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Messages - Matt

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ECNR Suggestions / Re: The Boat from LV to Eggland!
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:06:30 am »
I like the idea of bringing it back, but doesn't that cost us a slot? I'd like more players rather than this, if it does take a slot.
Nope? It is a Ship Animated to move...? The ship is not classed as a Vehicle or anything...
It is like how a Gate Moves
It wasn't a bot?
No... It was a Object Animated... To go across the Sea. From what I heard.
but Wataki told me Karagon removed it that is why we don't have it.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: The Boat from LV to Eggland!
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:04:28 am »
I like the idea of bringing it back, but doesn't that cost us a slot? I'd like more players rather than this, if it does take a slot.
Nope? It is a Ship Animated to move...? The ship is not classed as a Vehicle or anything...
It is like how a Gate Moves

Introductions / Re: Drifter is back? Yes he is :D
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:31:25 pm »
Awww naw, terrible drifter is here :(
My skills are better ;)
Would you ban me if I disagree with you? :D

Introductions / Re: Hello ECNR!
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:30:51 pm »
How you doing!? ;)

Welcome to ECnR! Hope you stay around for a long time! :D
Enjoy! & Don't get in any trouble ingame mate! Anti-RuleBreaker :D

Have Fun ;)

ECNR Suggestions / The Boat from LV to Eggland!
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:28:17 pm »
There used to be a boat running from LV to Eggland but it is no longer there! and I miss using it!
I want to see if others that know about it or just like the idea of it to try get it back up and running!

The boat ran from next to the Terrorist Ship to Eggland Airport... Which you can just walk on and off both sides, and it is free to use! The boat used to be 2/4Minutes travelling to Eggland and Back... Used to be fun! Could also sometimes depending on Lag make Vehicles and Bikes travel!

I remember once going on it with a bunch of laggers... All the bikes ended up in the water!:L
But I would like it back! Was great funny and easy transport to Eggland! Moving Population to Eggland aswell...

What are your opinions?

Community Suggestions / Re: Minecraft Server
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:44:14 pm »
Minecraft is infact one of those popular games right now. It is also easy to play (and pirate :P)
So why don't we open a Minecraft Server?
The staff doesn't know how to set up one, I would love to help.
I do agree in this idea because although I don't have much time to play Minecraft much I still remember the fun I had in playing it! So I wish this goes ahead...

If it did which would it be?
Survival? Or Creative?
Or Both?

Anime and other Entertainment / Re: Naruto
« on: August 10, 2012, 04:43:08 pm »
I am an up-to-date Naruto fan.

Naruto can get very addicting... Agreed?

Rule Violations / Re: [Bot attack]Bot attacking IRC :l
« on: August 10, 2012, 02:57:24 am »
Which 'retard' done this funny thing anyways?

Rule Violations / [DONE] FL0CKA
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:39:02 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Arrest Evade

Not much evidence showing he was wanted since you can't really show that with logs but that shows me and Ratzu claiming he evaded.

Picture Evidence
4[01:37:18] <%ECNR1> [DISCONNECT] FL0CKA (2) Has left the server (Left)
4[01:37:24] * +Saw (Saw@Lets.Play.a.Game) Quit (Quit: My smart phone is being dumb, will be back soon if it becomes smart again. :))
4[01:37:24] <%ECNR2> 12 Xplicit (6) - Wow evade
4[01:37:25] <%ECNR1> 12 Ratzu (5) - omfg
4[01:37:29] <%ECNR2> 12 Ratzu (5) - I swear.
4[01:37:33] <%ECNR1> 12 Xplicit (6) - Brb reporting
4[01:37:37] <%ECNR2> 12 Ratzu (5) - Second time he's done that to me.

Rule Violations / [DONE] FL0CKA
« on: August 10, 2012, 01:21:20 am »
Player Name:

Description of what they done:
Admin Impersonation...

Picture Evidence
4[01:19:39] <%ECNR1> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - who is admin?
4[01:19:45] <%ECNR2> 16 FL0CKA (9) - im admin
4[01:19:47] <%ECNR1> 16 Ratzu (5) - Seriously, did you read the rules to see how many you could break at a time?
4[01:19:47] <%ECNR2> 16 FL0CKA (9) - and if u dont stop
4[01:19:49] <%ECNR1> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - just ubfornatuib
4[01:19:53] <%ECNR2> 12 Six_Sex_SEX (7) - information*
4[01:19:57] <%ECNR1> 16 FL0CKA (9) - il bann u

Rule Violations / Re: [Bot attack]Bot attacking IRC :l
« on: August 10, 2012, 12:13:19 am »
So I miss the fun once again! Wow! Next time tell me when the Event is on? I join in next time :D
 - Bot on
 - Bot on
 - Bot on
 - Xplicit on
 - Bot on

Hehe :D

ECNR Guides / Re: How to set set up mIRC - Guide for newbies.
« on: August 09, 2012, 01:07:52 am »
Thanks for the help :) :)
Haha! Glad to see this Guide helps people! Well done to Suicide and Sylar! :D
Glad to see Guides working! Keep up the good work :D

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Ingame radio with players as broadcasters!
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:02:38 pm »
Like short comedy sketches with people playing characters.
Ooh.. Thanks! :P

Yeah.. I agree with Enigma.. Not just Music because basicly that is what Youtube is for... Have a Radio with people talking aswell... Would be better and more fun to listen to than just plain music. :)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Phone Booths
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:01:25 pm »
I like the idea. The cellphone has no use anyway, all it does is make the game hard for dealers.

The Mafia has spent over millions on buying cellphones for new players so that they can buy from us in the future, and that's a huge loss for us so far.

A better suggestion would be to remove the cellphone system completely- but I'm not suggesting this, do it yourself. :P

It's not to remove the cell though, it's for an alternate method of calling... also adds more rp to it I guess

Hmm... I wouldn't say all for the idea! this idea is great! because I do not much like the idea since I am a Mehh Person! I would say this Idea will be good like you said it will add more RP to the game... So yeah... I can say if it does go threw I would support this as a Good Idea... Although I think nothing great of it :P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Phone Booths
« on: August 08, 2012, 07:30:24 pm »
So yeah, I was thinking, for alot of classes you need a phone (hitmen, medic, /911 etc etc)
and most people are to lazy, or do not know where to get a phone.
There are also plenty of phone booths throughout the game already, perhaps make the phonebooths work (marker, or "f" triggered command) where you can do anything, you can do with a cellular phone?
Was just thinking about this, might be that medics, hitmen and such would be used more in such an 'early' stage of the server with new people every day...

Let me know your thoughts!

If people are lazy to go and buy a Phone then what gives them the effort to go and go to a Phone Booth? Although this is a good idea can you state the Costs on all this? and where you would put them if anything?...

If you wish for this 'Suggestion' to happen I suggest you do give a little bit more information on that! :)

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