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Messages - Sylar

Pages: 1 ... 33 34 [35] 36 37 ... 39
Website Suggestions / Version Updates Log
« on: July 16, 2012, 05:13:21 pm »
A changelog for ECnR and any other game servers formed under the EGCommunity.

This could be made at EnigmaticGC.com/changelog/, where users see a list of game servers that comes under EGCommunity. Clicking on "ECnR" out of the list would take the user to ECnR.EnigmaticGC.com/changelog/, where users see a list of (collapsed) version numbers, clicking on which would expand that version log to reveal the changes made into that version.

These version logs could have the number of lines the script currently has, and number of lines reduced or added from the previous version in brackets.

General Server Discussion / Re: What's your GMT?
« on: July 16, 2012, 02:22:57 pm »
Seeing as none of the members are able to post their activity times in GMT +1, worse yet, not post their activity times at all, I'm asking everyone once again..

Post your activity times according to GMT +1, and also your original timezone.

Introductions / Re: Hey guys :)
« on: July 16, 2012, 09:46:37 am »
You seemed like a fine guy! Welcome to ECnR! It's here to give players the best of CnR experience anywhere. This is just the start!

Stick around, mate.

Introductions / Re: Hey
« on: July 16, 2012, 03:05:21 am »
Hello Varun. We spoke earlier! Yeah, you seemed relaxed and cool. lol.

About 'finding some good friends'; by looks of things right now, you know almost everyone here, as they switched from your old server! But I'm sure you can find a good friend in me. :)

Anyway, starting afresh shouldn't be hard lol, welcome to EGCommunity's ECnR! Enjoy yourself.

Don't give up hope; we're bigger than we were yesterday, -- even bigger tomorrow. ;)

Website Suggestions / Re: Domain Name - Please Reply
« on: July 15, 2012, 07:53:21 pm »
Well, I've been trying things the past few minutes now, and nothing professional, in my opinion, is available.

I like Ms_Understood's idea here, but I don't particularly like that domain! It would mean something, yes, definitely.

Seeing as it's the only available domain, although not very catchy, going for Ms_Understood's suggestion would seem right.

I would suggest not to waste anything on it. The current one seems better than anything to me! -- Or, might be just because I'm unable to come up with anything short, catchy, simple and professional!

I'll leave it at that! :)

Website Suggestions / WAP2 - Mobile Version
« on: July 15, 2012, 08:39:04 am »

[Note that the above download is for Steve to install on the forum, and has nothing to do with any of the normal members of the Enigmatic Gaming Community]

The default WAP2 (the one being used currently) has many things that make it bad. Like not showing text formattings, hyperlinks, pictures, and a lot more. It's not so nice to look at, either.

Important things like text formattings, often used to highlight a certain part of the quoted text so it's known what part they're talking about, and others like links, that users often use the [ url ] tags with, are all shown. In the default version, it's not known if there are any links in the huge block of text one sees on their phone screen, when it's hidden behind a word. Everything looks normal!

Further more, usernames on posts have been made clickable! This means no more trouble trying to check a user's profile!

There has been a lot of important changes which I just can't think of right now, making this mod, in my opinion, the complete WAP2 mod. Not just me, probably thousands of SMF users, because it looks pretty damn good, too!

So, a list of all updates and features can be found here.

ECNR Suggestions / [MOVED] WAP2
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:26:10 pm »
The suggestion has been moved here!

General Server Discussion / Re: favourite class/skill
« on: July 11, 2012, 11:25:13 am »

I like setting up buildings to blow, and then making sure cops die, or at least gets themselves damaged in the explosions.

For example, the /callattack building has enough area surrounding it for an Infernus to pass through. When there's a cop, or four, on me, I take three or so rounds around the place and leave. It's successful almost every time, and kills the cops/their cars instantly.

I also like a little roleplay and planning/mind games in my terrorism acts/chases. Parachute jumps after /blow'ing planes and such. Brings that movie effect to the game.

The best so far was what I call 'The Perfect Get Away'. Had a bought boat at the Sherman Dam, rigged the place to blow, and jumped off of the bridge right into the water leaving them kittens stuck there. Good enough a plan for me!

Such plans aren't successful all the time, not half the time without going through and practicing your plans. I died taking the same jump another time, resulting in an admin jail.

Pretty risky stuff, but when perfected, it's a work of art.

Don't try this at home kids! :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Replacement for Eggman?
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:57:51 pm »
Ah, my bad. Could have a normal notification system like that though.

Well, change my mind. The same old character would be good.

Also, it used to be "If you break any /rules I'll tell on you!" :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Replacement for Eggman?
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:31:46 pm »
Helpful at times, but still the same old bitch he was.

By "helpful" I mean there should be lines that help new players find their way throughout the ECnR map.

Maybe he'll just 'PM' someone when it's their first time joining the server, give them hints around every 15 or so minutes (with a 'PM'), notice them when they get 50 score (again, with a 'PM'), and then be rude to them after that!

That's just my opinion!

Looks like I made your already long script even longer! :P

Introductions / Re: About Enigma.
« on: July 10, 2012, 02:10:44 pm »
Since this is turning into an official discussion, and the original topic is something entirely different, I've taken the liberty to create a topic for the discussion we've drifted off topic into: "Replacement for Eggman?"

General Server Discussion / Replacement for Eggman?
« on: July 10, 2012, 02:03:02 pm »
First, a small explanation:

"Enigma said a dog bit his finger. Truth is, he was fingerin' a girl, and she sneezed."

lol. Your own lines, man!
Did I really say that Sylar? lmao
Eggman did. ;)
Oh right, lol. Was quite intoxicated when writing most of that lil bastards lines. *First time I've admitted in public I wrote his lines and he's not an Egg* :(. The self illusion is over! :'(
Time for a new self illusion then? ;)

I don't know, 'Eggwoman' maybe...
No no no. Baconman.
Would you guys really want a new Byrner character creation? If enough people want it, I'll put some thought into it.

Lastly, let me highlight the question we're here to discuss:
Would you guys really want a new Byrner character creation? If enough people want it, I'll put some thought into it.

My opinion is clear: Yes. What's yours? What would you like?

Introductions / Re: About Enigma.
« on: July 10, 2012, 05:09:03 am »
Yeah, that'd be cool. Yes from me.

Introductions / Re: Sup
« on: July 09, 2012, 12:45:18 pm »
Welcome to ECnR, Cookie!

Introductions / Re: About Enigma.
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:19:57 pm »
Time for a new self illusion then? ;)

I don't know, 'Eggwoman' maybe...

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