Well my dad is now, as he's gonna need to work, striping internet from me, cause i waste it. This could happen at anytime, therefore i warn you guys. Dont be surprised if i stop showing up. Before i leave i'd like to leave some messages.
1- EGC: I will never forget your community, i would like to, when i get back, even if 10 years after, you guys to have forgot me neither and receive me warmly. I'd like to thank everyone for what u did to me, allthrough i will not name everyone i will name few who i've been more into. CR33P, Chito, Underated, Deadpros, Aaron, Byrner, Hiredgun, Curiosity, Avail, That_Guy and Mert
2- ECNR: I've been thinking bout going for admin for a long time. So far i havent made a decision yet.
3-BH- Avail, hope u keep the great job u r at. Make BCSD fear rise. Let them embrace our mercyness, let em feel their city being overwhelemed by Lords of Anguishes, comanded by one ruthless Godfather, siting on his throne made of corpses. Make BH the Ultimate Undesputed SA Ruler (UUSAR)
And now i end my statement, with one sentence, the last one u will ever hear from me maybe:
Farewell, dear friends, u gave me a 2nd family, a 2nd life, a 2nd Universe. I started as a young baby, a young star, who was adopted by you, who soon grew up to a teenager, close to its adulthood, close to its final phase where it would shine as bright as any adult stars nearby, but that unfortunatly would be lost, like many others, striped away from thils family, this life, this universe, like many others, because of many purposes, of many obligations, and that everyday stand there holding up everyday their thoughts, but releasing them at night, before sleeping, to make sure they dont forget their wonderful time in this family, to make sure they dont forget it, so one day they could find their track back home. I will soon become one of those, one of those lost stars, one of those lost souls, but before, i thank u guys, once again, for all the things u've done to me.
Thank you and farewell