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Messages - Matt

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ECNR Human Resources / Re: SA Army Applications
« on: August 17, 2012, 11:45:51 pm »
Server Name: FedEx
Date Joined ECNR: A couple days before July 19, 2012
IRC Name: Xplicit
Date Received Regular Status: 3rd August 2012


ECNR Suggestions / Re: Uncuff command for admins.
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:50:52 pm »
There is no point in a Administrator to have /uncuff or to be able to Uncuff someone since the Someone can wait 21 Seconds or whatever it is to be Automaticlly uncuffed by the System...

There is no point in adding another Command to the System when you can just wait 21/25Seconds...

Make /asay be usable while cuffed, lmao.
I would agree with that... Only thing you could do is change the Cuffed for 25 Seconds or w/e
Just as text saying You are cuffed for 25 Seconds then leaving no asay.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
« on: August 17, 2012, 10:46:58 pm »
Thats a better one. Maybe a random, when u are to late or didnt managed the fire properly. The building will be burned down. And respawn later.
So like 10-20 Minutes after the fire has been going if nobody has put it out then it burns/blows

So basicly set timer for 10-20 if not stopped then another way of blowing up a building...
Can be done I guess! :P
Good idea of your own to expand the Ideas! :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Going to a vaction
« on: August 16, 2012, 10:04:52 pm »
Xplicit - I'm always missing ya when you logoff!

Omg! I just saw that! :(
I miss you too when you logoff or go for your "Nap" :(
I love you Suicide:)<3<3<3<3

No Homo :d

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Font Display
« on: August 16, 2012, 09:02:04 pm »
I agree also! The old ones were better..
Die white boxes! Me want to kill Police Me no want arrest ;(

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:59:55 pm »
I thing if you are a  firefighter  you can put Roadblocks I know you can if you are a REG player but lets have 1 one Roadblock that you can put if you are not a REG player  :) :)
Bad Idea! Although I know there are some people we can trust as Non Regular Players but you also get those people who just spoil it for everyone else and that will just abuse it... :/
If we had less that spoil it and more that are trusted then I would say people would agree in it but because more people spoil it for others it is a no.

Also... being a Regular Player there is more benefits... You can't really give benefits to Regular Player + Same benefits to some Classes? Might aswell Remove Regular Players in that case and just have Server Helpers...

General Server Discussion / Re: Going to a vaction
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:54:48 pm »
OoohNoo! :(
Miss you... Don't leave me for too long! ;(

General Server Discussion / Re: Going Inactive [FOR 3 DAYS]
« on: August 15, 2012, 02:53:26 pm »
Have a nice Holiday and see you in 3 days :) :) :)
Hhaha Thanks :D
I just owned 2 ninjas with a minigun! :o

See ya when you're back, mate! ;)
Good Ninja! You shall be promoted to a Chuunin if you survive when I come back! :)

Sorry Dad! :( Least hotel has WiFi so I can come on now and then?;P

General Server Discussion / Going Inactive [FOR 3 DAYS]
« on: August 15, 2012, 12:51:58 am »
From 6am Today (5 Hours away)
I am going to go on Holiday to some place...
The Hotel says it has WiFi but I do not know... I shall be on IRC if it does have WiFi but on a rubbish connection... So please forgive me if I do some on and off all the time.

I will not be ingame for 3 Days... So Don't miss me too much!

If I don't see any of you because Hotel has no Wifi I shall be back soon as!
Bye All! :D

 - Sylar tell me about all the Ninjaz you own
 - Fatzu.. Ratzu* Dad... Please don't be mad I am going without you! :(
 - GoR I will now /foff :d

ECNR SA-MP Server Requests / Re: businessess
« on: August 13, 2012, 03:26:42 pm »
Businesses are already ingame but you would need to buy them with Real Life Money... That is how Enigma and Stevo set it...

If you was thinking of very little businesses that people could own for ingame money with very little pay back I guess that could work in a way? But you shall need to speak to Enigma and Stevo if they would allow stuff like that because I don't think they will...

In total... Good idea:P (y)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Leaving the server while cuffed
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:08:37 pm »
I agree to... but if you haz skill then just /q just before they cuff you? Then bitches can't get me? Right?

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Spikes from police maverick
« on: August 12, 2012, 11:07:02 pm »
A little unrealistic? Don't you think... Although I do like the idea I think more real than made up...

Rule Violations / Re: [Bot attack]Bot attacking IRC :l
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:03:53 pm »
[12:56] <11+Ge-Force> Great bot attck :\
[12:56] <11+Ge-Force> Wassup man?
[12:56] <11+Ge-Force> If it's not a bot
[12:56] <11+Ge-Force> I would be happy if you stop :>

Hahaha Suicide :P
Look at the timestamp :O,Fast typer like me! biatch!

Timestamp he uses = Hour | Minute
It is not hard at the beginning of the Minute to type all that...
In my case it is not hard in the Last 10-5Seconds to type all that :D

If it was in the same second I would say Hacks :D :L

ECNR Suggestions / Re: The Boat from LV to Eggland!
« on: August 11, 2012, 02:00:11 pm »
The boat is scripted with MoveObject to a location.

The boat won't take any player slot (not like Jim)

So yeah we can bring back Teh Boat if people agree and so does Stevo... Who I guess will be the one making it?

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Music!
« on: August 11, 2012, 01:56:57 pm »
I just prefer Suicide's and not paying...
There is commands ingame you use for that which is /radio and then the DJ System is ran by your computer and mIRC which let's stuff come in like !requests if someone still has it... If it doesn't then Me and Sylar can get working! :D

Either way... They are both the same expect paying $10k every 10minutes to listen...

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