gr8 suggestions varun. The territories to take over could be all over SA, instead of just being in Bone county. I think biterope should still be available but have a 5 min cooldown and 10% chance of breaking the rope. Maybe introducing 2 types of rope. Normal one that can be bit (10% chance) and a better rope which costs 200k that cannot be bitten and scissors have 15% chance and 5 min cooldown. The cellphone is used for 911 calls, prostitutes, which make no sense and should be removed, and for org talk. Cellphone could be kept, as long as it has other features. Imo Cellphone users could be the only one with access to the current time ig, Weather forecast by pressing /weather, and the only ones who could make /pm's (sort of like Texting each other). One thing that'd be cool, would be a chatroom for Foreign Languages. People could speak with it thu a command like, /fc "msg" and have commands like /enablefc and /disablefc to either see it in a dif color, or for it to be hidden.