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Author Topic: Trusted Regular Players  (Read 3922 times)

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Offline Sylar

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Trusted Regular Players
« on: July 09, 2013, 04:47:32 pm »

With the release of 1.6, we've chosen a few trusted regular players. This post will tell you what it is, how it's used, and rules regarding it's usage.

This status is not one you can apply for; administrators choose trusted regulars from time to time, and is not an easy status to get or keep. A list of current trusted regulars can be found at the bottom of this post.
Trusted regular players will need to be very active either on IRC or in-game, the commands are as follows:

   IRC Commands:
   In-Game Commands:
  • You must have solid evidence regarding the rule breaks you initiated the vote for.
  • You must post said evidence on the right topic on the forum within 24 hours or you risk (Rebel will PM you with the link to the topic once the vote is over with more positive votes):
    • Being warned for abusing trusted regular player commands.
    • Being jailed for abusing trusted regular player commands.
    • Being banned for a period of time for abusing trusted regular player commands.
    • Loosing trusted regular player status.

   Vote MUTE Rules:
  • You may only start a VOTEMUTE if no administrator is available from 10 minutes from the time of reporting the player in question - You must have attempted getting any online administrator to respond to the report at least thrice. If no administrator responds in 10 minutes time, you may start a vote to mute the player in question.
  • You may only start a VOTEMUTE for the following reasons:
    • If the player in question is continuously harassing you or any other player.
    • If the player in question is continuously insulting/flaming/baiting/provoking you or any other player.
    • If the player in question is continuously bullying you or any other player.

   Vote JAIL Rules:
  • You may only start a VOTEJAILif no administrator is available from 5 minutes from the time of reporting the player in question for the 3rd offence - You must have attempted getting any online administrator to respond to the reports at least once each time of the three times. If no administrator responds in 5 minutes time (to the third report), you may start a vote to jail the player in question.
  • You may only start a VOTEJAIL for the following reasons:
    • If the player in question has been continuously deathmatching you or any other online player and a report has been made for the third time and a response from an administrator was not seen in 5 minutes time from the time of last report.
    • If the player in question has been continuously cop-hunting/ramming you or any other online player and a report has been made for the third time and a response from an administrator was not seen in 5 minutes time from the time of last report.
    • If the player in question has been continuously drive-by-ing on foot players/car-parking you or any other online player and a report has been made for the third time and a response from an administrator was not seen in 5 minutes time from the time of last report.

   Vote KICK Rules:
  • If the player in question is advertising and Rebel does not automatically ban the player.
  • If the player in question is hacking and no admin has responded to your report in 5 minutes time.

 Current Trusted Regulars:
  • To be announced.

Offline Curiosity

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Re: Trusted Regular Players
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2014, 10:56:39 am »
Sorry to bump this post/if i'm even allowed to post here but..

Is this still in the works? It sounded as if it neared completion when Sylar was talking to me.. but with Sylar out of the equation now has it been forgotten? :(

I think something like this would be perfect for the current situation where due to the time differences of admins theres a void from Early morning -> Midday where hackers literally take over the server terrorising everyone.

Offline Sylar

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Re: Trusted Regular Players
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2014, 07:22:42 am »
You're right, have an admin close and unsticky this. :)

Offline TomanueLLos_IRC_

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Re: Trusted Regular Players
« Reply #3 on: July 31, 2014, 08:09:55 pm »
Yes! Certainly you're right