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Messages - Matt

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Music & Videos / Re: Your playlists!
« on: August 08, 2012, 07:04:36 pm »
Weird it worked when I uploaded it, I will re-upload it in 5minutes
ZOMG! Thank F**k you uploaded them!:D I love them all D: I find them amazing! Teehee... && Steve Aoki is just amazing... Started listening to him after watching TomorrowLand 2012 on Youtube:P

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Ingame radio with players as broadcasters!
« on: August 08, 2012, 06:25:02 pm »
I'll take care of all that. Again, we need a bigger playerbase and suitable hosts. As I will want more than just music. Talk Shows, Interviews, Skits...everything you'd find on an actual Radio Station.
Sorry for being blonde but what do you mean by Skits? D:

ECNR Guides / Re: Mirc Guide For Newbies!
« on: August 08, 2012, 01:23:25 am »
Guide updated, 90% complete. If I get time, I'll complete the remaining.

Special thanks to Xplicit for testing the scripts.
Teehee No Problem!:P

You should change the script to make it easier.. I made my own I will show you when I next see you! :P

General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive.
« on: August 07, 2012, 09:28:08 pm »
Sylar gone, Party Time xd,

See you later! Good luck with finding internet xd
Spiderpig you mean! :(
Ninjaz will attack us! Sylar is the only one aswell as Enigma, Wataki and Stevo to Protect us! But Wataki is building the new empire whilst Enigma gets busy and Stevo is away doing a thing called Life! :o
We will DIE!
We will miss you Sylar!:( Better be back soon ;)

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Ingame radio with players as broadcasters!
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:09:19 pm »
I was reading about this on the SA-MP Forums.

The server can stream their own songs without any plugins.
Players could need the mod or something to listen to it though? Right....?

General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive.
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:08:12 pm »
Ooh Noo! Now I bee sitting the server with some ninja's in flying cars!:(

Enjoy, haha.
I won't! :( They be mean to me aswell and kill me for no reason! :(

Silly Xplicit, flying cars are powered by magic!
Noo! Powered by Ninjaz! D:
NinjaSplash told me :)
I once asked a hacker how he kept getting to me so fast, and he told me it was the power of friendship.
More like NinjaSkillz D: He had to hide the skill since it is in a Secret Village... He is a Sound Ninja D:

General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive.
« on: August 07, 2012, 01:58:02 am »
Ooh Noo! Now I bee sitting the server with some ninja's in flying cars!:(

Enjoy, haha.
I won't! :( They be mean to me aswell and kill me for no reason! :(

Silly Xplicit, flying cars are powered by magic!
Noo! Powered by Ninjaz! D:
NinjaSplash told me :)

General Server Discussion / Re: Going inactive.
« on: August 06, 2012, 09:43:33 pm »
Ooh Noo! Now I bee sitting the server with some ninja's in flying cars!:( Why man!? :(

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Armoured cars
« on: August 06, 2012, 06:20:09 pm »
I like the idea but making it more real life I wouldn't say put it on a Infernus or Sultan... I would say maybe Patriot? (Like the one you can get at Strip South Ammunation) They are more the Army type vehicles...
I suggest mainly on Army Type Vehicles to keep it more realistic not on just like cars you can drive...?

Maybe? But I do like the Idea!:D

I was thinking of making the patriot or a truck (Tanker / Roadtrain) and if it's a car it can be a car but it has to be 4door and kinda slow lol.

I am only thinking of Patriot... That seems like the best one to do it on if anything... Patriot of a Truck that is it I guess... I agree more in Patriot because it is a Army Type Vehicle and only Army Vehicles generally have Extra Armour...

Not always, cars like the Bentley and many other cars make armoureded cars too. I know that the bank trucks (the trucks that deliever the money) are armoured, and Bentley cars are armoureded too.

Bank Trucks only armoured because just in case of Attack... But wanted people can't enter Bank trucks since we are wanted you have to be none criminal to enter them... So you can do Cash Missions

True, but I just gave exapmles of armoured cars that aren't in army use.

But they should be the Army cars we can get in to because that is more realistic... You don't go down the street to find a Sultan with extra armour or a Infernus with extra armour... It is only the Army Vehicles which have extra armour none else...

True shit mate :) (Btw, too many quotes lol)

I know it is true.. Now stop spamming and using quotes! So we settle it on Army type vehicles only ( Patriot and/or Barracks )
I say...

If any more questions just reply and do not quote xD

Music & Videos / Re: Your playlists!
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:03:57 pm »
Haha! I sat at my computer for 5 Minutes waiting for it to load then I realised it was just a blank space... I feel so blonde :/

Music & Videos / Re: Favourite Music Type
« on: August 06, 2012, 05:03:18 pm »
Woahh! That is Amazing how they done it... Good video! :D

ECNR Guides / Re: Guide for Kidnapping/Kidnappers
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:58:28 pm »
Good Guide overall! Very interesting but like Sylar said it would be better if you added Tips to it so it would be a little bit better!

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Armoured cars
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:52:50 pm »
I like the idea but making it more real life I wouldn't say put it on a Infernus or Sultan... I would say maybe Patriot? (Like the one you can get at Strip South Ammunation) They are more the Army type vehicles...
I suggest mainly on Army Type Vehicles to keep it more realistic not on just like cars you can drive...?

Maybe? But I do like the Idea!:D

I was thinking of making the patriot or a truck (Tanker / Roadtrain) and if it's a car it can be a car but it has to be 4door and kinda slow lol.

I am only thinking of Patriot... That seems like the best one to do it on if anything... Patriot of a Truck that is it I guess... I agree more in Patriot because it is a Army Type Vehicle and only Army Vehicles generally have Extra Armour...

Not always, cars like the Bentley and many other cars make armoureded cars too. I know that the bank trucks (the trucks that deliever the money) are armoured, and Bentley cars are armoureded too.

Bank Trucks only armoured because just in case of Attack... But wanted people can't enter Bank trucks since we are wanted you have to be none criminal to enter them... So you can do Cash Missions

True, but I just gave exapmles of armoured cars that aren't in army use.

But they should be the Army cars we can get in to because that is more realistic... You don't go down the street to find a Sultan with extra armour or a Infernus with extra armour... It is only the Army Vehicles which have extra armour none else...

Music & Videos / Re: Favourite Music Type
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:48:13 pm »
I like house and club music :D

Same Silhousettes is Dance music and I love that song too :>

Never really been attracted to house or club music... Might look in to some tracks sometime! Maybe after I lost my addition for Bass:|

ECNR Suggestions / Re: Armoured cars
« on: August 06, 2012, 02:44:06 pm »
I like the idea but making it more real life I wouldn't say put it on a Infernus or Sultan... I would say maybe Patriot? (Like the one you can get at Strip South Ammunation) They are more the Army type vehicles...
I suggest mainly on Army Type Vehicles to keep it more realistic not on just like cars you can drive...?

Maybe? But I do like the Idea!:D

I was thinking of making the patriot or a truck (Tanker / Roadtrain) and if it's a car it can be a car but it has to be 4door and kinda slow lol.

I am only thinking of Patriot... That seems like the best one to do it on if anything... Patriot of a Truck that is it I guess... I agree more in Patriot because it is a Army Type Vehicle and only Army Vehicles generally have Extra Armour...

Not always, cars like the Bentley and many other cars make armoureded cars too. I know that the bank trucks (the trucks that deliever the money) are armoured, and Bentley cars are armoureded too.

Bank Trucks only armoured because just in case of Attack... But wanted people can't enter Bank trucks since we are wanted you have to be none criminal to enter them... So you can do Cash Missions

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