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Messages - Sylar

Pages: 1 ... 31 32 [33] 34 35 ... 39
Pictures / Re: Post a picture of yourself here!
« on: July 20, 2012, 06:49:43 pm »
I believe this belongs here[url/] and not in a new topic. :P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Save weapons.
« on: July 20, 2012, 05:54:23 pm »
I believe the script can save the current time and day into a file or database? :| Not sure though.

ECNR Guides / Re: Smuggler Guide
« on: July 20, 2012, 02:13:00 pm »
Quite a lot of effort put into both guides, and looks very clean and readable! Both guides.

We need a guides section for all ECnR guides to be put into, so that's a suggestion!

Glad to see people's interest in helping ECnR every way possible!

Again, good work, and a personal thank you from me to you! :)

Note that I didn't completely read the whole thing, knowing I wouldn't be able to find any mistakes in it, as I never tried either of the skills. Never, lol. Anyhow, I'm sure you've done it to the best of your abilities. Great work.

ECNR Suggestions / Save weapons.
« on: July 20, 2012, 02:03:14 pm »
How do you feel when you buy weapons worth 100k, and just timeout randomly, or crash? Yeah, everyone does!

The suggestion is to save the weapons players carry when they timeout.

Now, this can be abused in two ways:

The real abuse:
Forcefully timing themselves out so they can go to sleep and still have the weapons when the return.

I'm not sure of this, but not to use a timer, you could save the time the player timed out, and check the difference between the current time to calculate the total time they were away due to the "timeout". If it's more than the set amount, they loose their weapons.

Like I said, I'm not completely sure of this method, so I would like a PAWN scripter with a definite answer to answer this.

Then again, using a timer wouldn't be all that bad, as opposed to using a timer for auto-login, right? Plus, I provided a solution to that in my second post on Ge-Force's topic (last paragraph).

Not-so-real abuse:
Forcefully timing themselves out to change their skill/job and keep the weapons

Solution is simple! Make the weapons be given back only if they're using the same class/skill/job they were when they bought the weapons.

Feedback in!

General Server Discussion / Re: Hey there
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:31:48 pm »
Karagon and GamerX were banned for using hacks ingame. Not just that, but Karagon also used MySQL exploits to make himself admin ingame. And obviously, the basic insults everyone uses.

Like Ge-Force here just said, if you have any questions at all, don't hesitate ask us anything you wish to know. I'm always found on #EGC, #ECNR and #Sylar. A forum PM will always be answered within two hour at max, unless I'm asleep.

Good to have you back Dante, hope you stick around and stay active!

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Auto login
« on: July 20, 2012, 01:20:30 pm »
Well, with your suggestion to turn it on, we being imperfect human beings, could forget to turn it off. And not every family has just one child that plays SA-MP. So what I mean is, the account owner's brother, for instance, could login on their family computer and ruin things for the real account owner!

I meant by mixing my system with the IP check system to log them in to prevent someone else from logging in by crashing the real player, thereby setting the autologin to true. My post was a completely different system, so I found it important to note that an IP check system must be included.

Anyway, like I said, anything that is sure not to bring any problems is just fine. Like something you have to apply on the forum for, thereby accepting terms set by the server which states something like "Anything that happens from or is done through your account you will be punished and responsible for, irrelevant of who did it from or through your account using the auto-login system."


Introductions / Re: Look Pig!
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:50:30 pm »
I met you today while I was on slow mode and kept failing everything I went at lol. Quite very embarrassing, haha.

Anyway, welcome to Enigmatic Gaming Community's ECnR! Enjoy your stay!

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Auto login
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:44:14 pm »
This can bring quite some trouble if a player's family member decides to try our server and end up breaking rules. It can also be done purposefully by a family member for some kind of fun. There can also be times where one lies about it to save himself from rules he breaks, by saying it was a friend or family member.

Turning it on and off doesn't make much of a difference either!

But, I believe it's possible for it to be turned on by the script and not the person in case of a timeout. That, however, wouldn't be worth all the scripting and things, I believe, but I'll go ahead and explain.

The auto-login check can be placed into a player's playerfile: autologin=0.

When a player logs in, they have to use their password. But when they join, the script will also check if autologin is set to "0" (which it should be). If they timeout, the line in the playerfile gets set to "autologin=1". Now, when he logs in, the same check will detect the change ("1") and set it back to the default "0", after logging them in automatically. This means players will get auto-relogged if they timeout!

But it's not every time a player just returns after a timeout, so even that can cause something bad.

