Drunk Gunz is a gun shop located in Bellyfermot, the center section of Ireland. It is commonly abbreviated as 'DG'.
Drunk Gunz is a famous place for criminal gatherings for planning of events such as takeovers, duels and a lot of other such interesting things. Drunk Gunz is also the most used and popular weapon store on the server, for the wide range of weapons available at much cheaper rates, not to mention how easy and fast it is to buy from Drunk Gunz compared to the normal ammunations.
The owner of the business receives a random amount of income from the business, daily, and also guns from Drunk Gunz are free to the business owner. The owner is also able to ban and unban players from the business
if they rob it.
Drunk Gunz is up for bidding, starting at ?5.
Any questions about this business that have not been answered in the main topic itself can be asked below.
Happy bidding!