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Messages - RoboCop

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
General Information / Re: I am not dead
« on: September 30, 2019, 08:00:44 pm »
Not really dead either, who's still up?

Applications / Re: Deadpros - 16/03/2015
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:56:27 am »
I hereby commission you as a Deputy Sheriff in the Bone County Sheriff's Department with the rank of Deputy Sheriff III in Field Operations Command

Applications / Re: joaofcmb - 3/15/2015
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:54:43 pm »
Mr. Barbosa, based upon your expertise and your respect as an undercover operative working against the Black Hand with the Los Santos Police Department, I hereby commission you as a Deputy Sheriff in the Bone County Sheriff's Department with the rank of Deputy Sheriff II in Field Operations Command

Applications / BCSD Application Guidelines
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:28:46 pm »

Bone County Sheriff's Department
Serving with integrity, honor and respect since 2009

RoboCop: BCSD Sheriff-Coroner - The overall leader of the BCSD
WatakiWatako: BCSD Undersheriff - Acting sheriff in case of absence
Aaron_Ewing, Saw: BCSD Assistant Sheriffs - Heads of Commands

-You must be a player in good standing with no major rule infractions.
-You are expected to serve in compliance of the ECNR Server Rules as well as internal BCSD policies.
-There is NO police XP rank requirement at this time.
-You will be expected to be active in-game, on the forums and IRC or in any combination, but primarily in-game of course.
-You are expected to conduct yourself respectfully as a member of the community regardless of any other player's affiliation or lack thereof.
-Have Fun!

Rules and Expectations
-Cop Rules, ECNR Server Rules and directions from administrators are to be obeyed.
-You will conduct yourself honorably as you not only represent the top 1% of the ECNR police force but also ECNR as a whole to new players.
-You are expected to be a team player, able to work with peers whether they are subordinate to ou or you are subordinate to them.
-Rank and position have no bearing in informal conversation, you are expected to be able to freely speak your mind about your career with the BCSD.
-Members of leadership are expected to keep an open mind and ear to the other organization members.
-You are expected to be active, activity checks will be performed periodically to maintain this standard.
-You cannot be an active member of a criminal organization such as Vox Populi

Application Guidelines
Please post a thread containing your name and the date of your post.
Ex: RoboCop - 03/15/2015

The thread should have this information filled in:
Community Name (Forum/IRC/etc.):
In-Game Name:
Last Known Police XP:
Instant Message Info:
Do You Agree To Follow the BCSD Rules and Expectations?:

One of the following types of personnel may update your thread:
Leadership (Sheriff-Coroner, Undersheriff, Assistant Sheriff)
Training Command (School Commander, Drill Instructors)
Command Deputies (Deputies at the rank of Lieutenant or higher)

They may accept your application and arrange a test date with you, place it on hold for further review or reject your application, ideally with a reason given.

Announcements / Re: I think I Saw a new Administrator!
« on: March 15, 2015, 08:15:25 pm »
Dude, welcome the frick back <3

Organization Information / Bone County Sheriff's Department
« on: March 13, 2015, 01:46:14 pm »

Bone County Sheriff's Department
Serving with integrity, honor and respect since 2009

RoboCop: BCSD Sheriff-Coroner - The overall leader of the BCSD
WatakiWatako: BCSD Undersheriff - Acting sheriff in case of absence
Aaron_Ewing, Saw: BCSD Assistant Sheriffs - Heads of Commands

Organization Chart

The Bone County Sheriff's Department is the frontrunning law enforcement organization within ECNR. Having a long proud tradition of service originating as the elite "Task Force 141" in ECNR's progenitor, Byrner's Cops and Robbers RPG, the BCSD has been in service since ECNR's inception. The role of the BCSD is to provide a fun yet organized environment for players to play and cooperate in the police roles at ECNR. With the experience point system and teamwork improvement that came with ECNR 2.0, the BCSD is a great way to jump right in and learn as well as set yourself as being part of an elite, respected organization.

-You must be a player in good standing with no major rule infractions.
-You are expected to serve in compliance of the ECNR Server Rules as well as internal BCSD policies.
-There is NO police XP rank requirement at this time.
-You will be expected to be active in-game, on the forums and IRC or in any combination, but primarily in-game of course.
-You are expected to conduct yourself respectfully as a member of the community regardless of any other player's affiliation or lack thereof.
-Have Fun!

Application Forum/Thread

Announcements / Re: The time has come!
« on: March 02, 2015, 05:43:09 pm »
It's going to be a rather explosive Saturday

General Server Discussion / Re: What is happening ?!
« on: March 02, 2015, 04:14:36 pm »
With 2.0 coming around the corner, I think we're going to make our comeback with one big giant KA-BOOM. Or at least with the defusal of said KA-BOOM by BCSD Bomb Squad.

