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Messages - Sylar

Pages: 1 ... 30 31 [32] 33 34 ... 39
ECNR Suggestions / !(give/take)keys.
« on: July 23, 2012, 06:31:36 pm »
To give house keys to players through IRC.


Posted via the EGC WAP Modification

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Backpacks
« on: July 23, 2012, 05:16:15 pm »
A warehouse, yes.

Some sort of a place that gives players a box to leave few things like weed and heroine in. Maybe allow cops to check the place, with a given percent of chance of success in finding anything. Make it so for example, I'm online and I have weed kept there. The cop uses a command to search the place and by chance finds my weed. I get a four star wanted level for it.

Criminals should also have a tiny chance of being able to successfully. So that makes players want a backpack more.

Other things such as ropes and C4's, being able to store a small amount. This can be used when a player wants to log off for the day.

When a criminal successfully robs someone random's rope or C4, it must show a message stating whose rope or C4 was stolen. When a cop finds weed or heroine, it should also state the name of the owner.

How's that sound?

Introductions / Re: AngryShadow In tha house :3
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:55:22 pm »
Have fun, be active, and enjoy to the fullest! ;D
But i cant loggin on whole day 2morrow gonna go away over the day ^^

It's alright mate! Just be around when you can. ;) You're a fun man.

ECNR Suggestions / More precise death messages.
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:52:52 pm »
Make it so when someone dies:

[69:69:69] <%ECNR1> Sylar(69) has drowned to death.
[69:69:69] <%ECNR1> Sylar(69) has burnt to death.
[69:69:69] <%ECNR1> Sylar(69) has died in a car explosion.
[69:69:69] <%ECNR1> Sylar(69) has died from taking a high jump.

This will help administrators in cases where a wanted suspect kills himself to avoid being arrested, and so on. Also, it's pretty darn cool, eh?

Introductions / Re: AngryShadow In tha house :3
« on: July 23, 2012, 04:37:01 pm »
Welcome to ECnR mate! Hope you remember me lol?

Have fun, be active, and enjoy to the fullest! ;D

Discuss Anything / Re: Thanks to Sylar!
« on: July 22, 2012, 06:30:06 pm »
Just for the sake of the community, mate! It's small, but it'll help!

"Sy", hmmmm! Cheers! ;)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Backpacks
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:53:50 pm »
I mean it would disappear every GMX! :P I think that'll be good, don't you?

General Server Discussion / Re: The Jail Sentence Formula
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:11:02 pm »
4-8 should have 80 seconds
9-10 120 seconds
11-20 150 seconds
21-40 250seconds
41+ 300 seconds jailtime

Quote from: Sylar's Jail Times
4 to 8: 40 seconds.
9 to 10: 55 seconds.
11 to 20: 70 seconds.
21 to 30: 85 seconds.
31 to 40: 120 seconds.

41 to 50: 125 seconds.
51 to 60: 200 seconds.
61 to 80: 250 seconds.
81 to 100: 300 seconds
100+ : 350 seconds.
Admin Jail: 400 seconds.

And my jail times are longer? :P

I've tried to balance short and long depending on wanted level. For the lower  wanted levels, the times are low as fuck, and from 41 onwards, it's the old jail times. So if anything, the times are too short, lol.

Also I must note; in your opinion, my times are too long. But from what I see, you've made jail times longer for lower wanted players, and just a tad shorter for higher wanted levels. That makes me think you've made a mistake somewhere.

So, I've tried to keep a realistic time. For those with a few crimes, the times are short, and longer for the more crimes committed. That is by making more divisions in the wanted level, and small increases in the sentences.

I would like an explanation as to how those times are long, unless you made a mistake by using the word 'long', lmao. :P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Backpacks
« on: July 22, 2012, 11:39:17 am »
I like your suggestion, and that you've showed a lot of points as to why the backpack being made bought for real money isn't a good thing.

It would be much better, in my opinion, to make it so when you spawn as a terrorist, you already have a 'pouch' that can store up to 10 C4's in. When you spawn as a kidnapper, you have a rope bag automatically that can keep up to 6 ropes. But before giving the player a pouch or rope bag, check if the player has a backpack bought! If they do, just don't give them the other bags.

Now, with a backpack, you will have unlimited space to store things, and extra things too! So players are given a reason to buy the backpack.

As for storing money, sell wallets that can store up to 1 million, sold for 500k. So there's another reason to buy the backpack. You don't loose half the one million you make!

How's that? Call it a solution? :P

ECNR Guides / Re: Guides for the Classes
« on: July 22, 2012, 10:05:03 am »
Click me first!

I wonder which out of those 3 sections a guide on how to set up mIRC would come? :P

Cookiemonstah, you're doing a great work on all of your guides so far, and it's nice to see we've a player like you on the server- along with other great members like Ge-Force and GoR who are loyal and dedicated towards ECnR. I hope your loyalty goes towards EGC as a whole!

You amaze me with such patience, by the way! I see it in those guides!

Just a tip on making the guides look neat; use the anchor tags!

How to:
Code: [Select]
[ iurl=#tip ]Click me first![ /iurl ]

[ anchor=tip ]Just a tip on making the guides look neat; use the anchor tags![ /anchor ]

Go back to top!

General Server Discussion / Re: The Jail Sentence Formula
« on: July 22, 2012, 12:18:03 am »
I think you mean 4-8 9-10 11-20 21-30 etc.. etc... not 4-8 8-10 xD

Ah, thanks mate! Edited my post. Check it, there's something new there.

The question is, do you like the idea? If you do, simply post in this thread stating so!</message2all>

Thanks again Xplicit.

General Server Discussion / Re: HOLIDAYS FAKKERS
« on: July 21, 2012, 07:09:59 pm »
Superman. :(

Fun man. Good man.

General Server Discussion / Re: The Jail Sentence Formula
« on: July 21, 2012, 07:02:22 pm »
I liked the longer jail times, but the current times on the script are way too low. Find something inbetween!

4 to 8: 40 seconds.
9 to 10: 55 seconds.
11 to 20: 70 seconds.
21 to 30: 85 seconds.
31 to 40: 120 seconds.
41 to 50: 125 seconds.
51 to 60: 200 seconds.
61 to 80: 250 seconds.
81 to 100: 300 seconds
100+ : 350 seconds.
Admin Jail: 400 seconds.

Admin Jail: (Which do you prefer?)
 - /adjail [ID] [REASON]: 400 Seconds.
 - /adjail [ID] [SECONDS] [REASON]: Time according to 'SECONDS' where seconds can be no more than 400.
- /adjail [ID] [LEVEL] [REASON]: Time according to level (1 to 3).

 - 1: 150
 - 2: 280
 - 3: 400

Above, in bold, is just a simple new /adjail system that just popped into my mind.

So that, I think, is a combination of the old sentences and the new ones.

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Save weapons.
« on: July 21, 2012, 11:10:58 am »
Ah, I guess I agree. You're right!

So that would cut down a lot of scripting too. :P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Save weapons.
« on: July 21, 2012, 02:19:47 am »
Ah yeah, I didn't think of that. But, one could go to sleep and still not miss the GMX, right? I'm not sure.

The GMX occurs every game month. That's every twelve real hours.

So if a GMX occurs every 12 hours, I could go to sleep right after a GMX, and I'll be back before the next, right?

I'm not completely sure. I can't think straight right now, because I'm just about to fall asleep lol, it's 6A.M- and I haven't slept one bit.

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