EGCM Forums

EGCM Information => EGCM Guides => Topic started by: WatakiWatako on February 23, 2013, 03:18:04 pm

Title: Protecting Your Area
Post by: WatakiWatako on February 23, 2013, 03:18:04 pm
The server is running "AutoRegionGuard".
Areas in which you build will be automatically protected. You can change who can build in your areas with the /arg friends, /arg addfriend and /arg removefriend commands. (See below)

The full command list with descriptions can be found below. If you have any questions, feel free to post a reply.


Info Commands:
/arg message - [Toggle] Shows a message when u enter a new chunk ("Chunk claimed by xx").
/arg info [<world> <chunk x> <chunk z>] - Shows informations about the chunks you are standing in or specified (also shows the owner).
/arg list - Shows you a list of your owned chunk.

Chunk Commands:
/arg unclaim Unclaims the chunk you are standing in if you own it.
/arg give <player> <chunk x> <chunk z> - Gives a specified chunk to a player in the world you are standing in.

Friendlist commands:
/arg friends - Shows your friendlist
/arg addfriend <player> - Add a friend who can edit/use your chunks and the stuff in it.,
/arg removefriend <player> - Removes a player from friendlist.