General Information / Re: Birthday Post
« on: January 14, 2015, 05:15:38 pm »

#SWED (Smoke Waterloo E'ryday) lmfao

Discuss Anything / Re: Aaron_Ewing and Saw finally meet in person
« on: January 06, 2015, 02:27:51 pm »
What you should've done is used Photoshop or Paint to add player name, color and health bar to the top of yourselves in the arrest scene lolol

General Server Discussion / Re: Still here
« on: August 31, 2014, 05:06:55 pm »
You do know you were banned previously for cheats, right? We'll be watching you and if you dare try it again, you will get a systemwide ban.

General Server Discussion / Re: WTF????
« on: August 31, 2014, 03:15:58 pm »
One of the things we're addressing with the Renew ECNR initiative, which also has a public IRC Channel (#renew_ecnr).

We ain't dead yet, and I can't really say much but Byrner is aware of everyone's feelings and he's working to get things back on track. We of the Administration Team are going to be side by side with him and you all to deliver a rousing comeback.

Rule Violations / Re: Boxhead - The Intervention
« on: June 17, 2014, 04:52:55 pm »
or upsetting an untouchable admin

Let me make this perfectly clear. BoxHead is living with me so that he has a place to stay and a platform to where he can get himself re-established with a good job, etc. That and so I can figure out how he ticks and to help him address things. As you yourself have seen with the punishment, which was equal in scope. In fact I've ripped him up and down the court more times than what I kind, lord help that I genuinely like everyone I come across. So leave the favoritism jab at the door where it belongs, outside.

At Byrner's request, I have restored your Regular Player accesses and yes, that includes Box's. That appears to be the end of it. BoxHead is on thin ice, but you are all equally as well. I do not want to see any more provocation, any more fighting, anything else like this. If there is a genuine problem, it should be brought to an administrator immediately with logs. Failing someone being immediately present, get it on the forums. Let it also be clear that any log doctoring, obscuring provocation, etc. falls under lying to an administrator.

There's a saying that I have that applies to criminal pursuits. Don't take the offensive, let them wreck themselves.

Rule Violations / Re: Boxhead - The Intervention
« on: June 17, 2014, 12:09:01 am »
<%ECNR1>  BoxHead (5) - We are rebooting Old tactics of Tf141
<%ECNR1>  BoxHead (5) - Everybody Below Myself, Wataki and Robo Must retrain with me
<%ECNR2>  BoxHead (5) - From The Boss man himself.
<%ECNR2>  BoxHead (5) - OI!
<%ECNR1>  BoxHead (5) - BOTH OF YOU ASSHATS!
<%ECNR1>  BoxHead (5) - I live with Robo
<%ECNR1>  WatakiWatako (6) - We're training! lol
<%ECNR1>  Chohan (2) - Yes!
<%ECNR1>  BoxHead (5) - I'll call his ass to fuck ya both up.

Where is the abusive context here? This seems to look to me like BoxHead is fooling around.

<%ECNR2>  BoxHead (5) - You are still BCSD, But suspended until Basic Training is retaken.
<%ECNR2>  Chohan (2) - this is ridculous.
<%ECNR2>  BoxHead (5) - This is How we used to run shit.

I believe this is the point where your badge was taken. And yes, a new training regimen as you can read on the forums is being put into place. Which was all inclusive, not just yourself.

<+Curiosity> Boxhead
<+Curiosity> You made the right decision. I hope it was nothing to do with me/Ratzu.
<+Mert> BoxHead
<+Mert> stop ignoring me please
<+chohan> Lol
<+Freddy> I agree.
<+Curiosity> And me
<+Freddy> Please, love me.
<+chohan> LOL
<+Curiosity> Please love me too.
<+Mert> OK we insulted you
<+Mert> we called you many things
<+Mert> but we are sorry
* +Curiosity pokes Boxhead
<+Freddy> Ok... I love you!
<+Mert> forgive us
<+Mert> please
<+Curiosity> Chohan
<+Curiosity> Can you pass a message on to Boxhead
<+chohan> No
<+Curiosity> Please
<+chohan> What is it
<+Freddy> Which one is the right path?
<+Curiosity> "Hi, From Curiosity xoxox"
<+Freddy> Around.
<+that_guy> oh god, wtf is norton doing
<+that_guy> halp
<+Freddy> Where is that?
<+that_guy> oh fuck, stop re-fragmenting everything
<+Mert> antivirus ?
<+Mert> PLEASE easy
<+that_guy> it now refuses to scan
<+Freddy> Don't mind if I do.
<+that_guy> ok, game on.
<+Mert> a real man doesn't need an antivirus
<+BoxHead> What Curiosity?
<+Mert> since his computer is hard as fuck
<+Freddy> Yes, a real man
<+Mert> Boxhead
<+Mert> beo
<+Mert> bro*
<+Mert> i am sorry ok?
<+Curiosity> omg omg omg he recognised my existance!
<+BoxHead> Okay.
<+BoxHead> I accept your apology.
<+Curiosity> Is the BH dead?
<+Freddy> Ok.. What about the dead?
<+BoxHead> Secondly BCSD is retiring the Name of BH
<+BoxHead> Secondly BCSD is retiring the Name of BH
<+BoxHead> As the name of Tf141 went with Stevo
<+Freddy> Stop doing that.
<+Curiosity> BoxHead, I knew you could do it.
<+BoxHead> We Agree The Name BH should go with Deimos.
<+Curiosity> You are the second best leader of the BH.
<+Freddy> Flattering.
<+Curiosity> About fucking time.

