal Message.
/r - Quick reply to last Personal Message.
/pmoff - Turn Personal Messaging off.
/eject - Ejects yourself from the car.
/eject (ID) - Eject a player from your vehicle.
/ejectall - Eject all from your vehicle including yourself.
/smoke - Lights one of your smokes.
/gg (ID) - Gives a player current weapon.
/rc - Chat with other regular players.
/afk - Only for regular players! Says you are away from the keyboard and you cannot die.
/challenge (ID) - Challenges a player to a boxing match.
/accept - Accept boxing match request.
/foff (ID) - Tells a player to Fuck Off.
/rules - See the list of rules.
/pc - See, what player colors does mean
/help - See the help dialog.
/report (ID) - Report a rule breaker to any online admins.
/admin (question) - Ask a question from admins.
See /fishcommands for fishing commands.
See /ccommands for criminal commands.
See /vcommands for vehicle commands.

Fishing Commands:

Description: You can start fishing by buying equipment from the 24/7 store and the fish shop. To begin fishing, take a Jetmax boat from the docks and go out into the sea. Type a command for more help.

Available commands:
/fish - Try to catch a fish.
/caught - Show the fishes you have caught.
/throwback - Throw all the last fish you caught back.
/releaseall - Throw all the fish you have caught back in.
/releasefish - Release one of your fish.

Vehicle Commands:

Description: Commands, that you can use for vehicles.
Available commands:
/engineon - Turns on the vehicle engine. (Shortcut button is "2").
/engineoff - Turns off the vehicle engine. (Shortcut button is "2").
/lightson - Turns on the vehicle lights.
/lightsoff - Turns off the vehicle lights.
/bonnetup - Pops up the vehicle bonnet.
/bootup - Pops up the vehicle boot.
/bootdown - Pops down the vehicle boot.
/car - Access the bought vehicle menu.
/park - Park your bought vehicle.

Criminal Commands:

Available commands:
/rape (ID) - Attempt to rape another player.
/rob (ID) - Attempt to rob an another player.
/robbank - Attempt to rob a bank.
/robatm - Attempt to rob a ATM Machine.
/robstore - Attempt to rob a store.
/robcasin0 - Attempt to rob a casin0.
/smokeweed (grams) - Smoke weed.
/sex - Calls a Prostetute for some sex.
/weed - Call a drugs dealer.
/weedinfo - See how much weed you carry up.
/wank - Do things to other players.
/spit - Do things to other players.
/vomit - Do things to other players.


Description: ECNR all available animations.

Available commands:
/animations - List of commands that are listed in below.
/handsup, /drunk, /bomb, /getarrested, /laugh, /lookout, /robman,  /crossarms, /lay, /eat, /taichi, /chairsit, /deal, /crack, /groundsit, /chat, /dance, /fucku and /slapass.


Description: List of great men, who helped to made this script!

Available commands:
/credits - Prints the credits that are listed in below:
1 - BMUK - The very first edit was made by BMUK (Around 1/10 of the current game mode).
2 - Stevo127 - Scripter.
3 - Enigma (The_Byrner) - Scripter.
4 - Viper - Scripting contributor.
5 - Bobman - Scripting contributor and creator of our taze feature.
6 - Hoodline - Scripting contributor.
7 - Infamous - Scripting contributor.
8 - Puffmac - Scripting contributor.
9 - MidoTheHawk - Scripting informer.
10 - All of our admins for keeping the server free of death matchers and hackers.
11 - Fear - Basis of the fishing system.
12 - Incognito - Streamer.
13 - The scripting and mapping team for their additions.

You can find much more commands in game! There was Complete Class/Skill List.

P.S. If you think there is missing something, please hit me!
« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 12:48:49 pm by CrossUSAAF »

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2013, 05:47:53 pm »
Good job, Cross, must've taken ages to make.


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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2013, 05:49:48 pm »
I Used 4 hours, or even more. There is it, please enjoy with it!

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #3 on: January 03, 2013, 06:26:55 pm »
Looks pretty helpful to me, I can imagine this taking a while to make!

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2013, 06:34:15 pm »
Well done Cross, big props.

Offline Littleman

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2013, 12:13:23 am »
good job
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Matthew 5:4

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #6 on: January 04, 2013, 03:37:19 am »
This deserves reputation points. Nicely done, Cross! ;)


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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #7 on: January 04, 2013, 12:35:13 pm »
No problem Sylar ;)!

Offline cr33p1ngd34th

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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2013, 02:31:22 am »
You forgot /airstrike and /stealth as Army :)


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Re: ECNR Class/Skill Command List...
« Reply #9 on: January 13, 2013, 09:39:44 am »
You forgot /airstrike and /stealth as Army :)

Added to the San Andreas Army command list. Thanks for your notice cr33p1ngd34th!

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Re: ECNR Complete Class/Skill Command List!
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2013, 02:58:54 pm »
This needs to be updated for 1.5 as some skills like the rapist have been removed and/or altered.
Every rule there is has an exception.

Except this one.