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Messages - Matt

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5 6 ... 14
Introductions / Re: Hello :)
« on: October 16, 2012, 07:33:40 am »
Welcome to ECNR Kevin,
Have fun and if you need help for free to message me either on forum or whenever I'm on irc:P

See you Ingame!:P

Sports / Re: Favourite teams!
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:38:06 pm »
Claimed back*
When I used to support anything it was Liverpool so mehh that;o
Posted via the EGC WAP Modification

Forum Games / Re: Your momma jokes
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:35:38 pm »
Yo moma so fat that when she stepped on the scales it said '1 Person at a Time'

Posted via the EGC WAP Modification

Online Games / Re: Project Blackout
« on: October 14, 2012, 09:33:07 pm »
I played AvA but my computer dislikes it and Lags out:|

Posted via the EGC WAP Modification

Announcements / Re: Let your voice be heard.
« on: October 10, 2012, 10:54:16 am »
I say Yes...
It will be a positive action for EGC
It shall bring more players in and also get players more skilled.

Staff News / Re: Hiredgun's Promotion
« on: October 02, 2012, 08:56:16 pm »
Congratulations HiredGun
I hope to see you on a lot more now ;)

Organization Information / Re: The Rebellion
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:02:54 pm »
Oh, thanks Xplicit. I'll make sure to skin whoever it was alive when I see them on IRC next. :)
Ermm... Sylar for some strange reason I can't connect to IRC ;):P

Organization Information / Re: The Rebellion
« on: September 18, 2012, 09:28:23 pm »
In-game Name:  FedEx
Score: 800+

How long have you been part of ECnR?: 2/3Months
Do you understand all of the server rules?:  Yes

Rate yourself: (1 being the best - 10 being the worst)
   - Driving:  2
   - Shooting: 2

Do you understand that breaking server or organization rules will get you punished?:  Yes
Do you understand that loyalty comes above all?:  Yes
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?: Yes

There is a error in applications...
Code: [Select]
You agree that if you be disloyal towards The Mafia, you will be punished accordingly?:I think it should say The Rebellion not The Mafia ;) Someone didn't copy it very well.. Wonder who that was... D:

Pictures / Re: Binco WTF ! :D
« on: September 13, 2012, 05:34:22 pm »
Well I was doing my Ireland Robing Circuit, and went I went to make a nice Brake in front of Binco, I somehow got into Binco with the car O.o

1) Spelling Correction when*
2) Images don't work
3) This Problem has been here ever since ECNR(and previously CRRPG) was here...
For Example.. Sniper don't work in Ireland...
It is because it is built on the Sea all I can guess... Like in Ireland sometimes you can run threw Cars since it is built on Sea it isn't actual building on Land... Why most of it is messed up I guess :S

Haha, Funny...
The way the PoliceCar is also buried in the ground aswell D:

Announcements / Re: Back on the hosted List
« on: September 05, 2012, 09:07:25 pm »
Woop!:D Let's get the Players coming in! Hopefully!:P

Remember people to help all new guys! :D
/rules /pc /dm
Mwuahaha ;d

Introductions / Re: Hello
« on: September 05, 2012, 04:04:07 pm »
Wow! Welcome to ECnR! Didn't expect to see you here! D:

ECNR Suggestions / Re: A Cop Bot
« on: September 04, 2012, 09:51:48 am »
I like the Idea but wouldn't it take up the Player Space? Since it would be like Jim... Which requests a player... It wouldn't be a animated object moving because you can kill it + it doesn't go one way or something I don't know..

Tip: If this goes ahead and you like helping people and your criminal+good driver
Get the bot to chase you
Drive to the top of chilliad..

Job done(y)

General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive :(
« on: August 31, 2012, 08:01:49 pm »
Yay! Peace and Quiet for once!:D

But you will be missed;( By me! :o
Better come back once or twice a week! Or I kill you :D


General Server Discussion / Re: Inactive too
« on: August 31, 2012, 08:00:22 pm »
Bitch, Please. Not another one that is going inactive! :(
What is happening to everyone now? ;(

Have fun anyways...
Better come back once or twice a week/month...

I miss you!:(:L;P

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