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Topics - Varun

Pages: [1] 2
Applications / Varun
« on: March 13, 2015, 08:26:02 pm »
In-game Name:Varun
Score: 1350 Something
How long have you been part of ECnR?: 2Years I guess maybe more
Do you understand all of the server rules?: Yes

Rate yourself: (10 being the best - 1 being the worst)
   - Driving: 9
   - Shooting: 8
   - Terrorism: 10
   - Evading the police: 9
   - Activity: 6

Do you understand and agree to abide by the server and organization rules at all times?: aye


Friday Festival / FnF 13 March 2015
« on: March 13, 2015, 05:40:49 pm »
I'm sorry for such a short notice. We are introducing Friday night Festivals again from today.

The events will start on 6PM gmt +0. Try to be there.

ECNR Suggestions / Some suggestions for 1.7
« on: July 24, 2014, 05:26:07 pm »
Some suggestions:

1. When /bc have timer of 2 minutes then why don't failed cuff have the same?
2. Heavy cash reward for wanted level 200 for criminals and 5 arrest without dying for cops.
3. Buying grenades, Satchel and tear gas from new bomb store that can be in auction as new business, The price can be high to avoid possible abuse, Like 300-500k per grenade.
4. Cash rewards for killing a cop while being 10+ wanted level.
5. Fixing Kidnap (Really)
6. Removing sea-sparrow from Helibahn
7. More blowable places that needs team work, Like we do in fed
8. Introducing new cars in LV
9. Take over mode, REG BCSD or BH members can takeover some place with some command, the territory will generate revenue for that particular org until re-claimed. A high-level authority person from each org must be present ingame to begin takeover. Atleast 3-4 members of either org must be present to use this command. Takeover mode can be like a event and must need admin permission to start, Like we have in /changename command.
10. Removing cellphone, It's of no use.
11. Removing /biterope
12. Automatic Hit placement on Bank robbery, Casin0 robberies to give some meaningful task to Hitman class.
13. Removing Passport
14. Advertising milehigh via Eggman
15. Clearing bans in 1.7 except some
16. Increasing Green Haven to give the escape system a valid chance.
17. Blowable Guantanamo bay to let prisoner escape or just remove it.
18. Add map system for FnF
19. SAM missiles in army bases.

It's all for now

Fixed / Ireland Gate Toll robbery with skyline card
« on: July 22, 2014, 08:12:43 am »
As I have Gate pass for Ireland it automatically opens for me, So I'm unable to rob Ireland toll booth because everytime the gate closes it opens automatically due to skyline card.
So the person will loose around 40k in that robbery.

Friday Festival / Apply for FnF Team
« on: July 06, 2014, 12:20:18 pm »
If you want to be a part of Friday night Festivals organizing team, Please fill the form below:
Note: Please read our T&Cs before applying.

Code: [Select]
[color=green]How long you have been part of ECNR?[/color] :
[color=green]Why you want to join FnF team?[/color] :
[color=green]Do you agree with our terms and conditions mentioned below? [/color]:

-> You agree to keep secrecy of the ideas unless some official leader ask you to reveal or post it.
-> You agree to be an organizer of the event hence you will take part in event only for fun not for price.
-> You agree to be online ingame every Friday at the time of events usually from 7:00 pm gmt +0
-> You agree that you will not reveal policies and anything that happens in FnF board or #FnF.
-> You agree that failure to obey the above rules can lead to instant firing and administrative punishment.

Friday Festival / Revising FnF - 6th June 2014
« on: June 02, 2014, 05:03:26 pm »
Well, Like the topic says, I'm trying to revising FnF. But I will not be able to do it in absence of players.
If you want your favorite FnF to rise again remember to join on 6th June 2014.

FnF will start at 6 P.M onwards.

Introductions / HI!
« on: February 14, 2014, 07:41:35 pm »
Will not take much time.

Apologies for dis-appearing and Just to inform that I'm back.

