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Author Topic: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.  (Read 8463 times)

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How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:28:12 am »
Hello there, this is a guide on setting up mIRC. In this guide, I'll be including a few scripts to make life easier, and how to make your mIRC look a whole lot neater than the basic old dull-looking interface.

First off, what is mIRC?
mIRC is a popular Internet Relay Chat client used by millions of people, and thousands of organizations, to communicate, share, play and work with each other on IRC networks around the world. Serving the Internet community for over a decade, mIRC has evolved into a powerful, reliable and fun piece of technology.

You can download mIRC here. mIRC requires that you buy it for long use, but there are popular and common cracks for it which I won't be linking here, do a little bit of searching over the internet for it. (The download is a thirty day trial.)

Setting up mIRC.
mIRC is extremely easy to set up. When you open up mIRC for the first time after installation, you see this (might be a little different, as mine is expired):

Press the "Continue" button here.

Once you've passed that screen, you're on the options window:

Nickname: This is what you want your IRC name to be -- This is what others see.
Alternative: If your name is already on IRC due to a connection timeout or whatever reason, and you try to connect using mIRC, the name you enter here will be used instead of the Nickname.
Name: This is your 'real' name. Basically, the Nickname is what's seen to everyone. But all of these are seen on your /whois information. For example, my /whois information would be:

Code: (/whois Sylar) [Select]
Sylar is * Sylar
Sylar is connecting from *
Sylar is a registered nick
Sylar on @#Regulars @#Administration @#Moderation +#egc #sylar @#ECNR ~#TheMafia ~#TheMafia.STAFF
Sylar using Enigmatic Gaming Community IRC Network
Sylar has been idle 1min 30secs, signed on Wed Aug 08 00:41:31
Sylar End of /WHOIS list.

So, once you fill all these up, hit "Ok".

Now you're on some empty white screen, where there's nothing much to do. So, to connect to EGC's IRC server, type /server

Once you hit enter, you receive a bunch of text on your screen, basically useless.

The last line tells you you're not registered. So now, you'll have to register yourself on our IRC server! It's easy, and takes no more than 1 minute.

Note: Even though you don't register, you can still join the channels and chat (when you connect, you're automatically joined to channels #ECNR and #EGC), but it's best to register yourself now, as you'll probably have to do it later on.

In this window, type /ns register <the password you wish to have> <your E-Mail ID>.
Basically, the E-Mail ID is nothing important, and doesn't require being given much attention.

So for example I use /ns register 123456 Sylar@Owns.Uk.
You receive something like this:
Code: (Registration) [Select]
[02:13:37] -NickServ- Nickname Sylar registered under your account: *Sylar@*.E44373AE.14CFD1BF.IP

Congratulation, you're now registered! But wait, you need to "log in" to IRC.
Everytime you're on IRC, you'll have to log in on our IRC server. For this, you'll have to send your password to NickServ, which will 'identify' you. (Identify > Login, basically.)

Note: You're automatically identified once you register, but you'll have to identify yourself once you re-connect to the server.

To log in, type /ns id <Password>.
Once you do this, you will receive the following message:
Code: (Identified) [Select]
[02:21:27] -NickServ- Password accepted - you are now recognized.

Now, to make life easier, I'll be giving you a couple scripts which will identify you automatically when you connect to the server, and a basic AFK script which I made a while back today.

Press CTRL + R to open up the scripts window. This is where you will write the mIRC scripts. For now, you need a script to identify yourself, and connect automatically when you start mIRC up!

Copy the following scripts into the box you just opened up, and press 'OK'.
Quote from: Sylar's mIRC Scripts
Code: (Auto Connect and Auto Join Scripts) [Select]
on *:START:{ server }
on *:CONNECT:{ ns id %pass | j #egc,#ecnr }

alias setpass {
  if ( $1 == $null ) {
    echo -a Incorrect usage.
    echo -a Use: /setpass <Your IRC Password>.
  else {
    set %pass $1

Once you've added the script and pressed 'OK', use the command '/setpass' to set your password so it will identify you automatically when you join.

Code: (AFK Script) [Select]
on *:LOAD: {
  set %afk 0

alias setnames {
  set %ircname $me
  set %afkname $me $+ [AFK]

alias regafk {
  nick %afkname
  ns register %pass %ircname $+ @ $+ $me $+ .com

alias done {
  nick %ircname
  ns id %pass

alias afk {
  if ( %afk == 0 ) {
    set %afk 1
    nick %afkname
    ns id %pass
    if ( $1 == $null ) {
      msg #ecnr [9AFK] 4 $+ %ircname $+  is now 4Away From the Keyboard. [9REASON] 7Not Specified.
    else {
       msg #ecnr [9AFK] 4 $+ %ircname $+  is now 4Away From the Keyboard. [9REASON] 7 $+ $1-
  else {
    if ( %afk == 1 ) {
      set %afk 0
      nick %ircname
      ns id %pass
      msg #ecnr [9BACK] 4 $+ %ircname $+  is now 4Back!

Make sure you have used the script before this script before using the above script.
Once you press 'OK', it will show you instructions on your screen. Follow these instructions to register your AFK name and everything.

Now, when you go AFK, type /afk <Reason>. When you're back, simply type /afk.

Congratulations, you now have most of it set up! Now, looking at the chat, the odd and dull looking chat that fucks up your eye sight, it's pretty hard. Let's fix that!