Using this system with the IP login system will eliminate any chance of a player getting timed out by someone else on another PC that wishes to gain access to that account by crashing them or other methods.

Even then, again, it's not every time players just come back after a timeout! And timers aren't so good for the ill-optimized script being used right now, if I'm correct. (For setting the autologin line to '0' after a set amount of time.)

This gives me another idea which I'll go ahead and suggest right away!

To this suggestion, it's a no from me, unless there's a way that doesn't give space for any problems.

Announcements / Re: ECNR Version 1.1
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:23:56 pm »
That was epic. I was more like "You're losing hope! You're not supposed to loose hope. Not yet!".

A big fuck you for that.

Great work there, everyone that made this possible.

Ban Management / Re: [IRC] Sylar - 18th July
« on: July 19, 2012, 01:32:29 pm »
I would if I could!

Ban Management / Re: [IRC] Sylar - 18th July
« on: July 19, 2012, 12:36:54 pm »
Player Name:

Date of Ban:
19th July, which is today.

Time of Ban (GMT):
Around 12:20 P.M [GMT +1]

Description of Ban:
This was an IRC ban, and the reason:

Quote from: IRC Ban Reason
User has been permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open proxy found on your host. Contact an IRC Operator if you believe that this is a mistake.)

I had been on IRC around an hour before the time I was banned around (12:20P.M [GMT +1]).

Why you should be unbanned?:

Add some sort of exception to me, maybe? I'm hit again! :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Population
« on: July 19, 2012, 10:19:05 am »
With the conversation we had no IRC, it's clear to me that you won't give up, as you think you're right everywhere as you clearly said.

I understand that everyone has a real life. But I believe it's not hard to idle ingame, while writing an article. Heck, it's not hard to idle ingame while watching a movie, or scripting some huge application for international use.

I'm not blaming you; I'm suggesting you to simply idle ingame whenever you can. Call it blaming if you wish, but you won't receive an answer for it, for I will simply ignore it.

We're on the hosted list now. Enigma spent from his pocket on that. Players now see us on the hosted list, but when you ignore my points and suggestions with a stubborn and off-topic reply about your intelligence and how smart you are, and not go ingame because there are no players, none will be ingame!

Players see how many people are currently ingame- that's how they decide whether to try the server. When they don't see any players ingame, their minds are made: Boring.

You said you won't go ingame because there are no players ingame. What makes you think others will join with no players ingame?

In SA-MP; the more the players a server has, the more the players it gets. The empty server stays empty. Therefore, by disagreeing to go ingame at a time you can because there's none else ingame, you're responsible for the waste of money spent on putting us on the hosted list, along with anyone else that disagrees.

It's more like a tank of coffee for others to drink, where you get to make friends with fellow men that visit for coffee, and then they end up visiting the tank daily knowing it's empty, because they know they have friends visiting for the same reason; the friends and the fun chats.

I hope you understand by now.

General Server Discussion / Re: Population
« on: July 19, 2012, 09:05:06 am »
Four days in a row? Well, I met a bunch of regular players just yesterday. Well, GoR and Ge-Force as regular players. ReCoN and WatakiWatako, as future regular players, and there were two others I don't quite remember. I know it's not an always thing, but yeah, happened.

I haven't seen Shadow or you in 'four consecutive days', where've you both been? That is one thing that could help. Being ingame. Watching from IRC to see how many days in a row the server has zero players does not help. Making a topic about the results on the forum doesn't help either. Being ingame does. The way you see the server with zero players, those that see the server on the hosted list see too. That turns them around.

Anyway, this should get fixed as time goes by, as we do have quite a few that visit frequently. At least we had some. They just lost interest in the server, as it is now. The new update might help with that.

Understand that I'm not blaming anyone; I'm suggesting the better thing to do.

Ban Management / [UNBANNED] Sylar - 18th July
« on: July 18, 2012, 10:09:46 am »
Player Name:

Date of Ban:
18th July, which is today.

Time of Ban (GMT):
Around 9:35 A.M [GMT +1]

Description of Ban:
This was an IRC ban, and the reason:

Quote from: IRC Ban Reason
User has been permanently banned from Enigmatic IRC (Open proxy found on your host. Contact WatakiWatako at crrpg.co.uk if you require assistance.)

I had been on IRC around half an hour before the time I was banned around (9:35A.M [GMT +1]).

Why you should be unbanned?:

Introduction Topics / Re: Sylar here!
« on: July 17, 2012, 02:18:34 pm »
My posts have made good sense, by the looks of things so far! :P

Thanks mate.

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