Applications / Varun
« on: December 14, 2013, 06:09:52 pm »
In-Game Username: Varun
Score: An approximation of your score (be honest) 1090
Training Date and Time: If accepted, the date and time (include time zone) that you would want to conduct training. I'm mostly available ( +0530 GMT )
Career Track: You may choose Fire & Rescue, EMS or Both Both
Skill Ratings:
[On-Ground Fire Control] - 5
[Pumper Driving] - 5
[Ladder Truck Driving] - 5
[Ambulance Driving] - 5
[Fire Ranger/SUV Driving] - 5
[Helicopter Piloting] - 5
[Boat Piloting] - 5

Organization Information / [Closed]The Outcasts
« on: December 06, 2013, 09:02:55 pm »

Eliminating lost terror of BlackHand, The lost dignity of BlackHand, We are those who born from the ashes of un-satisfaction. It is the rise of The Outcasts. BlackHand we will hunt you down till we torn you in pieces, We will hit you until you spit blood and will keep hitting afterwards. We will give you chance to either surrender and we will shoot you or we will shoot you.

Time to get ready for revenge against BlackHand.

Long Live Revolution

If you want to talk to us join #TheOutcasts
P.S - We are not hiring through applications.


With the departure of an inactive criminal boss, I'm believing that Joao will put his 100% for the Criminal estate. This org is suspended until needed.

Event Management / The Almighty Black Hand Events
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:41:31 pm »

We aren't here just to boomer you with missions and assignements. Our objective is for our members to have fun in this server. Therefore, BH will have some events next Saturday night. It will start at 7pm and end at 10pm. The schedule is in GMT+1 and is the following:

  • 7:00pm: TDM,LMS and DM's at various locations and with varied weapons.
  • 8:00pm: Derbys at various locations and vehicles
  • 8:30pm: 2vs2 team Beagle and 1vs1 Hunter/Hydra DM's
  • 9:00pm: The Hit (One marksman is randomly chosen and must try to survive) at various interiors/places
  • 10:00pm: Survival Games (One man tries to kill you, while you have to escape)

Underboss: joao_fcmb

Event Management / Before posting an event
« on: December 04, 2013, 12:40:43 pm »
My fellow Members of ECNR,

Welcome to ECNR's Event posting board, While posting event remember to point out on calender and choose post an event.

General Server Discussion / Rise of 7h3 D4rK |_0RD - A message To ERR
« on: November 13, 2013, 06:52:22 pm »
ERR, We dare You
We will Eggland back, People of Eggland will be forced once again to grow weeds or DIE.
D4rK |_0RD is coming with vengeance


General Server Discussion / A new Turn and A New Life
« on: June 19, 2013, 06:20:00 pm »
Hi Guys,
I would like to announce that I've been promoted not on ECNR but in real life. The promotion will lead me to a new city with many responsibilities, which means I'm not going to stay in this super cool, play in an office job. This is not really my departure I will be back as soon as I move into my apartment and apply for new Internet connection, but I will no more be an Administrator since I will not meet the requirement of my time-zone anymore. Maybe I'm not the most lovable player of ECNR but I got my friends. I don't want to mention names, I know I will forget some and they would kill me :).
But I cannot stop myself from mentioning 5 names here: Hiredgun, Brian Byrner, Watakiwatako, Deadpros and Curiosity.
I have learned a lot from the community, from the Admin team, from Hiredgun and Byrner of course.
I love you and I will miss you all guys. I will try to gain back ASAP. 3
P.S - Brian, The only think I don't want to learn from you is your big-hearted nature that allowed the betrayers to stay in the community :). No offense to anyone.
-Peace out

Friday Festival / Week 21 - 14/06/2013 - Schedule
« on: June 12, 2013, 08:34:25 am »
Welcome to week 21 of FnF! This week contains five events. We hope you guys enjoy them and hope to see you all there. The events will start at 8 PM (GMT +0)

Open field tank battle

Chainsaw Deathmatch

Marathon Event
The Ultimate marathon event You have to ride bike, swim, run and by riding various vehicles have to reach at the end. 5 Million will we awarded individually for winner of this event.

Stand-off DM
The two teams have to fight each other while one team holds a territory and other have to capture it.

Shotgun Deathmatch

Prize: 2 Million for winner of each event and An Apartment for the winner of Today's night.

Time is 9PM GMT+1

General Server Discussion / Rustler's Rules
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:58:28 pm »
The topic has been raised in Administration meetings and we decided to put it up to all players and let them decide.
Rustler has a built-in auto-aim miniguns, But we all know that rustler is a unstable plane and need skills to handle it.
So topic of Discussion is.

Allow cops to shoot from rustler while criminal is on foot?

Note: Instead of wasting time on quoting others, Please give your point on it, Don't bother others.

We will add a vote later on.

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