So either you lot were all being sarcastic or changed positions fairly fast..
<+Curiosity> Boxhead, you need to get out of your own ass.
<+Curiosity> You're talking complete shit, and you won't even admit that you weren't the fabled "Great leader" you set yourself up to be.
<+Curiosity> Fucking wanker.
<+Ratzu> Doesn't matter, at the end he did the right thing, that's all that matters.
<+Curiosity> No it doesn't.
<+Curiosity> That dickhead treats everyone like shit
<+that_guy> ^^^^^
<+Curiosity> Acts as if he's king of the fucking world
<+chohan> Lol
<+that_guy> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^6
<+chohan> true.
<+Curiosity> And once again "Boxheaad saves the day"
<+Curiosity> By getting rid of the BH?
<+Curiosity> What a load of shite.
<+BoxHead> I'm here you shit fuck

I've reviewed this log run up and down before this point to check for any provocating statements from BoxHead that would have called for an attack like this Curiosity. There were none. It is your actions that began this span of behavior here. Granted BoxHead has had issues in the past, but you cannot provoke someone and then turn around and play yourself off as a victim. In fact I believe this is the very behavior you accused him of doing later on.

On top of that, everyone involved was ordered to stop with the attacks under the penalty of the rules and you were told to prove any future bona fide violations and to put them to an admin report. Instead what you have done is created an ad hominem attack thread and disguised it.

This type of behavior from all of you is frankly disgusting. Provoking people and fighting over a game environment. This is supposed to be an inclusive community, instead it is a popularity contest, a bunch of cliques. Only a select few here are operating in the interest of that community and keeping it together. None of the major players behind that incident ever thought of just coming to a stop, being honest with each other and working out their difference to get onto a road of resolution. On top of that, this is especially disgusting coming from Regular Players.

So therefore, I am stripping the following players of their Regular Player and Army status for a two weeks with the following rationales:
-Curiosity: Provoking the incident and making personal attacks in an ECNR asset (IRC)
-Mert: Making further personal attacks in an ECNR asset (IRC)
-BoxHead: Responding in turn with counterattacks (IRC)

This is the kind of issues that caused so much hatred and vitrol in CRRPG. This is everyone's warning to put on the brakes and to turn this around. We are not going to have a repeat of this. We are a community and I expect you all to act like it. Enough of the games, enough of the insults, enough of the petty talk. As you can see here, the consequences for this are rather real, not only for you individuals but the community as a whole.

Closed and moved to Rule Breakers section.

Public Relations / Bone County Sheriff's Reorganization
« on: June 16, 2014, 05:28:11 pm »
As of today, Monday June 16, 2014, all active members of the BCSD with the exception of myself, BoxHead, Saw and Wataki will be put back down to Cadet level. There will be a mandatory retraining session on Wednesday, June 19, 2014 at 3:00 PM EDT/8:00 PM GMT. For those of you that want to remain in the organization, you must attend. Failure to appear with a valid, cleared excuse will result in forfeiture of rank and status.

We have become lax and lazy over the past few months. After sitting down with the veterans, we have compared the group to the Task Force 141 group that used to be run in CRRPG. We are going to be bringing back the testing procedures. No longer will we take anyone off the street. We are going to be selective and accept only those that can prove that they are the best. This means driving/piloting/boating tests, firearms tests, hand to hand combat tests, arrest tests and teamwork tests. We will be reintroducing the medal and commendation system as well, and re-introduce in game cash awards. It will also be mandatory for all members to attend weekly IRC meetings in #BCSD. For those that do not have an IRC client, it is recommended that you secure one like mIRC, register with NickServ and provide me with your registered nick.

It's time to get serious out there, there's a new threat on the horizon, a group that calls itself Vox Populi. And I'll be damned if I get caught with my pants down.

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