(1) Press ALT + K.
What you see now is shown below:

(2) Changing things!
Change everything from what you see in the above image, into what you see in the below image:

Experiment with the colors until you find something that suits you. The above image shows what I use, and I like it! It's easy for the eyes, and everything is pretty clear!

Once you've changed everything to look exactly like the one you were asked to make it to, your mIRC screen looks something like this:

But what's this ugly list of names?:

We want those to look something like this:

The difference is that the names are given colors according to their channel modes. For example, on mine, I have the channel owner's (+qo | ~) name set to Dark Blue, Administrator's (+ao | &) color set to Red, Channel Operators (Game moderators)  (+o | @) set to Teal, Half-OPs (%) set to Orange, Normal users (+V | +) set to Light Green!

So to do this, press ALT + B to see the window shown below:

Tick the "Enable Nick Colors" check box on the "Nick Colors" tab like shown, and then press 'Add' to see the window shown below:

The first circle shows the list of colors. Choose blue the first time, like shown. The second circle asks you which mode you would like to assign that color to. So, because we want channel owners to show as Blue Colored, we will set the first one how the picture shows. Press 'OK'.

Now, repeat this in the order shown below:

(1) Like shown in the window -- Circle one as Blue, Circle two as "~".
(2) Circle one as Red, Circle two as "&".
(3) Circle one as Teal, Circle two as "@".
(4) Circle one as Orange, Circle two as "%".
(5) Circle one as Light Green, Circle two as "+"

Once done, it now looks something like this:

Extra Neat Timestamp:
Press Alt + R to open up the mIRC Scripts window again. Once it's opened, Press the 'File' button on the top menu, and create a new script.
Paste the following script into the window and press 'OK':
Code: (Timestamp) [Select]
on *:LOAD: {
  .timestamp -f 4[9HH:9nn:9ss4]
Now your chat window's timestamps will look something like the shown below:

[15:13:12] <@Sylar> This is the new timestamp you will have once you load the script!

Congratulations, now you've your mIRC set up perfectly!

Guide completely re-done by Sylar! Addition of reputation appreciated! :P

« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 08:41:29 am by Sylar »


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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2012, 03:44:35 pm »
Good work, mate, you are doing good job!

Always love you, Skyperan.

P.S: Meet me at IRC.

Offline Sylar

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2012, 04:07:27 pm »
Incorrect; you do not have to pay for it after 30 days of use. The connect button will automatically be clickable after a few seconds of waiting. You can use it for as long as you like.

There's a lot of loose and incorrect point and lines in this tutorial, to be honest. I'll make a better one once I get the laptop again, probably tomorrow. This topic will stay until then. :P


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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2012, 06:39:44 pm »
Incorrect; you do not have to pay for it after 30 days of use. The connect button will automatically be clickable after a few seconds of waiting. You can use it for as long as you like.

There's a lot of loose and incorrect point and lines in this tutorial, to be honest. I'll make a better one once I get the laptop again, probably tomorrow. This topic will stay until then. :P

I said it isn't was done I was rushing because I had stuff to do I will finish it as soon as I have time

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2012, 06:44:58 pm »
Even the completed things have incorrect information. Either way, I'll be doing a detailed one. :)

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2012, 08:38:11 pm »
Don't be such a dick Sy.  :P
Well done Ge-Force, like to see you're helping new players.
Sy, if it's inaccurate, edit it, no point in making a new one.

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 08:46:20 pm »
Ahh, I forgot that I could edit, lmao! I'll edit it once I'm on a laptop tomorrow.


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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #7 on: August 02, 2012, 09:01:39 pm »
Don't be such a dick Sy.  :P
Well done Ge-Force, like to see you're helping new players.
Sy, if it's inaccurate, edit it, no point in making a new one.

Thanks Enigma, I'm doing my best :)

And aye sylar lol, thanks for your comments too I accpet any kind of comments :)

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #8 on: August 07, 2012, 11:14:19 pm »
Guide updated, 90% complete. If I get time, I'll complete the remaining.

Special thanks to Xplicit for testing the scripts.

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Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2012, 01:23:25 am »
Guide updated, 90% complete. If I get time, I'll complete the remaining.

Special thanks to Xplicit for testing the scripts.
Teehee No Problem!:P

You should change the script to make it easier.. I made my own I will show you when I next see you! :P

Offline Sylar

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Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« Reply #10 on: August 08, 2012, 10:29:35 am »

Guide completely re-done by Sylar! Addition of reputation appreciated! :P

Guide has been completed fully.

You should change the script to make it easier..

I've now changed the script to do everything automatically on the AFK script.
When you load it, it will run all the necessary side-commands and register your account. The whole script was re-done from scratch to make it completely self-completing.


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Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« Reply #11 on: August 08, 2012, 10:51:08 am »

Guide completely re-done by Sylar! Addition of reputation appreciated! :P

Guide has been completed fully.

You should change the script to make it easier..

I've now changed the script to do everything automatically on the AFK script.
When you load it, it will run all the necessary side-commands and register your account. The whole script was re-done from scratch to make it completely self-completing.

Good job. I will think about giving you +1 in karma :>


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Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2012, 01:03:29 am »
Thanks for the help :) :)

Offline Matt

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Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2012, 01:07:52 am »
Thanks for the help :) :)
Haha! Glad to see this Guide helps people! Well done to Suicide and Sylar! :D
Glad to see Guides working! Keep up the good work :D


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Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« Reply #14 on: August 10, 2012, 12:32:59 am »
Brilliant work there Sylar :)