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Messages - Matt

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General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive
« on: August 31, 2012, 07:58:19 pm »

Another guy going inactive... Byee! :( I will miss you:P

Pictures / Re: Just a teaser
« on: August 29, 2012, 11:03:17 pm »
Well... The smartest person ever WatakiWatako left the server on and Unlocked giving me Access D:

Another Teaser...

Showing my skills on the 10 out of 10 like a Ninja...
and a Place you can Rob :D With a 4 Star Wanted Level...

I could of took more Teaser's but Wataki would kill me more...

I think the Introduction is a little bit tooooooooooo long...

Also... A bug... When I left the BurgerShop I got a Ban for Height Hacks... Well I am a Ninja.. :S But it didn't seem to disconnect me so..

Pictures / Re: Best bank rob everr
« on: August 28, 2012, 11:24:31 am »
kk , wait i will search them o.o
3(12:39:51) <07%ECNR1> GoR(2) Has robbed $939936 from Ireland's national Bank
3(12:39:51) <07%ECNR2> 04**(CASH INCREASE)** GoR(2) money has increased from $5000 to $321936 ( 939936 ) Location: Town

Now we have to trust him and believe he is telling the truth and the logs are real?! I don't so it didn't happen :D Mwuahahahah

Hehe... GoR has highest so far! :D Congratulations >;d

Introductions / Re: Hi ECNR
« on: August 25, 2012, 10:18:24 pm »
Hello pr0_n00b! Welcome to ECNR!
Enjoy and Stick to the rules! Hehe...

General Server Discussion / Re: Community photos
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:21:36 pm »

I have a nasty coke habit, makes me violent. >:D

Who is your daddy now

Robo gets owned again! :D

Real guns VS BB gun, I guees a real gun wins :P

They both have BB Guns... You can tell by the thing^^ :| Helps..

But BB Guns can win :D
Just give the person with the Real Gun no Ammo! :D

Closed Organizations / Re: La Cosa Nostra / The Mafia
« on: August 25, 2012, 04:06:13 pm »
In-game Name: FedEx
Score:  700 - 800+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: About a Month and More
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving:  3
   - Shooting: 2

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?: Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?: Yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: Yes

General Server Discussion / Re: Community photos
« on: August 23, 2012, 04:30:20 pm »


What's mean that fish? :)

Some people believe that a Fish means good luck...? Maybe...

General Server Discussion / Re: Community photos
« on: August 22, 2012, 01:35:09 pm »

I have a nasty coke habit, makes me violent. >:D

Who is your daddy now

Robo gets owned again! :D

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Anti Lag Shoot
« on: August 20, 2012, 10:12:05 am »
EDIT: Holy shit. This could be used to put an end to db on foot. It can be used to determine whether the player who dealt damage was in a vehicle, and prevent the damage from being translated to the player. It could be used to end deathmatching as a whole (if you wanted to go crazy about it). You could determine whether the player who shot was raped, robbed, kidnapped, etc in the time limit, if he was not, the other player simply does not take any damage. Same with cops, if the player is white/yellow, no damage is taken.

So I want to go ingame and mess around with Suicide and Nicky like I did before... Ooh right:| Damnit I can't no more... I haven't raped/robbed them and we are all Civilians...

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
« on: August 20, 2012, 10:09:29 am »
Eggland - I think it just needs to be ReMapped to give it a New/Better Look

You don't seem to get it, these extra objects causes server lag.
  • Eggland is a massive waste. We don't need a dump with more than 200 objects scripted not to mention it is based off from Eggman
topic=455.msg1762#msg1762]Ratzu's Suggestion[/url] work.
Then like I said Remap Eggland? And if you think it is a bad idea because of Eggman then change the name aswell? It is another place we can go to, to rob and things which is also part of the Terrorist Stuff. So ReMap Eggland and change it's name.

For the BH Base... Yes I do agree it should be remapped...[/list]

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
« on: August 19, 2012, 10:27:47 pm »
Here are some items we could remove
    Future's old base/home
    One of BH/Mafia's base
    Ireland Gates (unless we decided to not make it a spawning place)
    Jim (clearly, he's a trademark of our old server such as Eggman)

Remove them all and it will save us less lines to compile and use.

Eggland - I think it just needs to be ReMapped to give it a New/Better Look
BH/Mafia Base - Far as I know Mafia has bought one of the bases and BH base can be bought later on
Ireland Gate - Should be kept... Paytoll / Real Life... Like to get to Eggland either Fly or Buy a Plane Ticket Get to Ireland either Fly or Pay Tool
Jim - I cannot really think upon him... 1) His not really used 2) It is a trademark of the other server... Maybe to remake something like Jim? But something more fun and enjoyable for people?


ECNR Suggestions / Re: Anti Lag Shoot
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:03:28 pm »
Shooting someone does take skill, certainly more than praying while you spray the air next to the person.
Shooting a Person takes less skill than Lag Shooting...
It is fun learning to lag shoot...
Keep the Lag Shooting Fool! :D

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Remove unneccery parts of the script.
« on: August 18, 2012, 11:02:38 pm »
Okay... Well basicly!
All the Houses and Bases which have been Mapped in to this Servers Map will be used for Property that will/might be bought for the future... That is why they have not removed it I guess...

I do agree in some Houses (Like Future's old one) Next to BikeBahn should be removed but I guess they are keeping it all for property...

1) get rid of the humping cows: it is pointless in the script.
Humping Cows is not Pointless! It shows Birth to new players :D

(2) Get rod of the gate in Ireland: it is pointless
It is not Pointless... You have to pay to go from country to country... All though there are ways to jump the gate and get passed without having to pay but it is not pointless.. + It makes it harder for criminals if they in Ireland running from Cops! :D

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Anti Lag Shoot
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:57:21 pm »
Well, a few days ago, I read in the SAMP forum that there was a function (OnPlayerGiveDamage) that could eliminate the need for lag shooting, it seemed to good to be true, but today I found that it is true, and it is used in many DM servers.

It determines whether the player damages a player (makes them bleed) on their client, this could be used to determine the damage given by the player and translate it over to the player who was shot.

Problem with this is that the player who was shot will see the bullet passing by them, but I think it's better this way.

Nope! It is worst... Less skill and might aswell use Joypad then to Aim faster and to kill people faster? No point... You should use skill!

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Fires
« on: August 18, 2012, 01:10:09 am »
Yea i love the house fire idea, and i love the old way a lot better.  But the firemen dont know were all the houses are, so if there is a house fire put a little fire truck symbol ( like trucking) on the location of the fire. And the brush fires i love the idea too ( with fire truck symbol).  Why not have the military thing cath on fire near Gh?
I do not agree in House Fires... Yes In real life they happened... but people pay for it with real money and what is the point in buying one if at some point you will not be able to use it since your house will be on Fire? That would turn my nose away with buying stuff...

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