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Messages - Matt

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Pictures / Re: My mods since new computer
« on: August 04, 2012, 03:06:46 pm »
Niice mods Stevo! I swear you only had the PC for like 1/2 Days now! And that many mods :D Woahh... Nice!

Also... Glad to see myself in the Picture :D


Nice modz by the way :P
I was actually trying to make you move them so Stevo would kill you but shh :D Mwuahahahahahahah

Rule Violations / Re: [HACKER] $$david$$
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:04:33 pm »
It won't let me o.o
It is because you are in the group 'Task Force 141' Same as me... You cannot post in Player Report or Human Resources... I have messaged Stevo127 about it but I just get ignored...

Pictures / Re: My mods since new computer
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:02:40 pm »
Niice mods Stevo! I swear you only had the PC for like 1/2 Days now! And that many mods :D Woahh... Nice!

Also... Glad to see myself in the Picture :D

Modifications / Re: Paranoids Special weapon pack!
« on: August 04, 2012, 01:01:36 pm »
Nice Weapon Pack! I see a Sniper is there a Custom Crosshair with it or just the original?

ECNR Suggestions / Re: New class?
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:05:49 am »
I think you should call it SWAT instead of MIB or CIA. But thats my opinion :)

I kind off agree in that in a way... but not to the full.
SWAT is kind off like Police Officer and in real like Police Officers and SWAT do 2 Different things... SWAT is more Dangerous and Raiding type... Whilst Police Officer generally goes around arrest people...

I think SWAT should maybe be given additional things? Maybe another place outside of LVPD to have there base with other vehicles? Maybe linked to this idea maybe not... I just feel as though SWAT should be at another place than with Police Officers as they do 2 Big things...

My opinion and I am tired at the minute... Sorry if it is Random or makes no sense. :P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Car Dealer skin
« on: August 03, 2012, 12:00:37 am »
Well I was thinking about what Sylar said and I think we are able to make the storage units robable I mean like 20% of succsess lol and if you do you get 6wanted stars the wanted stars depend on what car you rob :>

Yeahh... That seems to be a good idea...? Rob it as a Car Jacker though? If that is what you mean... I agree in that because in real life you can basicly do the same thing! So I agree! (y)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Just some suggestions
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:58:45 pm »
Xplicit Its always fun to get more money than You're already getting paid for, And i just made a suggestion thats all don't like RAGE more than useful for it. I just liked the suggestion, Nuff SAID!

It is a good Suggestion but I just think not...
I would prefer my Money going to waste than other to take the money I have earned... I could think of another way that I could get my mind round to liking:
The body of the dead person stays on the floor for like 1/2 Minutes and a Robber could just go up to it and /rob [ID] bit like what SpiderPig said... I do like that one!

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Just some suggestions
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:37:29 pm »
I would rather my money go to waste than people taking my money... You work hard for the money then they come get your money just be being lucky to see you die?...

Don't say Hitmen say Hitman :D 1 Person... Anyways...
Then why does it matter to Mr.Hitman then if he is going to get paid for his work anyways? He doesn't need any additional money...?

It be easier in total to stick to how the thing already is... Yes maybe in real life your money is just there but not really anybody comes and takes it in Real Life?

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Just some suggestions
« on: August 02, 2012, 04:07:41 pm »
I do not think players would prefer deathmatching for money while punishment is the price. Deathmatchers deathmatch anyway; they don't stick around. It's the players that stick around that follow the rules; they know better than to deathmatch for money.

As for "if a player drops 25% of the money, where does the rest go?"; currently when you get killed, you loose 100% of the money. What's better then? Losing it all into a place of no return, or losing it into the server (being able to get it back, at least a part of it)?

Hitmen wouldn't have to worry about not getting paid; complete the hit, take their money, kill the person that refuses to pay for the hit they placed, take their money. (Don't quite remember if the pay was automatic, but nevermind that.)

Extra for the cops as the result of hard work and risking their lives; kill criminals, take their money. (?)

There are countless benefits, really. But the part I really like is the fact the money wouldn't just disappear into nowhere!

So 25% of your Money goes to the killer... So the person that killed you can just take your money and you get left with nothing because the rest goes to waste...

So Hitman is here! He kills the guy but the person who told him to doesn't need to pay him because money gets dropped now... So I carry $0 on me because I am smart and Hitman kills me... The person who ordered him doesn't have to pay anything because the person drops the money...? So that changes that...

Cops get paid automaticly + 1 score on arresting people... What is the point in killing them if all you get is money? You want score also...

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Just some suggestions
« on: August 02, 2012, 03:39:46 pm »
I also say no on the first... It just isn't right...
I also say no on the second one aswell although it would be nice to get more money but okay so the person drops 25% or something of his money so you can get it but he loses all? Where does the rest of that money go? and then if he drops all then f**k me... I carry up to $1m sometimes... ++ People might start DMing then just for money?

General Server Discussion / Re: Proposed Jail Sentences
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:24:50 am »
So you are saying if there is robbing etc... You won't get as much wanted level anymore?... Well more you hide stuff more it is hard to answer.. We do not know how to get the Wanted Level etc...?If you are saying the Typical Wanted Level is between 0 - 20 because we all know the Typical Wanted Level on ECNR is 50 - 100... Normally That is how I am thinking?:S

Good point. I will continue to with hold information for the time being.
All I'm saying is that they wanted levels are intentionally brutal. It'll make sense after the release.

Soo then nobody can really say if it is good or not unless you really say how the Wanted Levels are going to be? Since nobody really knows how we going get wanted and how easy or hard it will be to get wanted... So I suggest Spill some Beans or Lock the Topic... :)

General Server Discussion / Re: Proposed Jail Sentences
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:20:33 am »
My opposition to that would be that typical wanted levels (between 0 and 20) for example, constitute a maximum sentence duration of three minutes. As you can see from the graph :P

The point is, by the time your each level 100 on this server, your profits will be massive unless you're just killing people.
* WatakiWatako whoops... Nearly dropped a hint lol

So you are saying if there is robbing etc... You won't get as much wanted level anymore?... Well more you hide stuff more it is hard to answer.. We do not know how to get the Wanted Level etc...?If you are saying the Typical Wanted Level is between 0 - 20 because we all know the Typical Wanted Level on ECNR is 50 - 100... Normally That is how I am thinking?:S

General Server Discussion / Re: Proposed Jail Sentences
« on: August 02, 2012, 12:12:16 am »
I do think in a way that is a bit to harsh seeing as I wouldn't sit ingame if I was in Jail for 15Minutes... But if you would like it really Harsh then sure go ahead... I just go on IRC whilst I wait to get out of jail...

So in total:
I think it is a bit harsh waiting that long in jail... I would prefer Death... Either drop them all down by some minutes or I just stay on IRC whilst in jail xD

ECNR Guides / Re: Car Mechanic Guide!
« on: August 01, 2012, 10:45:17 pm »
Nice Guide... But what about other players using /gas and stuff? That messages and how to deal with it etc? This Guide seems a very minimum and limited Detail... Maybe add more Detail in the future and add all the Full things of the Class... Not half!

Good Try though! :P

xD, I have edited it, Thanks for telling me mate!

/gas isn't for both last I checked and what about the commands to refuel them or to fix them?

ECNR Guides / Re: Car Mechanic Guide!
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:55:42 pm »
Nice Guide... But what about other players using /gas and stuff? That messages and how to deal with it etc? This Guide seems a very minimum and limited Detail... Maybe add more Detail in the future and add all the Full things of the Class... Not half!

Good Try though! :P

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